"The facts are in front of us. Is there anything else to say? You think it's interesting to tease Ben Wang like this, don't you? Chasing the wind, I didn't expect that you would cheat me with the emperor and play me around. It's interesting to see me running around like a fool, isn't it? "

Chu Shaobai was more and more angry when he said it, and his blue veins protruded on his forehead. He remembered the worry, anxiety, sadness and regret of the night All kinds of emotions almost tormented him crazy, but he was deliberately teased by others!

A sense of shame of being deceived and fooled overwhelmed him.

He glared angrily at chasing the wind, hoping to make two holes in his face.

Chasing the wind gaped and stammered: "no It's not like this, Lord. Listen to my subordinates' explanation. It's really not like this. The emperor, the Emperor... " He couldn't say it. If the Emperor didn't take the princess away, he would not believe it.

It's obviously another courtyard of the imperial palace. It's one of the emperor's favorite places to visit. There is a natural hot spring here. The emperor likes to take a bath in the hot spring when he is in a state of confusion.

"Chase the wind, you say one more word. Do you believe this king will kill you?" Chu Shaobai's word for word Tao.

“……” Chasing the wind closed his mouth.

Chu Shaobai raised his head and took a deep look at the courtyard. His heart was sour and astringent, sad and bitter. He said nothing and turned away.

"Lord..." Chasing the wind wanted to stop him, only said two words, then closed his mouth.

In his heart, he could not help complaining about the emperor. Master, master, if you want to make fun of King Jing'an, you can't even cheat your subordinates! My subordinates have always been loyal to you. Are you kidding me like this?

No wonder Chu Shaobai was so angry that his nose was crooked and left. Even his heart was full of indignation.

He glared and wanted to leave, but he thought that he couldn't go!

Even if the master teases him a hundred times, he is also his own master. He is the master's Secret guard. Where the master is, he will be there!

Chasing the wind sighed and jumped into the wall.

He had not yet landed on his toes when he suddenly realized that a danger was coming from the dark.

Not good!

He was alert and wanted to dodge, but it was too late. He just felt a few cold fingers pinched his neck and breathless.

The finger struck him so hard that he couldn't move at once.

Damn it, it's a trick!

Chasing the wind, angry and anxious in his heart, widened his eyes and wanted to see who was the man who attacked him.

He only saw a tall man in black, with a large black cloak wrapped from head to foot. In addition, in the dark, he could not see the other side's face, only a pair of shining, cold eyes.

The eyes turned on his face without emotion, and then threw him into the corner like a garbage. The black cloak was like a butterfly in the dark night. After a few skittles, it disappeared in the direction of the backyard.

Chasing the wind, angry, gnashing teeth, in the heart of a force of fury.

Despicable villain! How dare you attack and plot secretly? What a hero!

It's a pity that he was hit by the acupoints, and he couldn't say a word.

In terms of real Kung Fu, no one in the world can control him with one move. But when he jumped into the wall, he was relaxed and didn't have any guard at all!

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