But his hearing is far more accurate and timely than his eyesight.

Before he saw the little black spot, he had heard the sound of the horse's hooves shaking, though it was almost inaudible.

Here it is!

Follow the wind and lie down and listen.

When he got up, his expressionless face changed color.

If Xiao Si saw the current chasing wind, he would be scared.

Because the eyes of chasing the wind have shown the color of anxiety.

He could not help chasing the wind and was not frightened, because he could not recognize how many people there were on the other side.

The sound of the horse's hooves shaking the ground was like a series of thunder rolling across the ground, rumbling, rumbling.

There are hundreds of people!

What to do?

The first thought of chasing the wind is to pull out the foot to report the news, and then take Shen Ning to avoid far away.

He believed that with his own ability, even if it was a thousand troops, he could protect her to leave safely.

But He can't!

Chasing the wind remembers Shen Ning's calm and indifferent expression, remembering Xiao Ru, Xiao Si and the imperial guards and guards who followed her, he knew that his method was not feasible.

Shen Ning will never leave these people behind, nor will she agree to leave alone with herself.

If she wanted to, she could have done it a long time ago.

Chasing the wind and biting his teeth, he jumped up the top of a big tree next to him and looked far away.

The little black spots at the end of the road grew bigger and bigger. He counted them carefully and had already counted them in his heart.

629 horses!

629 people in black!

The men in black, riding in a row and four, galloped in his direction without hesitation.

The formation is neat and well-trained at first sight. It is definitely not easy to match.

Obviously, they knew the direction of the March.

Chasing the wind realized that the method he had thought of was no longer working.

He wanted to lead the other party to the wrong road, but it seemed that the other party had already known where they were stationed.

Now, there is only one way for him to lead the other party in accordance with Shen Ning's plan.

In fact, even if he doesn't show up, the other party will find where they are.

What to do?

Chasing the wind in the brain in the rapid rotation, but even a plan can not come out.

He could not help but think that if the person sent was the fourth, with his intelligence and cleverness, he would surely come up with ten and eight ingenious plans, instead of being so helpless as he is now.

But there was not much time for him to think about it. The hundreds of men in black came very quickly. With a few blinks, the four people in the first row had already run to the tree where the wind was chasing, and then flew by.

Obviously, this group of people stepped down to ride each of the selected good horses.

These guys have a long history!

Chase the wind immediately guessed that these people in black and the last batch must be sent by the same group. If you can catch a living person, you can know the origin of these people.

But is it useful to know the origin?

This is a time of life and death, not a time to live.

Seeing that the people in black suddenly passed under his feet for more than half of the time, there was no other way to chase the wind.

He had broken the branches under his feet by gritting his teeth.

"Click" a light sound, the branch broke.

This sound is very mild, if ordinary people can't find it, but all of the 629 people in black are highly skilled in martial arts.

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