Chapter 198 - The Forgotten Flower

Tang Wei Sheng's childhood memories have always filled with the stinging pain of leather belting on his tender skin.

Whenever he does something which is not suitable according to the status of the young master of Tang family, he was bound to receive the punishment from his father.

If he  comes clean about his wrongdoings before his father founds about it from somewhere else, the number of beatings might be little lesser than the usual.

However, no matter how hard he tried, Tang Wei Sheng couldn't rise up to the expectations set by his father who wished to have a son who can become the beacon of the Wei bloodline.

And  eventually Tang Wei Sheng ended up believing that he has become a failure as a son,

However, for Tang Wei Lan who was different from every one else in Tang family, was proud of her brother who refused to become a man who is feared by everyone.

She was the one who made him believe that there is nothing in this world, which is unachievable by her brother who was like a bright sun who radiates happiness and warmth wherever he goes.

However, what happened to that girl who wished for everyone's well being and happiness.

Tang Wei Sheng gazed at the darkened face of the woman who stood before him.

Within these twenty six years, he have never seen such a malicious expression on his sister who is known for her adorable personality.

The burning glint in her eyes somehow felt familiar to him...

It almost felt like he was looking at his alternate self.

"Why Lanlan?" Tang Wei Sheng asked in firm tone,

"Li Juan...she considered you as her best friend.. no, her only friend...the person whom she loved the most and,"

Listening to his blaming words, a deep frown spread over Tang Wei Lan's beautiful face.

"How can you do that to a person who believed you the most? I thought you liked her more than anyone else,"

"Ahh, wrong," Tang Wei Lan cut down his words with a snigger and stared directly into his eyes,

"I never liked her,"

Tang Wei Sheng looked at his sister in disbelief,

He was familiar with the common practice among the rich socialites to hide the hatred towards each other, under a pretentious facade. Whether it is men or women, Tang Wei Sheng hated the ingenuity in their words and actions.

It was rare to find friendships which are rooted on individuals rather than some business relationships between the families.

But he always felt proud that his little sister was different. She was a pure and genuine soul in this pompous world.

But...but he was wrong. Tang Wei Lan wasn't any different from them. She always lived under the mask of an innocent girl...cheating everyone around her.

Looking at Tang Wei Sheng's perturbed expression, Tang Wei Lan took a deep breath and spat out  the words which she has kept hidden deep inside her heart.

"I never liked," She stopped for a moment and made sure to enunciated every words loud and clear,


She bit down her lips to suppress the overwhelming feeling which she hidden deep inside her.

"I loved Li Juan more than anyone in this world,"

Tang Wei Lan's words thrust deep into Tang Wei Sheng's heart like sharp icy daggers.

"What did you say?" He asked again as if he was unable to comprehend the meanings of Tang Wei Lan's words,

"I love Li Juan...just like the way you love her,"

"Just like the way you love her,"

That single statement continued to ring in Tang Wei Sheng's mind as he stared at his sister in shock and disbelief.

"" He forced himself to ask the doubt in a trembling voice,

"Yes, ," Tang Wei Lan said with an unswerving demeanor, " I like women but Li Juan is only one I've ever loved... she was my first love,"

First love!!! Does it mean that Tang Wei Lan started to like her friend while they were in high school? The same time when he started to develop feelings for Li Juan?

"I couldn't agree with it when I found about it," Tang Wei Lan's lips curled into a bitter smile as she reminisced about her school days. 

"How can it be possible? I am the young miss of the Tang family. How can I fall in love with a girl, that too someone who struggle to meet the two ends of the life. For a person like me who was treated as a princess, it was difficult to accept that I fell for a girl while waiting for my prince charming.

I tried hard to remind myself that she is my friend and a fellow woman. I tried to ignore her, avoided her... but every time I pushed her away, i found myself in need for her. I felt that i loved her from my past past felt like she was born for me...only for me,"

Tang Wei Lan took a seat opposite to her brother who appeared mortified.

"In the beginning i was scared to confess my feelings...But as I knew more about Lily, I eventually believed that she would understand me if I tell her the truth and I was planning to confess. But, it took me a while to realize that she already had someone whom she likes,"

Even without mentioning the name, Tang Wei Sheng knew that she was talking about him.

"Lily liked you and i had any other option, but to stand and watch you both falling for each other,"

Tang Wei Lan's words resonated the pain she felt when she became the third person who always sacrifices their feelings for the happiness of the person whom they love.

"Of course, you were the better option for her. Rather than being stuck in an unnatural relationship with me and becoming a laughing stock, she was better off with you. But gege, what have you done to my Lily?"

Tang Wei Lan raised her frosty gaze as she interrogated him.

"That day at hospital...I saw it...I saw it with my own my eyes that how you forced yourself upon Lily.  The person whom I idolized for being the greatest human threatening, assaulting a girl who believed him.

I should have barged inside and dragged her out, but...but I chose to ran away, leaving her to your monstrous claws.

I was too shocked and terrified by the sight. 

I shouldn't have done that... I shouldn't have allowed you to take advantage of my lily like that," A tear drop of rolled on her cheeks as Tang Wei Lan tried to recollect the horrific memory.

As a person who loved a woman...I should have helped her...but I ran away...I ran away like a coward. I cried all night because of the guilt of my actions ate me alive and I found myself at her doorstep the next day,"

Tang Wei Lan wiped the trails of tears travelling down her cheeks and gulped as she continued,

"I went to apologize and persuade Lily into charging a police case against you. It was a crime and you should be punished. But gege, can you guess what did Lily asked me as soon as she saw me?"

"Lanlan, how's your gege? Is he alright? he is not hurt, right?" Her words were laced with at most disdain.

"That was the first time I got angry at Lily for being kind- nah, for being a fool to forgive a man who abused her," The corners of her mouth twitched in contempt,

"That stupid girl who was drunk with your love lied to me when I questioned about the wounds and scratch marks on her body.  Even though i saw everything, she refused to tell me truth and acted like nothing happened to her. And brother, you weren't any tried to fly away from C country after ruining her life. I hated you...," Tang Wei Lan didn't control her words as she blamed him.

"I hated you so much that I purposefully made a post about you in school forum, pretending to be lily. I thought it will be enough to bring justice for her. But Tang family who thinks great about their only male heir, tried to silence Lily rather than searching for the truth.

I wished to apologize and start afresh with Lily, but you meddled in between us again. And both of you, reconciled like nothing has happened. 

I was forced to choose a side.

Should I confess everything to Lily and break her heart or should i give a chance for you to reflect and atone your wrongdoings and allow you to give her a life which she dreamed.

But gege, you proved me wrong again. You played with her emotions once again and threw her away like a broken toy,"

Tang Wei Lan's every single words stabbed Tang Wei Sheng like sharp daggers. 

"And your loving grand father ordered to end her life so that Lily won't become a threat to your married life with Ning Jing. For your pleasure, you and your grandpa...entire Tang family ruined her life. Don't tell me you loved her....If you have loved her, even a tiny bit... you shouldn't have hurt her,"

As Tang Wei Lan explained her reasons, Tang Wei Sheng silently listened to her until she finish,

"I admit that, I was wrong and there is no way i can ask for forgiveness for the atrocities that I've committed," He slightly raised his voice,

"But you, Tang Wei Lan , you are not innocent as you claims to be. You were equally guilty in ruining Li Juan's life,"

"All I've done is to love her,"  Tang Wei Lan retaliated,

"If you have loved her, you shouldn't have hurt her," He used Tang Wei Lan's words to blame her.

"I never-"

"You were mistaken," He interrupted her rants with at most pain and agony.

"It was true that I tried to hurt Li Juan at hospital, but i didn't take advantage of her and sexually abused her as you claims,"

"Nooo....I saw it...I saw it with my own you ra-"

"It was't me," He bellowed as Tang Wei Lan tried to remind the fear and trauma which his alternate personality inflicted upon Li Juan,

"I would never do anything to hurt her,"

"You are lying...I saw it-" 

"The person who you saw on that day was me...but the one who attacked Li Juan was my alter ego,"

Tang Wei Lan couldn't believe what she heard just now,

"I am mentally ill," Tang Wei Sheng admitted the fact which he refused to believe all these years,

"Dissociative identity disorder- that's what medical science calls it," He began to elucidate,

"It feels like there is someone...someone who is entirely different lives inside me...He controls everything and looks down on me for being a weakling. Whenever I am under unbearable pain or fear, he comes out. Tang Wei Lang, he addresses himself like that. The great wolf and when ever he takes over me, he treats Li Juan as his moon...his only mate.

That day, Li Juan confessed that she loves me and it provoked him...what you saw was him trying to mark his mate so that no body else would take her away from him,"

Tang Wei Sheng scanned his sister who remained flabbergasted.

It was something far beyond Tang Wei Lan's beliefs.

"Seems like a fairy tale, isn't it?" He asked in with an indifferent face,

"Then you should also know that, our family, every single person who shares the Wei bloodline, respects and fears the psycho who lives inside me, they treat him as their god,"

"They treat me as a hollow shell which hosts their wolf God in his own soul...the chosen one,"

Tang Wei Sheng stopped for a moment and looked at the woman who shares the same blood with him,

"But it seems like he chose the wrong person,"