Chapter 162 - The Birthday

"Dr Lee, your phone was ringing continuously," One of the nurses informed Lee Tae Yang who stepped out from the surgical room. 

"Ah, thank you," Lee Tae Yang picked up his mobile phone and checked the call list only to find countless missed calls. 

It seems like his entire family tried to call him,

"Ah today must be that special day which comes only once in the year," Realization hit hard in his mind,

His birthday,

How can he forget his own birthday? He gritted his teeth and checked the time,

4.30 pm, his shift will be over in thirty minutes, since it is a special day is it okay to leave earlier? How about taking Li Juan for a dinner?

He stared at Li Juan's contact number and contemplated over the issue,

It was only two weeks ever since he bought a cell phone for Li Juan.

On her first check-up after their date, there were some abnormalities in Li Juan's medical reports, especially her brain scan reports. 

The doctors warned them about the chances of a relapse and another period of memory loss. 

He brought her a phone so that he can check on her as her personal doctor as well as her boyfriend. 

All of sudden, Li Juan's name popped up on his phone screen,

Lee Tae Yang picked up the call with grin on his face," Xiao Li," 

"Yang yang," She called dotingly, "Are you busy?" 

"No, what about you? Are you still in library? I will pick you up?" He stood up and walked towards the locker room while speaking,

" you come downstairs for a moment?"

"You are here?" 

"I won't take much time, just five minutes," She requested,

"Can you wait for five minutes? my shift is almost over, fine?" Lee Tae Yang ended the conversation and immediately changed into his own clothes.

When Lee Tae Yang walked out of the neurology department, he ran into Yun Xian,

"Are you leaving early?" She inquired with an expressionless face,

"Yes, I have an appointment," 

"Ahhh your appointment is waiting near the OB/GYN department," She monotonously said, "Congratulations on - ahhh, you must be in a hurry...go go," 

"Ahhh, Yun Xian, what are you saying?" His eyes widened in shock,

"Go...go... don't make your girlfriend wait" Yun Xian faintly smiled and waved him good bye before walking inside,

Lee Tae Yang shuffled his hair in embarrassment. Yun Xian was known as the ice queen of the first hospital, everyone considered as her as a person with a low EQ, however, when she came to know that Lee Tae Yang started dating a patient, even she started to tease him.

He rushed towards the OB/GYN department and found Li Juan sitting on a lonely bench,

"Xiao Li,"

Upon hearing his voice Li Juan's lips curled into a stunning smile and waved her hands at Lee Tae Yang,

"Oh, you are here!!!

Happy birthday to you, 

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday dear Yangyang,

Happy birthday to you,"

Li Juan stood up and wished by singing the birthday song.

Lee Tae Yang replied with a smile and wrapped her into a warm embrace,

"Thank you, Xiao Li," He placed a kiss on her hair, "How did you know that today is my birthday?" He sounded surprised. He didn't inform her about his birthday and yet she is here to wish him,

"I got my ways," Li Juan released herself from his embrace and handed over a basket, "here is your birthday gift."

He took the basket from her and low bark heard from it,

"Woof, woof"

"Xiao Li, did you gift me a puppy, how can I," He was worried for a moment,

"Shhhhhh," Li Juan placed her finger on her lips and signaled him to stop.

"He can hear you,"

"Hmm," Lee Tae Yang appeared sulky.

"I found him near a waste bin," Li Juan said in a low voice like a whisper. "Someone abandoned him, I took him home. But the house owner said that he won't allow us to keep him there. Can you keep him, please?"

"I live alone, Xiao Li," Lee Tae Yang pouted his lips, "He will be alone while I am working,"

"I know, that's why you will be the best person for him. Even if I leave one day, you won't be alone, he will be there for you." Li Juan explained to him with a faint smile. After the medical check up, she was scared by the results and her future which is affected by her brain injury.

"I told you, you are not going to leave anywhere." Lee Tae Yang coaxed her,

"What if I forget you one day?" she asked again,

"Well, I am not going to forget you. I will be with you and i will remind you everyday that I am your boyfriend,"

"What if I don't remember you?"

"I can wait until you regain your memories,"

"Will you wait for me?" Li Juan asked to confirm,

"I will wait for you." He ruffled her short hair. "I promise, that I will wait for you until my last breath. So please stop being emotional and suggest a name for him," Lee Tae Yang patted the girl who is looking at with him with moist eyes,

"Since he is going to live with you, I will let you name him." Li Juan took the puppy out of the basket and stroked his fur,

"You are the first person who took him as a family, so you are the right person for naming him." Lee Tae Yang suggested,

" about we name him "Promise"?" She proposed,

"Promise?" His eyebrows raised in query,

"He will remind you of your promise," She looked at him with gentle eyes.

"Hmm, let's name him promise," He contemplated for a moment, "How about we name Li Yasook?"

"Lee Yasook?" Her eyes perched up in delight, "Are you giving him your surname?"

"Nah, it is Li as in Li Juan...didn't you told me that you don't have any relatives? Now you have one more member in your family,"

Li Juan stared at him with moist eyes and leaned on to his shoulder. Lee Tae Yang wrapped his arm over her,

"Yang yang are we going to sit here till night?" She asked him,

"Let's go shopping for Yasook, I don't have anything for him at home," Lee Tae Yang stood up enthusiastically, "Let's go, let's go,"

Li Juan grabbed his arm and held Yasook on her other hand, "Let's go and buy something for our baby,"

Lee Tae Yang drove his car to famous pet care shop in the main city and brought necessary items for Yasook, like a responsible parents getting things for their kid.

While walking through the aisle of dog food, he nudged Li Juan's shoulder, ""Does Yasookie's mom needs anything?" 

"Are you treating me on your birthday, Yasookie's pappa?"

"Ofcourse, honey,"He beamed at her, "I don't want to brag, but Oppa can buy you anything,"

"Then, can you take me somewhere?"

"Ofcourse, honey," He bowed slightly, "Tell me where do you want to go,"

"There is a place called Rock shore near the west city beach,"

"Rock shore?"

"It is a bar restuarant,"

"Xiao Li, are you going to drink?" Lee Tae Yang asked in shock, "You are taking medicines and you cannot supposed to drink,"

"I am not going to drink. It is the only place which allows pets," Li Juan said in a resolute face, "I am not going to a place where my baby is not allowed," She puffed her cheeks and cuddled Yasook,

"Okay Yasook's mom, lets go to the place where we can go as a family,"


The moment Lee Tae Yang entered into the restuarant, he was welcomed by soft music and faint lights. It was nothing like a typical bar.

"How did you know this place? Its amazing," Lee Tae Yang said while taking a seat on a table which facing the sea, 

"Happy birthday!!!" 

Out of nowhere, Chi Yan and Hao Ren came with a birthday cake and placed a birthday hat on Lee Tae Yang's head,

"Why are you here? Don't you have duty?" That was his response towards the surprise,

"Aiiiishhh," Chi Yan almost cursed and turned towards Li Juan, "This is why we never celebrates any of his birthday's" 

"That's what I was guys never threw any parties for me...this is the first time," Lee Tae Yang was at loss of words. 

"Thank Xiao Li for arranging this surprise party," 

Lee Tae Yang looked at Li Juan who stood beside him with sparkling eyes. 

After becoming an adult he never paid much attention to celebrate his birthday. Other than his family members no one remembered his birthday. 

But this girl!!! Lee Tae Yang leaned closer to her,

"Ah wait..wait...first cut the cake, I am starving here," Chi Yan meddled in between the couple, 

"Yes, yes," Li Juan gave him the knife, "Do the honours birthday boy," 

Lee Tae Yang smiled and took the knife from her, bent his head to blew the candles,

"Make a wish!!!" Chi Yan said to him,

He closed his eyes for a moment before blowing the candles,

"Can I cut the cake now?" 

"Go ahead!!!" 

Lee Tae Yang sliced the cake and gave Li Juan the first piece, she broke a piece from the cake slice and fed him, 

"Happy birthday, Yang yang," 

He wiped his lips with his fingers and placed a kiss on her soft cheeks which is more sweeter than the cake. 

"Thank you so much for this surprise, Xiao Li" 

Li Juan smiled softly and hugged him back,

"Yaaaa...are we invisible or not?" Chi Yan growled, 

Lee Tae Yang released his arms from Li Juan and sliced the cake for Chi Yan, 

"Yanyan, come here," He called him in a gentle voice and stuffed the cake onto his mouth, "I don't want to thank you guys but-" 

Even before Lee Tae Yang could finish his words, his mouth was stuffed with cake slice,

"Happy 24, Dr Lee...," Hao Ren wished him, "I wish you health and happiness on this day and I also hope that you can celebrate rest of your birthdays..nah rest of your life with Xiao Li," 

Lee Tae Yang also wished for the same.

He wished to celebrate every single moment of his life with Li Juan, but it took more than six years for that wish to come true.