Chapter 201 - The Scion

"This is unbelievable!!!!" 

Cheng Tao's shriek echoed in the silent corridors of the archaeology department.

"For god's sake don't shout, Senior Cheng," Lee Tae Min muffled his senior who was shouting at the top of his lungs, "Classes are still going on,"

Cheng Tao pushed away the arm which covered his mouth and asked in a low yet baffled tone,

"Can you believe it Tae Min? Yesterday, Lily said that she wants to check the DNA of general Guan and today she brought the samples. How's that even possible?" His anticipated voice was laced with excitement. "I always admired General Guan and my god I can't believe it-"

Lee Tae Min stuffed his noisy senior's mouth with a steamed bun to have a moment of peace. 

Since Cheng Tao's family used to work for bureaucrats, he was well aware of the role of general Guan in the politics of C country. Like every one else, He also considered General Guan as the strong pillar which supports and helps to run the government efficiently. 

Cheng Tao who was on an elated mood, become silent when his senses were taken over by the taste of the steamed bun.

"General Guan doesn't even stay in Jing city, then how did you manage to acquire the hair samples in such a short time?" Han Guang who was silently munching on the dumplings which Li Juan brought over.

Since she was not in a mood to eat breakfast, Lee Tae Yang made sure to pack food for Li Juan and her teammates. 

"I didn't do anything professor, it was Tae Min who arranged it," She gave the credits to Lee Tae Min who sat with a straight face while savouring the pancakes. 

"You did it?" Cheng Tao asked in an elated tone.

"If you ask like that, I just mentioned about the possible results of tests with Tian Hyung," He sheepishly replied, "I didn't expect that he will bring it right away,"

"We are going to do a DNA test on one of the high officials in the nation. This is something which is equal to a national mission," Cheng Tao declared proudly.

"It is more like a national treason," Han Guang casually reminded his assistant who was jumping out of joy. "If the national security bureau knows about, are done then,"

"Professor, what are you saying?" The color on Cheng Tao's face vanished in a moment.

"Death will be the minimum sentence you will get for doing such a treacherous thing," 

"Huh, she is the one who brought it, why do I have to-"

"Who is general Guan's fan boy?" Lee Tae Min asked all of sudden,

"Me," Cheng Tao recited.

"Who is in charge DNA tests?" 


"So who will be the first culprit?"

"Me," Cheng Tao replied in a flow, "Yaaa, how can you betray me like that?"

"Senior Cheng, you have taken the bait and fell into the trap, there is no way you can go back to normal life. You are done if a word get's out," Lee Tae Min icily warned Cheng Tao as if he has done something sketchy. 

There is only one person who can help you at this situation,"

"Who? Your commando brother?" Chen Tao began to point out the influential people who can possibly help him to get out of a the problem.

"Your CEO brother,"


"You," Cheng Tao pointed out, "you are-"

"His grand-daughter in law, the phoenix of Guan family. She is the only person who can help you,"

"Who is that?"

Lee Tae Min tilted his head to the woman who is sipping on her drink.

"Lily!" He exclaimed, "lily you have to help me, if something goes wrong," 

"Senior Cheng, can't you see that he is fooling you," Li Juan let out a chuckle. 

"How can I help when I don't know anything about Grandpa Guan and his family,"

Li Juan confessed the truth. Though she heard a lot about grandpa Guan, she haven't met him yet. 

"Guan empire is known as the dynasty which unified the mainland. If the Emperor haven't given upon his throne and established democracy, practically General Guan would have been our emperor," Han Guang explained to everyone. 

"That means your boy friend is a prince and you are a-" Cheng Tao's words were cut off by Lee Tae Min. 

"She is already a queen,"

"So I am eating breakfast made by a queen," Cheng Tao chortled and picked up another steamed bun. 

"No, it is prepared by him,"

Han Guang and Cheng Tao stared at the neatly packed food on the table and Li Juan who remained cool headed. "He loves cooking,"

"Yaaa no wonder, you are getting fat day by day," Cheng Tao made a random comment. 

"Whom are you calling fat? Noona has became more pretty once she gained few pounds,"

"Of course, in your eyes, your Noona will be Miss universe,"

The table once again, fell into arguments and Han Guang had no other option to reprimand his students.

"Finish your food and get back to work. I need to meet professor Song. I will leave first," He rose from the seat, "Juan, convey my regards to CEO Lee,"

"Yes, professor," 

As soon as Han Guang left the room, Cheng Tao started to gulp down the food like a person who haven't seen food for a week.

"Eat slowly, no one is going to runaway with your food," Li Juan chided him. 

"Why aren't you eating anything?" He rebutted and took a look at the red coloured drink which she was sipping instead of eating breakfast. 

"What is this?"

"It is a juice," 

"I am asking you what is it?" Cheng Tao hurled at her dumb reply. 

"It's pomegranate juice,"

"I almost thought it was red wine," 

"Hyung thinks that Noona is anemic, so he is making her drink pomegranate juice," Lee Tae Min said on behalf of his favorite couple. 

"Oh really, i thought pomegranate juice was only given to newly wed brides and pregnant ladies," 

"Oh please, Senior Cheng. I used to drink pomegranate juice everyday," Lee Tae Min argued back.

"I am not saying that men doesn't drink it...You know it is a fruit which considered as a symbol of fertility even from the ancient times," Cheng Tao made his point

Li Juan stared at the red liquid on her hand and all of sudden a random thought came to her mind,

When was the last time she had her periods?

Last month? Or a month before it?

"Noona, why aren't you eating?" Lee Tae Min shook the shoulders of his Noona who appeared spaced out. 

"I am finished, you guys carry on," Li Juan woke up from her thoughts and headed towards the washroom like a robot. 

She washed her hands and picked up her cell phone to check the remainders set on the calendar application,

When was her last period? Li Juan contemplated over as she looked at the numbers.

"Wasn't it some time around the mid of December?" Realization hit her hard in the head, 

Does that means she missed her periods for almost three months?"

Since she occasionally have irregular periods, Li Juan didn't even give much thought as she went home for new year holidays,

Her body started to undergo transformation by gaining weight. 

The never ending tiredness and the nausea,

If she joins the dots- it only leads to one thing,

From that award night to till last night, they passionately made love without thing about anything else and means,

Li Juan gently placed her palm on abdomen with utmost care and love,

"Please, tell me I am not assuming things,"

At the same time, a woman in her mid twenties walked into the lab where Cheng Tao who took his time to finish the food.

"Excuse me, can I meet miss Li Juan?" She asked in melodious voice.

Cheng Tao raised his eyes from the food and met with the visitor who appeared like a fairy.

"Lily...I mean Li Juan went to washroom, please wait for a minute," He pointed towards the chair,

"Thank you," She took a seat and took a quick the lab which was neatly organised despite the large bundles of papers and books. On the walls, there was board where various paper cuttings and photographs were pinned.

In one of the desks there was a group photo of Li Juan with her team mates.

"Did you had your breakfast?" Cheng Tao's question pulled the visitor back to reality.

She looked at the man who was standing next to her with a box containing dumplings. The hesitation was clearly visible on her face,

"Take it. Li Juan brought it," He persuaded her to take one from it.

"Which is your major?"

"Piano," She replied while taking a bit from the dumpling.

"Ahhh you really got nice long fingers,"

She responded to Cheng Tao's comment with a smile.

"I never knew that Li Juan had friends in school of music. How come I haven't met you till now?"

"I studied abroad. Lily and me, we went to the same high school," The visitor informed,

"Oh then you must've known CEO Tang, too"

"You know him?" She asked with a tinge of surprise.

"Of course, I know him. We went an expedition with CEO Tang," Cheng Tao said happily, "I forgot to ask, what is your name?"

"I am-"

"Lanlan," Li Juan's voice suddenly rang there,

"Lily," Tang Wei Lan shot up from her seat as her met with the familiar yet different figure of Li Juan.

A moment of solemn silence filled in between them as two of them stared at each other.

"Lanlan why are-" Even before she could say something, Li Juan was wrapped into a warm embrace.

"I am sorry, Lily...I am really sorry," Tang Wei Lan's apologetic words engulfed by a huge wave of despair.


When Lee Tae Min came back to the lab after handing over Han Guang some important documents for a meeting with head of the department, only Cheng Tao was present in the lab.

"Tae Min ah, do you know that Lily have some girls in her friend list?" Cheng Tao shared his newly found information.

"Noona doesn't have any friends other than us,"

"That's what I used to believe, but few minutes ago, a fairy like girl came to meet Li Juan...she is the prettiest girl I have ever seen. Even her smile was really beautiful,"

"Senior Cheng please don't tell me that you've fallen for some fresher,"

"She already completed her studies abroad. She is Lily's high school friend who came to meet her," Cheng Tao shared the details of the visitor.

"Who is that friend?" Lee Tae Min wondered,

"Her name was just pretty as her, Lanlan,"

"Lanlan? I think I heard that name somewhere," Lee Tae Min searched in his memories.

"Lily and Lanlan. Even their names have a special charm as if they were bound to be together,"

"Oh shit," Lee Tae Min yelled in horror, " What did that girl say and where is Noona?"

"That was even weirder, she just started crying and apologizing just like the way CEO Tang did yesterday,"

"Where is she now?"

"I don't know, Lily just took that girl outside," Cheng Tao informed as he saw a terrified look on his junior, "What's wrong, Tae Min? Who is that girl?"

"Tang Wei Lan, CEO Tang's sister," Lee Tae Min replied as he picked up his phone,

Suddenly someone rushed into their lab and shouted as he tried to catch his breath.

"Senior Cheng.....Senior Li....Senior Li...has fainted,"