Chapter 155 - Going Against The Work Ethics

Once the observation period was over, Li Juan was shifted to the neurology ward where patients with minor head injuries are accommodated. Unlike the isolated cubicles in the ICU, neurology ward was much livelier with patients and their bystanders.

"Lili, close your eyes," Li Qin who was wiping Li Juan's face with a wet towel asked with a faint smile when she felt a pair of eyes tracing her actions with curiosity.

Li Qin was familiar with that gesture, even from her childhood Li Juan always keen on observing her mother while she was busy working. She copies her mother and learn to do things on her own.

When Li Juan picked up the warmth and intimacy in the woman who stood before her, she subconsciously closed her eyes.

Looking at her daughter obeying her words, Li Qin couldn't help but thank the doctors and heavens,

Her daughter has managed to escape the evil hands of death...once again,

After half an hour, the neurology ward became silent, as doctors began their morning rounds.

"Doctor, thank you so much for saving my Lili" Li Qin gave a ninety-degree before Luo Ben Cheng and his students.

"We did nothing madam, it was your daughter who decided to wake up," Luo Ben Cheng said with a warm smile and turned to face Li Juan who remained in the bed with a frozen expression,

"Good morning Miss Li," Luo Ben Cheng greeted Li Juan,

However her eyes were busy searching for someone in the group,

"I thought you might have gone to the pediatric neurology ward," Luo Ben Cheng checked her medical reports and said casually,

"Yesterday Lili turned eighteen, so the administration department allotted us this ward," Li Qin politely said and swept a glance at her daughter who is left with nothing but skin and bones.

"Yesterday was your birthday??? Why didn't no one mentioned it, Belated birthday wishes, Li Juan," Luo Ben Cheng reached out for a handshake, Li Juan who appeared disappointed because of someone, contemplated for a moment and reluctantly touched his palm for a light handshake,

"How about the other hand?" Luo Ben Cheng fixed his glasses and pointed towards her other hand.

Li Juan who got startled by his demand refused to show her other hand which was clutching to a fountain pen and She even tried to hide it from others,

Watching her clumsy actions, Luo Ben Cheng broke into a peal of laughter,

"No, I don't want your pen. Dr Lee didn't come for his pen?"

Li Juan blinked her eyes for once, as an answer,

"Ahh, he is busy with work. Do you want to talk to his friend?" Luo Ben Cheng glanced at Chi Yan whose eyes were fidgeting between the girl and thick fountain pen.

The pen was gifted by Lee Tae Yang's grandfather. Rather than a normal pen, it was more like a family heirloom. How did he leave that in the care of a patient?

"Chi Yan, professor is calling you," Yun Xian tried to wake him up from his dazed state,

"Ah yes, professor," Chi Yan took a step towards Li Juan and grinned,

"My name is Chi Yan, glad to meet you and yeah, belated birthday wishes Xiao Li," He said in amicable tone and tried to break the ice,

However, Li Juan looked at him without much interest and began to fiddle with the pen.

Chi Yan who was well known by the name "Chatterbox," was left at a loss of words, however, he quickly regained his bearings and leaned closer,

"Dr Lee, who is the owner of this pen, he is my friend," Chi Yan grabbed the end of the pen, "Do you want me to give it to him?"

The moment he touched the pen, the look on her frosty eyes replaced with a murderous glare, as if she is warning him to take off his hand from it.

"I can give to him," Chi Yan tugged at the tip of the pen with a little force,

Li Juan who felt that the stranger is going to take away her precious possession used her other hand and pulled the pen towards her. After a moment of tugging to each side, Chi Yan gave up with a chortle.

"Professor, her grip is quite strong,"

"Her reflexes seems good," Luo Ben Cheng reported, "Even though she did not acknowledge doctor Chi in the beginning, when he tried to take away the pen she became more cautious and even turned hostile. It shows that she is able to comprehend the things happening around her and knows how to react to it. Compared to yesterday, it is a really huge improvement,"

"But doctor, may I know why she is relucting to speak ?" Li Qin asked with a worried face,

"One of my students says that she spoke to him once. Most of the times, patients who woke up from coma will have some difficulties to speak for the first few let's give her some time and in the meantime, we must talk to her and try to encourage her to join in the conversation,"

Luo Ben Cheng signed the report and raised his eyes towards the IV drip,

"Let's change into a liquid diet and after two days, we will check whether to continue or shift to solid food,"

"Yes, doctor,"

"Let me refer her to the orthology department for the diagnosis of the condition of her bones." He scanned her skinny limbs and weak frame, "Miss Li, you need to have your meals regularly to regain your strength," Luo Ben Cheng said before moving towards the next patient,

Once the morning rounds got over Chi Yan immediately called Hao Ren,

"Did you finish your rounds, then I got a huge news for you," As soon as the call got connected Chi Yan reported,

"What happened?" Hao Ren asked in a plain voice,

"Do you remember that code blue case Tae Yang saved, he gave his favourite pen to that kid," 

"Huh, he usually doesn't give that pen to anyone,"

"Yes, that's what I am saying...Do you know what is even weirder, when I tried to take it back from that patient, she almost burned me into ashes with her big eyes..."

"What are you trying to say?" Hao Ren asked in a hurried voice,

"I am getting a weird-"

"If you are going to sprout some non-sense, I am going to cut the call, I got work,"

Even before Chi Yan could say something the call got disconnected,

"Don't believe me until you see it with your own eyes," Chi Yan shouted at the phone and strode back to the outpatient consultation room.

Li Juan had a busy day.

She was taken to the orthology department to check the conditions of her broken bones. Her wounds were re-dressed and even physiotherapist came to check her motor responses. She met many people who wore the white lab coat over the blue uniform, yet the person whom she wished to see, never appeared before her, thus leaving her in a dispirited mood for the rest of the day.

For the entire day, she waited for him, fiddling with the pen until her heavy eyelids drooped down.

When Lee Tae Yang came to visit Li Juan the sky has already turned into the darkest shade of black,

The lively ward has already fallen into silence and most of the patients and bystanders were sleeping,

He quietly headed towards Li Juan's bed, took a seat and glanced at her sleeping face,

Her head was covered with a white bandage and her left leg was plastered,

It was a distressing sight, yet for some reasons, Lee Tae Yang felt peaceful when he saw her without the life-supporting machines. 

He almost flew towards her when he heard from Luo Ben Cheng and Chi Yan that, Li Juan had undergone a drastic improvement within the last 24 hours.

He was working in hospitals for the last six years and yet he never felt a connection to any of the patients like the way he felt towards Li Juan,

After spending some time beside her, Lee Tae Yang stood up from the seat to leave, however when he took few steps towards the exit, he suddenly felt a scrutinizing stare on him, which almost yanked him,

He abruptly stopped in his tracks and looked back and found a pair of eyes were glowing in the faintly lit ward, 

He was being careful not to wake her up and yet she woke up? Lee Tae Yang thought for a moment and moved closer to her with a pleasant smile,

Her eyes were enchanting that he found himself getting pulled towards her as if they are tied together with an invisible string.

However, the moment Lee Tae Yang sat beside the bed, Li Juan broke their line of sight and averted her gaze from him to the wall.

"Did I wake you?" He asked in a tender voice,

No response from her as she continued to stare at the wall, with pouted lips,

Lee Tae Yang let out a low chuckle when he realized that the little girl is showing her disappointment,

"I apologise for not visiting you earlier...," Lee Tae Yang scratched his chin and carefully chose his words, "Actually I did visit, but you were asleep at that time..., so I left without disturbing you,"

However, Li Juan who was upset with him continued to treat him as air, but her ears were focused on every single word that has left his mouth,

"You are still upset with me?" Lee Tae Yang asked in a pacifying tone, "If you are not, then why aren't you looking at me?" 

Silence filled in between them,

"If you are going to look at the wall, then I am going to leave," As a last resort he tried to stand up and all of sudden a thin arm grabbed his sleeves and stopped him.

Lee Tae Yang could not help but beam at her sulky face as he settles down beside her.

"I heard that it was your birthday yesterday? Belated birthday wishes," 

He reached out for a handshake and she hesitated for a moment before grabbing his warm hand.

"I should have come with a gift, but... you know," He sheepishly said, 

He does not get enough time to sleep or eat, how can he even think about getting a gift?

"Are you cold?" He changed the topic and covered her properly with the blanket, 

Her eyes tracing every inch of his face, as if he is scanning him,

Watching her gleaming charcoal eyes and her amity towards him, Lee Tae Yang couldn't help but ask about it,

"Li Juan," His voice softened as he called the girl, "Have we met before?" 

She slightly loosened her grip on his hand, 

"Is that a No?" He pursed his lips and narrowed his eyes, " I feel like I've seen you somewhere," 

She tightened her grip on his fingers, 

"You also felt like that?"

Her long lashes batted while she pressed his fingers, indicating her answer.

"It felt like I have known you for a long time and you are someone whom I cherished with all my heart," He wanted to say, but he controlled his urge to reveal the affection blooming in his heart.

"Cut it off, She is a patient and you are a doctor, it is not ethically right," He tried to remind himself and lowered his gaze towards her,

"It's late, you should sleep now...I will try to come tomorrow," 

Lee Tae Yang tried to peel off his hand, "I promise," 

Li Juan slowly let off his hand took the fountain pen and handed over it to him,

The corners of her eyes wrinkling in happiness, revealing a faint smile, melting her frozen expressions,

Lee Tae Yang who watched her with a widened eyes felt a tug at his heart and gradually realized that he is going is to do something against his work ethics...