"I don't want it" is on his lips, but he just can't say it.

He wanted, wanted, wanted the cloth tiger.

But he can't.

Because Xiaoru said that she also liked this tiger very much. Even if there were another ten or eight, they would not be this one any more.

"Give it back to you, I Don't pay for it. "

Finally, he handed the cloth tiger to Xiao Ru.

"Why not?" Xiao Ru looked at him dully.

“……” There is no reason to pursue the wind.

He wanted it, but he couldn't.

Because it's something she likes, too.

"If he doesn't want it, he won't give it."

Take the tiger's stomach, and take it to Xiao Huo's hand.

Chasing the wind, but the right palm shrinks, and Xiao Si takes an empty.

"Don't you want it?" Xiao Si stares at chasing the wind.

Chase the wind no longer speak, the cloth tiger in the palm slowly put into the arms, and then slowly turn around, out of the circle.

"Hum, this wood is really strange. If you say you don't want it again, it's like farting. I'm sorry." The little four snorted at the back of chasing the wind.

Turning around, he glared at Xiao Ru again, a look of discontent.

"Why did you give it to him?" He asked.

"Because you broke his cloth tiger, I'll pay for you!"

"I don't want you to pay for me. Go and get the cloth tiger back!"

"Well, you did something wrong. Why did you break his cloth tiger?"

"I I didn't know he had a cloth tiger in his arms Xiao Si was stunned. If he had known, he would not have hit him in the chest.

"Anyway, you did something wrong. You broke his tiger. You didn't apologize to him. Didn't you see how sad it was to chase the wind just now?"

Xiao Ru thinks of chasing the wind and squatting on the ground, picking up the pieces of cloth tiger. She just picked it up and was beaten by Xiao Si with a slap. In her heart, she is an acid for no reason, and she can't help but feel resentful to Xiaosi.

"It's a cloth tiger, not a treasure!" Little four doesn't think so.

"What's wrong with the cloth tiger? I gave the cloth tiger you gave me to chase the wind. Why don't you like it?"

"I..." Xiao Si was asked again speechless.

Yeah, isn't it just a cloth tiger? Why are you so worried?

Small four don't want to understand, had to hold back the airway: "forget it, this time even if I compensate for the wind, and so on into the city, I will buy a bigger and more beautiful for you."

Small as but Du mouth, a face is not happy way: "you promised my little dog has not given me, I do not want your cloth tiger!"

As soon as he heard the "little dog", the four's head was buzzing, and his pride after winning the chase was swept away and he became flustered.

"I Isn't it that I haven't met a new puppy? When I meet you, I will give it to you! " His pledge.

You know, it's something you can't ask for.

The villages they passed through were either black or yellow, or little dogs with black flowers in white.

"I'll go to see if the injury to chase the wind is serious..."

Small four students afraid of small as to chase after their own little dog, hurriedly told a sentence, just like escape left.


Xiao Ru called to his back, clenched her fist and stamped her feet.

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