Chapter 193 - The Real Cursed Child

Nobody would believe the mighty Ahn Lu Shan will have such a past. 

Ahn Lu Shan from twenty six year ago was nothing but a normal salary man who lead a happy life with his mother and wife. 

The day when Xie Na, Ahn Lu Shan's wife witnessed a murder of a girl, their peaceful life turned upside down. Appalled by the murder which happened right infront of her eyes, When Xie Na reported the crime, she never expected that it would cost her own life.

It was the time when Jing city has become the capital of illegal activities and murders were common among the mafia gangs. 

The government and the police could do nothing to stop these crimes, since there was a big network of politicians and businessmen which protected the big fishes who controlled the mafia.

Sun Qian, the infamous god father of the mafia groups in Jing city was regarded as invincible. The most powerful families in the capital had underground dealings with him and even feared to go against Sun Qian. 

Though he was beneficial towards the business world in the beginning and at one point he has become a threat to people who fed him. 

As the time went, Sun Qian turned out to be a parasite who leeched out others. Since nobody dared to earn the wrath of the mafia all they could do is to wish for some courageous man to finish him off. 

It was a nearly impossible task, 

However that's when the police department got an opportunity to clip the wings of Sun Qian. 

Sun Jian, Sun Qian's brother, the second in command of their gang ran his car over a girl who raised her voice against him when he almost hit her dog. 

Even though there were witnesses to confirm that it was a murder, the case was considered as a road accident due to the lack of evidences and witnesses. 

However, one week later, someone anonymously gave a detailed witness report which helped the police department to capture the culprit. 

Since the identity of the witness was kept anonymous, Sun Qian couldn't do anything to influence the witness, so he reverted his target towards the detective who was in charge of the case.

Even though there were pressure from higher ups, Bai Ze, a young detective who is renowned for his upright and law abiding behaviour, refused to waver from his decision to keep Sun Jian in custody. He even made sure to charge cases regarding drug usage and possession of illegal drugs against Sun Jian.

Since Sun Qian failed to release his brother from the police custody, he used his influence and transferred Bai Ze to another department. But to his horror, Bai Ze got transferred into the narcotics division which made the detective to tighten his claws over Sun Jian by charging various cases of drug deals that has been happening in Jing city. 

As he was pushed to his wits, Sun Qian ordered to finish the detective and the witness to eradicate the evidences as well as warning for everyone who went against him. 

Though, he managed to eliminate Xie Na, the witness, his calculations went completely wrong with Bai Ze. None of the hitmen under Sun Qian couldn't touch a single strand of hair of Bai Ze.

Sun Qian considered almost every influential official in the Jing city as his puppets. However when a loyal police officer like Bai Ze stood against the biggest crime syndicate in the country, the whole police department stood along with him in wiping out the mafia groups. 

However the elimination process of mafia in Jing city took an negative turn when Bai Ze suscpiously died in car accident in K country.

Everyone believed that it was done by Sun Qian's gang and once again the fear of ruthless mafia was inflicted upon the people. 

Within a week after Bai Ze's death, Sun Jian got released even though every evidences were against him. He hunted down everyone who helped the police to capture him and tortured to death.

Ahn Lu Shan who was the first person on the list, got brutally beaten up by Sun Jian's people and left to die.

That was when Tang Fei found Ahn Lu Shan who was holding onto his last breath because of the thought of annihilating the entire Sun family. 

Tang Fei was searching for someone who was willing to become his henchman. 

Ahn Lu Shan who lost everything which he once cherished was the perfect person for it.

There is nothing more dangerous than a revengeful man.

Tang Fei took advantage of his situation and made a fair deal with him. 

With Tang corporation to hold his back, Ahn Lu Shan avenged those who were behind his wife's death and as everyone wished he eliminated every single men in Sun family, without leaving any evidence and immobalized the men who worked with them. 

Even the police department was left in shock as they got to know about the annihilation of sun brothers.

It was even more shocking that nobody knew about the person who put an end to their nightmare.

Tang corporation effortlessly concealed Ahn Lu Shah's identity and protected him from the hassles of police cases. And in return, Tang Fei only demanded one thing from Ahn Lu Shan,

"To be his right hand man and protect Tang family,"

Since there is no more reason to lead a normal life, Ahn Lu Shan, willingly braced the position of Tang Fei's assistant alias the henchman of the Tang family.

It was a rebirth for him

Even though he was an outsider, the doors of Tang Mansion remained open for him.

He draw his borders with Tang family, yet they embraced Ahn Lu Shan as the part of their family, especially the kids in Tang Mansion.

For Tang Wei Sheng and Tang Wei Lan, he wasn't a murderer, but their uncle Ahn who always took care of their grandpa and family. 

In the beginning, Ahn Lu Shan was confused by Chairman Tang's decision to make a man like him, a murderer to be precise, to work in Tang Corporation. But as he started to work with Tang Fei, the secrets hidden within the family got revealed one by one.

The history of Wei Clan and their unquenchable thirst for blood and power, it almost felt like a fairy tale for Ahn Lu Shan, until he witnessed the torture which little Ah Sheng has to suffer. 

Young master Tang, the beloved Ah Sheng of the Tang family was a cheerful boy who had an amicable personality. He was kind and considerate to everyone. A boy who couldn't even hurt anyone with a word. To have a child like that was considered as a blessing, but for his father, being kind and gentle was regarded as Tang Wei Sheng's weakness.

Tang Yi wanted his son to be brave and stone-hearted rather than being gentle and forgiving. He was the blood and flesh of Wei Clan and everyone forced him to become fierce and competent. Especially Tang Yi  used harsh methods on his only son to make the boy into a man who is befitted to hold the title of the wolf of Wei Clan, the one who is eligible to become the vessel of wolf god. In that process Tang Yi was more or less like an abusive father for Tang Wei Sheng.

For Ahn Lu Shan, the weird beliefs and practices revolved around the Tang family was an absolute absurdity and felt pity for young master Tang.

In the name of an implausible history and belief, Tang family forced their only male heir to turn into a beast, a psychopath. 

At one point, Ahn Lu Shan felt that Tang Wei Sheng won't be able to the trauma he had to face while he was a little kid. But to his surprise, Tang Wei Sheng grew up without creating any trouble though he had an unsettled mind. 

However, it didn't last any longer. The day a girl named Li Juan entered into Tang Wei Sheng's life, everything changed in a glimpse. 

She revoked the alternate ego who was hidden inside in him and what was even more terrifying is that he was obsessed with her to a point where he almost killed everyone who tried to hurt that girl. 

When Tang Fei ordered his assistant to look into the girl whom his grandson was interested, it took him a while to recognise Li Juan's identity as detective Bai's daughter. 

It was harrowing for Ahn Lu Shan to realise that he was also a reason for the misery of Bai Ze's family. 

While keeping on an eye on Li Juan, somehow he became attached to the girl who was hard-working and determined to lead a life despite her poor living conditions. 

He was delighted to know that the kids from Tang family took good care of Li Juan and held her close when no one else was for her. 

But that happiness and peace of moment was lost forever, when Tang Wei Sheng almost died while saving Li Juan. Tang Yi who became so furious after the knowing this, ordered to split the teenage couple apart. 

For Tang family, Li Juan was nothing but an orphan, someone who is not even eligible to stand next to Tang Wei Sheng. It was easier to nib their budding love before it leaves a strong impression on them. 

However even before Ahn Lu Shan could do something to split the couple, Tang Wei Sheng himself suggested to leave the country and stay away from Li Juan. He was quite surprised when Ahn Lu Shan got to know about young master Tang's decision.

But the moment the rumours started spreading on the internet within the student community of silver Oak, everything made sense. 

It was impossible for Tang Wei Sheng to act harshly to someone whom he loved, but his beastly alter ego

was never hesitant to use violence against anyone. 

Even though Ahn Lu Shan doesn't want to believe that Tang Wei Sheng sexually abused Li Juan, he was sure that something went wrong between the couple. 

With Tang Wei Sheng's wolf personality who thinks superior than anyone else, it was easier to believe that he would have tried to exert his dominance over the girl whom both of them loved.

It was necessary for the wolf to mark his mate in order to show his authority over his partner.

Once the rumours that has been flooded on the internet has reached the elders in Tang family, they ordered to put an end to the scandal which is tarnishing the family name and pride by silencing the victim forever. 

They ordered to kill Li Juan who has turning into Tang Wei Sheng's weakness. 

However the road accident which was planned in order to take Li Juan's life has become a failure only because Ahn Lu Shan made sure to repay the kindness he received from from her father, Bai Ze.

Due to the regret and the very last ounce of humanity left within him, Ahn Lu Shan purposefully meddled in between the plan and saved Li Juan from the brink of death without anyone's notice. 

He decided to get into the mess which has tangled Li Juan with Tang Wei Sheng and find the real culprit who played with the life of a poor girl.

However, the truth he found was shocking and distressing even for Ahn Lu Shan who had a stone cold heart. 

The one who ruined Li Juan's life, 

The one who sabotaged the entire Tang family was some one who born within the bloodline of Wei Clan, was none other than child who was fated to bring an end to the Wei Clan.

The child who was born due to the curse afflicted by Bai Yu Yue, on behalf of the entire Yu clan. 

The real cursed child.