Chapter 216 - Don't Stain Your Hands

Ning Jing couldn't believe her eyes. 

During these days, Ahn Lu Shan was the only person who stood beside her and protected like a loyal bodyguard. To be honest, she was actually overwhelmed by the fact that the Tang family let their best man look after their future daughter in law.

At one point in her secluded life, Ning Jing began to believe that her life is safe under the watch of Ahn Lu Shan. 

However, not in her wildest nightmares, she foresaw a heinous betrayal from the man she trusted. 

Ahn Lu Shan stared directly at Ning Jing's shocked face, the corners of his lips curls into an enigmatic smile as he opened his mouth to reveal the malicious deeds done by her. 

"You fabricated fake dating scandals and draw a wedge between young master and Li Juan. You purposefully created trouble for Li Juan and fatally wounded her, not only once but twice. Even when Li Juan was out of the picture, you tried to force young master into marriage by blackmailing him with Li Juan's life," 

"You!!!!" Ning Jing bellowed in a shrilly voice to stop Ahn Lu Shan from revealing the truths she has kept hidden. With a trembling heart, she then turned to take a look at Tang Wei Sheng.

Even after hearing her wrongdoings and malicious schemes, he was standing next to Li Juan with an emotionless face. 

The instant, Ning Jing saw them together, her nerves almost exploded in anger and vexation. That was the sight she hated the most. 

She stomped towards Tang Wei Sheng, ignoring her aching body. 

"Wei Sheng, he..he.. he is lying...I've never done any of these...he is the one who is lying. Believe me..," She grabbed Tang Wei Sheng's hands and tried to drag him away from Li Juan.

However, Tang Wei Sheng stood like a huge mountain, refusing to nudge from Li Juan's side. 

"Wei Sheng, please believe me," Ning Jing repeated, crocodile tears trickling down her face.

"Our marriage was arranged by both of our families. Even after the engagement got called off, you were the one who contacted me and demanded to register the marriage at the civil bureau. I've always listened to you and your family's wishes. I've done nothing wrong. Then why is he falsely accusing me?" She faked ignorance.

"For god's sake, please look around and try to understand what kind of situation you got yourself in? If you have done nothing wrong and you are innocent, then why are you hiding here?" Ahn Lu Shan jeered. It was exasperating for him to watch Ning Jing trying hard to conceal her real face with more and more lies.

"Do you want me to believe you?" Tang Wei Sheng asked Ning Jing and forcefully peeled off her hands from him. "Fine, I will believe you,"

His icy cold gaze swept over her weeping face as he proposed a deal.

"But only if you agree with my condition...,"

Ning Jing nodded her head in agreement and got herself ready to do whatever he commands.

"Let's go to a hospital," Tang Wei Sheng suggested and scrutinized Ning Jing's weeping face, looking for the slightest bit of trepidation. "And get checked," 

Ning Jing felt a bolt of lightning has struck her.

It's over. 

It's over for her. 

If she goes to the hospital, then Tang Wei Sheng will know that she has lied about her pregnancy. She tried very hard to hide the fear bubbling inside her.

"Ahhh, I can't wait to see my child anymore," He stated in an exhilarated voice and scanned her top to bottom with curious eyes.

At the very moment, Ning Jing heard the word "child", all the confidence and arrogance she held so far, immediately disappeared without leaving a single trace.

"Shall we go?" Tang Wei Sheng extended his hand to her and asked like a gentleman. 

However, there weren't any affirmative responses from Ning Jing. 

Watching her struggle, Tang Wei Sheng let out a mirthful laugh and took a step closer to her. 

"Do you remember what happened that night? As you said, the night we made love?" His almond eyes narrowed as he asked coldly.

"You came with a silly drug, got that fool drunk and successfully managed to crawl into his bed," His words were filled with ridicule and disdain as he began to remind her one by one. 

Ning Jing and the rest of the people looked at Tang Wei Sheng in disbelief.

More than the fact that Tang Wei Sheng already knew about Ning Jing's plots and schemes, they were shocked by the change in his demeanor.

He was talking about himself from a second person's point of view, as if he is talking about some stranger. 

"But woman, did you completely lose your mind, that you failed to notice that you've spent the night alone?" Tang Wei Sheng's cold voice broke their train of thoughts.

Spend the night alone? What is he saying? Ning Jing wrecked her brain while she listened more to him. 

"That night I left you there and went somewhere else," He said calmly,

Ning Jing's eyes bulged in horror when his words reached her ears. It was impossible. That night both of them were under the effect of an aphrodisiac. It was given that no one could stand the heat of the drugs unless the antidote is taken. How did Tang Wei Sheng managed to resist the effect of aphrodisiac and leave that place?

"No!!!!!!! You were there.." She made a vague attempt to argue.

"No," Tang Wei Sheng looked at Ning Jing as a cold smile emerged from the corner of his lips. "That fool must have put down his guard against you and played with you a for a while. But not me. I cannot stand any woman other than my moon," 

"You are lying!!!! We were together that night. We..we.. slept-" Unable to comprehend his claims, Ning Jing refuted strongly. 

"That night, I went looking for her," Tang Wei Sheng tilted his head and pointed at Li Juan, who remained untouched by the chaotic situation revolving around her.

"Like the way I have done it for the last ten years," His eyes rested on Li Juan's face as he spoke honestly, "Jing university, downtown and Silver Oak...Even though I knew that she won't be there. Still I went looking for her traces at places, where we have been together. Only to remind him, to remind me, that betraying my moon is equal to death,"

Zhang Zhi Jun and the rest of his team looked at each other and then at Li Juan, unable to believe their eyes. They were well aware of the fact that Tang Wei Sheng and Li Juan used to be in a relationship, but it was nearly impossible for them to believe that Tang Wei Sheng was still lingering on her memories, refusing to move on with his life.

"No. I don't believe are lying," Ning Jing's shrieks echoed louder than the thunders. Her aggrieved face turned black like the bottom of a pot.

That was the end of her restrain on the innocent act. She can no longer stand back and endure the humiliation.

"You are lying for this filthy bitch. She is nothing but a whore who only knows how to fool around with men. And do you think she will come back to you if you side with her? No way...she will never be yours," Ning Jing roared at the top of her lungs and blamed Tang Wei Sheng.

Kachek!!!! The loud noise of triggers heard in the vicinities and within a glimpse, the alpha team's gun turned towards Ning Jing.

A condescending smile bloomed in Tang Wei Sheng's face as he stood before Ning Jing who was now, shaking in anger.

"I was wondering how deep you can dig your grave. But you absolutely surprised me," He said in a cold voice, reeking with contempt. 

"You acted like a naive soul and deceived everyone with your innocent act. Not only dared to scheme against me but you kept on lying again and again. You must be tired of living," Tang Wei Sheng said in a low rumble, as a flash of murderous intent glinted in his eyes.

If it is not for the proofs presented by Ahn Lu Shan, Tang Wei Sheng would have never suspected Ning Jing, not even for once.

Truth to be told, no one would have suspected that under that beautiful face of hers, was a heart more cruel and vicious than an animal, selfish, ruthless...that was more terrifying.

"I lied for the sake of-" Ning Jing gathered some courage and tried to justify herself. However, the instant she opened her mouth, Tang Wei Sheng cut her words off.

"Do you know what I dislike the most?" He gazed at her reddened face and wait for a moment to answer the question,

"Lies," Tang Wei Sheng's voice resonated in the air,

"Whether it is for the sake of your life or not. A lie is always a lie and I despise liars," He stated and folded his arms over his chest.

"You are the reason why I became like this," Ning Jing retaliated, "I did everything for you,"

"No," Tang Wei Sheng slightly wobbled his head and refused her claims. "It's something you inherited from your ancestors. Deception and perjury run in your blood. And what did you say? You did everything for me?" He snickered at her as if he heard some joke, "You had no courage to confess and but had the guts to plot against to hurt the woman I cherished and you call that love?"

Tang Wei Sheng ignored Ning Jing and turned towards Li Juan,

"Should I kill her for you?" He asked casually in a steely voice, loud enough to be heard by everyone,

" What do you think my moon? I will do whatever you say,"

Tang Wei Sheng's words sent tremors deep into the depths of Ning Jing's heart.

"I'm not alone, your family is the ones who supported me. Do you think they will be out of danger? If anything happens to me, I'll make sure to send the entire Tang family behind the bars," Ning Jing hollered out in rage but she no longer received any responses other than sharp gazes that were filled with hatred.

"Ahha, now you are threatening me in the name of Tang family?" Tang Wei Sheng replied with a smile,

"Whoever dares to hurt my moon, I will kill them whether they belong to Wei Clan or Ning family. Betrayers shall be beheaded," He said in an unflinching tone and waited for Li Juan's answer.

"Tell me, do you wish to kill her or-"

Li Juan looked at Ning Jing's pathetic figure, her obsidian eyes remained cold without any shred of pity.

"Killing her directly would be letting her off easy. First, break her limbs and then hand over to me," 

For every bit of pain she had to suffer, Li Juan has decided to return it to Ning Jing in double,

As they heard her command, Huang Zi Tao and his team rushed towards Ning Jing, capturing her within a glimpse,

"You bastards, leave me," Ning Jing screamed out in a shrilly voice when her limbs were caught without any mercy.

She did not even have any power to fight back. She hoped that there will be a way for her to escape. However, in the end, the karma of her actions came back like thick ropes and tied her limbs.

A cracking sound echoed along with Ning Jing's screams in the entire place.

In a blink of an eye, her limbs had all been broken.

Yang Xiong who has never seen such a gut-wrenching sight in his entire life tried hard to curb down the churning sensation in his stomach.

He really believed that being a woman, Li Juan will show a bit of mercy towards Ning Jing. However, his calculations went wrong when he looked at Li Juan's emotionless face staring at the gore and bloody scene.

With her limbs broken, Ning Jing fell to the ground like a heap of mud.

Li Juan looked at the crumpled heap lying in front of her and walked towards it.

Not long ago, Ning Jing was still standing and was showing her innocent act before everyone. Looking at Ning Jing's current state, nobody could imagine she deserved a cruel punishment like this.

"You bitch, you will die a death of a stray dog," Although Ning Jing was fallen to the ground, she did not forget to curse Li Juan.

Li Juan slowly raised her brows as she squatted down and grabbed Ning Jing's damp hair,

"Die like a stray dog? Who, me? What a pipe dream!!!" The eyes of Li Juan were filled with a thick murderous aura as she spoke,

"Ah I forgot to tell you, actually I had a plan to leave you to the hands of the law. But after hearing uncle Ahn's words, I changed my mind. You hurt both of us equally and ruined our lives. It would be unfair to him, if I set you free,"

She stood up and looked contemptuously at Ning Jing's who had fallen to the ground.

"Wei Lang," Li Juan raised her voice, gaining attention from everyone.

Tang Wei Sheng raised his brows with a tinge of surprise.

"How about I seek justice on behalf of you too?" She asked him with an indifferent face and stomped hard on Ning Jing's fingers.

A piercing scream swept from Ning Jing as her fingers crushed under Li Juan's boots. 

"Do you want me to spare you an easy death?" Li Juan asked in a low voice,

Wailing in pain, Ning Jing struggled to look at the woman who stood before her like the god of death herself.

Li Juan gently slide her right hand inside her jacket and took a pistol from the inner pocket.

The moment Ning Jing's eyes fell on the pistol, her pupils dilated in fear, 

Li Juan actually had a gun with her all the time and she was playing with Ning Jing's life to see how far her enemy can run for her life.

She was tormenting Ning Jing before she could actually kill her.

Li Juan pulls the slide back of the gun to eject the empty cartridge and pointed at Ning Jing's forehead without any hesitations.

Every ounce of emotion has ripped away from her face, the only thing that can be seen in her ink-black eyes is the black holes of death.

Just the moment, Li Juan's finger touched the trigger, a big palm grabbed the hand that held the gun.

"Don't stain your hands with her filthy blood," Tang Wei Sheng's deep voice rang near her ears,

Li Juan inclined her head and looked at the devilishly handsome face of Tang Wei Sheng as her eyebrows perched up in curiosity.

"You suffered enough in this life...there is no need for you to bear the regret of a murder. Let me do it," He swiftly took the gun from her hands and pushed Li Juan away as he lowered his gaze at Ning Jing.

Tang Wei Sheng quietly presses the tip of the gun on Ning Jing's forehead as an evil grin curl on his lip.

"Let's meet again in hell," 


The loud piercing sound echoed in everyone's ears as the faint smell of gun powder and blood permeated the air.

Li Juan looked at the lifeless body lying on the floor, then turned to face Huang Zi Tao.

Huang Zi Tao who understood her gesture, nodded and moved closer to the dead body.

As Li Juan took a step to walk away, she was yanked back by a pair of strong arms.

She looked at the man who stood before her like a beast in captive.

The look on his infuriating eyes and uneven breathing made her startle for a moment.

" moon, make sure to meet me in your next life, too," Tang Wei Sheng reached out to touch Li Juan's face, but the moment, his fingers touched her skin, he collapsed onto the ground.