Chapter 209 - The Wrath Of The Wolf

Lee Tae Yang heard nothing. 

His brother's cries or Bai Zhu's questions- nothing reached his ears...he heard nothing. 

It was like millions of ice daggers piercing into his heart. 

The little happiness that has been showered upon them was brutally crushed into nothingness. 

From the very first moment, he came to know about their child, Lee Tae Yang made sure to protect both Li Juan and the baby. 

For the last few weeks, their lives have been revolving around the little human growing in Li Juan's womb. 

One mistake...a moment's negligence has wiped out the happiness. 

Their child is no more.

"Young master Guan, what I am hearing?" Bai Zhu's voice trembled uncontrollably as he questioned Lee Tae Yang. 

"Dad please," Zhang Zhi Jun grabbed his father's hands and controlled him. It was so unlike Bai Zhu's usual austere self. He always appeared calm and quiet, but the news of Li Juan's unborn child has shattered his stern facade. Before Zhang Zhi Jun's adoption and Bai Yu's birth, he was once lived as a childless parent and more than anyone else Bai Zhu clearly knew what was it to like losing a child. 

"Are you saying that majesty...was.. pregnant?" 

"Was pregnant," The simple change of tense has sent chills to Lee Tae Yang.

The union between the Bai family and Guan family were something that kept everyone in high hopes. The news of Li Juan's pregnancy was supposed to bring happiness to both of their families and now what? 

What will he say to their family?

What will he say to Li Juan once she wakes up? He failed to protect her and their baby. 

Unable to bear the numbing pain arising from his heart, Lee Tae Yang slowly turned to walk away.

"Hyung, where are you going?" Lee Tae Min grabbed his brother's shoulder in a vague effort to stop the man who appeared anguished.

"Noona needs you, don't go Hyung," 

Lee Tae Yang struggled to let go of the hands that have been pulling him back. 

All of sudden, the cold and solemn corridor echoed loud and steady footsteps, inviting everyone's attention to the group of people walking towards the ICU in unison. 

Once Lee Tae Min recognised the identity of the old man who leads the group, he subconsciously let go of Lee Tae Yang. 

"Grandpa Guan," He uttered in disbelief and clenched his fists in fear. 

It was none other than the general "Guan Lin Zheng," Lee Tae Yang's maternal grandfather and the current patriarch of the mighty Guan family. 

Guan Lin Zheng's steps halted in front of the young man who refused to look or acknowledge his presence. 

"Were you able to save her this time?" His deep and authoritative voice rang in the silent corridor

Lee Tae Yang stood with downcasted eyes and said nothing as if he is guilty of his actions. 

"Lee Tae Yang," Guan Lin Zheng called in an indifferent tone as he studied the agonized expression on his grandson. 

"The news of using firearms and explosives must have reached grandpa Guan's ears," Lee Tae Min gulped in horror and glanced at the Alpha team. 

They have burnt the entire west Jing city to save Li Juan but no one has expected the rescue mission to become gruesome. 

Lee Tae Yang picked something from his coat's pocket with trembling hands and gave it to his grandfather. 

Guan Lin Zheng's sharp line of sight travelled down to the black and white photograph of the fetus.


"Oh no!!!!" Feng Mian, the only woman who came with the group, tried to muffle her cry. 

When she saw the conception dream, Feng Mian was truly happy and excited that her nephew has finally able to enjoy the feeling of belongingness. 

But looking at the devastated man who is on the verge of breaking down. 

"I really wanted to meet..." Lee Tae Yang's words dissolved into tears as he held tightly onto Guan Lin Zheng's arms.

"Xiao Yang," Guan Lin Zheng's voice softened at the sight of the blood-stained ultrasound photograph and braced his grandson without any hesitation. 

The young man who was weeping in his arms was the only blood kin he left in this world. 

They only had each other and yet he always kept his grandson away so that the little guy would grow up as a strong and courageous young man. But that man is now crying out in pain of his lost child. 

He might be a strict and stern military general before everyone, but deep inside his heart, he was a father who lost his only child.

"You taught me to protect everyone, grandpa and I...I failed to...Xiao Li and my child...I promised them," The soul-wrenching sobs tore apart Lee Tae Yang's heart as he let out the tears fall. 

He wished to protect Li Juan from every single misfortune. But even after all the efforts, he could save her only by sacrificing the little one growing inside her womb.

"Whoever snatched the little bean from their lives shall pay the price with death," 

Lee Tae Yang swore as he clutched onto the ultrasound photograph.


Tang Wei Sheng sat with a gloomy face on the back seat of the car staring at the huge white building where the Civil Bureau is situated. 

A year ago, he came to the civil bureau to make arrangements to register the marriage with Li Juan. But today he is here to register the marriage with Ning Jing as the deal that has been made with his father.

"Young Master, your father got some information regarding miss Ning," Yang Xiong who opened the front door notified in a plain tone. They were waiting for Ning Jing for almost an hour and she was nowhere to see. Since Tang Yi was the one who made the arrangements, Yang Xiong immediately informed his master that the bride hasn't shown up for registration. 

"Apparently miss Ning is missing from yesterday," 

Tang Wei Sheng turned his head with a quizzical expression as he heard Yang Xiong. 

"What you mean? I talked to her last night," 

"Yes, after that call no one has heard a word from her. No one knows her whereabouts, not even Ning family," 

"What about Li Juan? Is she safe?" Tang Wei Sheng asked in a startled voice, "did they leave her?" 

"Miss Li has moved to the city hospital and currently kept under observation," 

"How's she?"

"She is unconscious and young master-" Yang Xiong paused and scanned the man who sat beside him. 

Should he share the news that Li Juan managed to escape from death but lost her child? 

How will Tang Wei Sheng accept it?

Yang Xiong himself witnessed the torment his young master has to go through when the news of Li Juan's abduction reached him. 

Even after she is someone else's girlfriend, Tang Yi brutally used Li Juan to manipulate his son.

They forced Tang Wei Sheng to marry Ning Jing as repayment of Li Juan's life. 

The very last ounce of dignity and respect left for the Tang family in Yang Xiong's heart has vanished last night as he knew about the incident. 

"Bro Yang," Tang Wei Sheng shook Yang Xiong's shoulders and tried to wake him from the thoughts. 

"Shall we go back then?" 

The look on his handsome face was unable to comprehend. 

Pain? Relief? Or loss? Nobody knew. 

However, after hearing about the Tang family's reckless and brutal actions last night, one thing was clear for Yang Xiong. 

The time for Tang Corporation's end has finally arrived. 

While they were treating Li Juan as a scapegoat to tame the wolf, the Tang family forgot the truth that she is no longer a weakling. 

Soon will be a day, when the Tang family has to pay for the crimes they have committed so far. 

"Yes," Yang Xiong agreed and got on to the driving seat.

"Young master, are we heading back to mansion or?"

"Let's go to sky castle," Tang Wei Sheng suggested. "And tell them that as long as Li Juan is safe, I won't go back on my word," 

Yang Xiong stared at Tang Wei Sheng as soon as he heard something that is on par with suicidal thoughts. 

"You clearly know that whatever president Tang did was wrong and why are you still listening to him?" 

"Li Juan, they dragged her to this mess," Tang Wei Sheng reminded him. 

Once he was suffocated with the growing hatred from his family and the people around him, Tang Wei Sheng was planning to put an end to everything. But he never expected that the situations will turn against him. 

"She got a family. They will protect her, there is no need for you to sacrifice your life," 

Yang Xiong sounded harsh as he spoke.

"Do you think that miss Li's family would standstill if they knew about her kidnapping?" 

"We cannot take any chances when her life is in danger," 

"It was your last chance to escape this hell, young master," 

Even before Yang Xiong could say more, he was cut off by a phone call. He pressed turned on the Bluetooth headset to attend the call. 

"Senior Ahn, yes young master is with me. Wait a minute, let me ask him. Young master," Yang Xiong called out for Tang Wei Sheng who was listening to his conversation. "Senior Ahn asks whether it is possible to meet you in private?"

"Yes. Where is he? Let's meet him right now," Tang Wei Sheng proposed. Once they got to know about the true nature of Ahn Lu Shan, the respect and gratitude in Tang Wei Sheng's towards him has increased immensely. It was good to know that, someone was there to understand Tang Wei Sheng's struggles. 

Within thirty minutes, the duo reached Ahn Lu Shan's house in the city. 

"Do you really want to marry miss Ning?" As soon as Tang Wei Sheng took a seat, Ahn Lu Shan inquired.

Taken aback by his question, Yang Xiong looked at his senior with dubiety. 

Isn't it a well-known fact among the personal assistants and secretaries of Tang Corporation that their CEO was never interested in marrying Ning Jing? 

That marriage was nothing but a ploy to minimise the financial damages of the corporation due to the scandals. Why would Tang Wei Sheng be interested in a loveless marriage unless he is threatened with Li Juan's life? 

" I don't have any other option but to accept Ning Jing when they negotiate with Li Juan's life," Tang Wei Sheng stated in a deflated voice. 

"She has been saved by her family," Ahn Lu Shan retorted instantly. 

"But I have given them my-" 

"They forced you... threatened...manipulated you with Li Juan's life. There is no reason for you to put anyone else as your priority," 

"But Li Juan, she had to suffer because of me,' Tang Wei Sheng tried to explain. He was sick of the Tang family's atrocities towards Li Juan and he swore that he won't let anyone hurt her for the sake of the Wei Clan's pride. 

"That doesn't mean that you have to join hands with your enemies," Ahn Lu Shan raised his voice as he reprimanded, "Especially, people like Ning Jing and your father. Should I remind you, what they have done to you and Li Juan till now so that you will get an idea about your foolish decision to obey them? They didn't even let go of her child," 

"Her child?" Ahn Lu Shan's words struck Tang Wei Sheng like a thunderbolt. 

"Li Juan is....," He couldn't complete the sentence when anger and shock barged into his mind. 

"You didn't inform young master?" Ahn Lu Shan turned towards Yang Xiong who appeared pale like a ghost. 

Even Tang Wei Sheng's eyes bore into his assistant who hid such a piece of horrifying news from him. 

"Yang Xiong!!!" Ahn Lu Shan called in an alarming voice. "Why did you hid the truth from young master, that they killed Li Juan's child?" 

"They... did...what?" Tang Wei Sheng repeated as if he couldn't comprehend the meaning of the words left Ahn Lu Shan's mouth. 

"Miss Li was ten weeks pregnant when they took her," Yang Xiong said lifelessly. He surely sympathized with Li Juan and the adversities she had to suffer, but for Yang Xiong, nothing held more importance than his young master's well being. Tang Wei Sheng who went against his family and friends, has become a lone wolf and there was a thin line of a barrier that controlled him from transforming into a bloodthirsty beast. 

Yang Xiong didn't want Tang Wei Sheng to change and suffer. 

"Whether you agreed to accept the marriage or not, they were indeed planned to kill Li Juan," Ahn Lu Shan shared the information he collected. 

"This time not only your family but Ning Jing also involved as well. To be honest, she was a silent perparator from the beginning. 

The rumours, the scandals which brought you together... even the attack on Li Juan at Tu valley was pre-planned with the knowledge of Ning Jing,"

There was a moment of silence when Ahn Lu Shan finished speaking. 

"Where is she now?" Tang Wei Sheng's nose flared in anger as he questioned. He let go of the crimes that his family committed for the sake of Li Juan. But how can he let go of the fact that they killed a child who is yet to be born? 

That is a grave sin.

"She is here," Ahn Lu Shan turned towards the locked storage room at his right side. 

"She believed that she will be able to get married to you and live happily after killing Li Juan," the corners of Ahn Lu Shan's mouth perched into a demonic smile as he continued, 

"Killing Li Juan? Not when I am alive," 

People who believed that Ahn Lu Shan was the Tang family's loyal guard dog was absolutely wrong when it comes to Li Juan. The hands that are has been miraculously saved Li Juan belonged to Ahn Lu Shan who swore to protect the child of a man who died helping him. 

The gratitude towards Bai Ze held more weight in Ahn Lu Shan's life than the loyalty towards Tang corporation. 

"Miss Li's family must be searching for Ning Jing and I am sure that she won't be able to see the daylight if they capture her," Yang Xiong pointed out as he judged the intensity of the situation. 

"Should I just kill that venomous snake with my hands?" Tang Wei Sheng's voice reeked murderous intent as he spat out his mind.

In a glimpse of the moment, the amicable and kind Tang Wei Sheng has been shrouded with a cold and dark aura.

"Or should I kill those traitors who dared to go against my moon?"

"Young master!!!!!" Yang Xiong called in panic when he noticed the changes in the man who sat there brooding.

He is here, Tang Wei Lang...the great wolf. 

Yang Xiong gulped in horror as he exchanged glances with Ahn Lu Shan. 

Tang Wei Sheng might have filial piety towards his father and family, but his wolf does not look back when someone threatens his precious possession - the one and only moon.