Chapter 151 - Do You Know What I Like The Most?

Li Juan stood dazed in the waiting area of the Soul city's international airport, having no idea to comfort the little girl who has been crying in her arms,

Cha Sei Ryeong who has been chatting happily along the way has suddenly become gloomy as soon as they reached the airport.

"Can't you stay one more day?" Her doe eyes brimming with tears,

Li Juan helplessly glanced at Tae Yang, apart from Tang Wei Lan, she never had much contact with girls of her age or younger than her. On the other hand, Cha Sei Ryeong who always wished to have an elder sister was totally mesmerized by her brother's girlfriend who was caring and friendly, 

"Sei Ryeong ah," Tae Yang softly calls his cousin, "She needs to go back,"

"I haven't introduced to sister-in-law to my friends or we haven't gone for a girl's date. How can you take her back?" Cha Sei Ryeong's little face puffed up in anger.

"You dummy," Lee Tae Min tapped on her fair forehead, "Noona needs to go home and get her family's permission to officially become your sister in law. If you don't leave her then...." He shrugged,

"You have to come back soon," Cha Sei Ryeong released Li Juan from her embrace and grabbed her hands,

"Li Juan," Cha Soo Hyun called her with a doting smile, "The Jing city branch will contact you for the contract signing process," 

"Aunty, do you really have to do this?" Tae Yang asked with a meek smile. His aunt is hell-bound over signing Li Juan as one of their brand's models. She even gifted the brand-new summer collection apparels for her future daughter in law.

"She has the potential to become a top model, you should support her," Cha Sei Ryeong said with a slight reprimanding tone and turned towards Li Juan,

"Whenever you feel like visiting us, please do visit....don't wait for this big boss to clear his schedule and take you here," 

Li Juan replied with a broad smile and bid adieu to her so-called "in-laws" and the soul city, where she unknowingly found a new family.

In the flight, Li Juan sat beside Tae Yang who was immersed in checking some documents. She clearly understood that he has a busy schedule yet he decided to accompany her, quoting that he has some work in S city, 

Upon sensing Li Juan's stare on him, Tae Yang closed the documents and turned to face her,

Last night, Li Juan mentioned about her muddled thoughts and her desire to return to Yun city. Rather than stuck in her memories, she decided to let go of the past and live in the present.

"I am sorry for dragging you into this," He said gently,

" don't have to say sorry. Even though it was an act, I really enjoyed being your girlfriend," She giggled and casually brushed a strand of hair behind her ears,

Her actions were inconspicuous and yet it made his heart flutter, leaving him spellbound for a moment,

Her jet black hair has been tied into a low ponytail, allowing others to see her beautiful face.

Years ago, when Tae Yang got to know that Li Juan was bullied because of her features, he couldn't believe it.

Whether it was the little girl from eight years ago or the current Li Juan,

She was the prettiest woman he has ever seen,

The lean and skinny figure who always roamed around in over-sized clothes in his memories has gradually bloomed into the finest beauty, who could melt any stone-hearted men.

"Can I call you by your name?" Li Juan's voice revoked him from the memories,

"Huh?" Tae Yang arched his brows in a query,

"Young master Guan feels distant and Mr Lee is too formal," She fiddled with her hair strands and tried to tone down her awkwardness.

"Normally I don't like any of those titles, I always prefer my first name," He said his mind,

"You are older than me and it would be too awkward if I call you by the name," Li Juan bit her nails and replied,

"You still feel awkward around me?" He moved closer to her,

She bites her lips while agreeing with him, "I got a low alcohol tolerance. Whenever I drink, I go crazy. I know we didn't do anything, still, we spent the night together,"

"Do you believe me if I say that, it is not the first time that we are spending a night together?"

Her big blacks widened in shock,

"You used to come to my place, even though I haven't stayed at your place I have been to your house. We even spent a week at my farmhouse,"


"Hmm, we were really close that you snuggle into my arms and fall asleep as long as I hold you close. You even used to wear my clothes without any hesitation. But this time, it was a little bit difficult, you kept on mumbling that you want to mark me yours,"

Li Juan covered her face in embarrassment. He let out a chuckle and removed the palms which covered her blushing face.

"Even if you shut your eyes, I can see you blushing and your kind information, you marked me yours, very long ago. So open your eyes and look at me," 

Li Juan fluttered open her eyes to his charming face,

"I assume that you are not fond of the word marriage," He smiles, "So I won't use that term unless you want to talk about,"

"I love you, even though I want to spend the rest of my life with you...I am not in a place to force you...You have been through a lot and I understand that you are having trouble to make a decision. But whenever you feel ready..., What I am saying," He shook his head and grinned, "Whenever you want a break, whenever you want a shoulder to lean on, you can come and find me,"

Li Juan gawked at him incredulous disbelief,

"If you want me to remain as your loyal friend, I can do that...but you should promise me that you will stay happy...whether you are planning to stay single or get settled, you should promise me that you will remain happy,"

Tae Yang raised his palm and patted her soft hair,


"Yes," Li Juan replied,

"Good. If you are tired, take a nap," Tae Yang patted his shoulders and leaned his back on to the seat as he opened the documents,

Li Juan looked at him for a moment and slowly tilted her head onto his shoulder, her slender fingers wrapping around his arm, snuggling into his warmth,

When the flight landed on the S city's airport, Li Juan's twin cousins were already waiting for her to pick her up,

"So we are parting our ways here," Tae Yang asked her,

"Hmm, have a safe journey," She said with an expressionless face, "I hope we meet again,"

"Yes, sure." He assured her, "Okay then," Tae Yang turned to walk away, 

Li Juan stood frozen to the ground, staring at his leaving back,

"Tae Yang!!!," She called out, "Wait,"

Tae Yang who heard her calling his first name tilted his head with a surprised face,

She darted over to him, "Can I...can I have your contact number?" Li Juan gave him her phone while trying to catch her breath,

He took the phone from her hands and quickly dialled his number before returning to Li Juan, "Can I go now?"


"Bye then," He turned to leave towards the departure area, even before he could step into the boarding area, he heard her calling him...again,

Li Juan ran towards him... again,

"Next month I am turning twenty-six,"

"I know," He replies with a smile, "Do you want a birthday gift?" 

She nodded her head, "Do you know what I like the most?"

"Books," His answer was quick,

"I want to learn the K language, can you send some self-studying materials?"

"Yes, I will send them to you," Tae Yang agreed to her, "May I?"

However, she called him again,

Tae Yang let out a sigh and walked over,

"I... I think," Li Juan tried to speak, however even before she could speak, a pair of strong arms pulled her into an embrace,

Li Juan was taken aback for a moment, however, she wrapped her hands around him and immersed her face into his chest, inhaling his soothing scent, biting him in the chest, over his dress shirt, 

Tae Yang released her from his embrace when he felt her canine teeth piercing into his skin, showing her reliance on him,

Marking him hers,


It was already midnight when Li Juan reached Yu palace. She didn't want to wake anyone, so she walked to her room. However, she ran into Bai Zhu, who was on business meet with foreign clients.

Bai Zhu looked at Li Juan who appeared as if she is tired to death.

"Why didn't you inform us that you are coming?" He narrowed his brows,

"I... Eldest uncle, can I talk to you for a moment?" Li Juan asked all of sudden,

"What do you have to say?"

"Did anyone disagree to make me as the queen of Yu clan?" She asked directly,

"Why do you want to know? Are you planning to punish them using your power?"

"Li Juan chortled," "you know that I can't. Was there anyone who disagreed?"

"Yes, there was," Bai Zhu said,

"May I know why?"

"We did a background check on you,"

"Oh, I see, well then I won't say anything," Li Juan stopped asking if someone did a background check- no one will have a good impression on her.

"Why did you ask? "

"As someone who knows everything about me, you could have seen that my whole life is a mess. I don't deserve all these. These responsibilities are weighing me down and I feel like I am not meeting your expectations as the queen of the Yu clan. I don't want to become a burden to anyone," Li Juan said in a breath,

"You are not a burden for us," Bai Zhu stated,

"Eldest uncle please be true to me... you don't have to sugar coat anything. I stand before you as Li Juan, not as Bai Yue Ling," She stared at him with crystal clear eyes,

"If I knew that someone from Yu clan disliked the idea to make me the queen, I swear, I would never have worn that crown or stood as a suitor for first brother,"

"I won't say that you are good, but you are not that bad", He stopped for a moment, " and for Ah Jun. I want him to have all the happiness. I want him to have the most precious things whether it is a toy or the girl he is going marry,"

Li Juan smiled, "I guessed it. His decision was good,"

"If you weren't Bai Ze's daughter, I don't think a girl like you will ever allow stepping into the palace boundaries," Bai Zhu continued,

"I was really curious that day. You turned down Ah Jun, broke up with your boyfriend. And yet you literally surprised me by rejecting Young master Guan…," He let out a bitter smile,

"Since he was your friend, I thought he will have an upper hand and you did seem like a couple," Bai Zhu said with an expressionless face, "While you were unconscious, he was the one who sat beside you all the time,"

Li Juan remained silent to her uncle's words,

"You were clutching onto his arms, unwilling to let him go," Bai Zhu let out a sigh and continued, "I heard him mumbling every now and then like he is chanting some prayer,

"I will not leave you,"

"I will not leave you," Li Juan repeated his words and all of sudden, smiling face as bright as the morning sun flashed in her memories,

"Xiao Li," He calls in his deep voice, "I will not leave you. Even if you forget me, I will stay with you and I will remind you, every single moment, that how much you love me," His warm lips touching her forehead,

"Wait for me,"