Chapter 149 - The Celebrity Fan Meeting

"You arrogant brat, are you threatening me?"

"Yes, Madam Kim Myung Hee," Lee Tae Min leaned back on the sofa, on his thin lips a haughty smile lingering as of he is not afraid of anyone.

Though Grandma Lee understood that she was wrong, but Looking at his nonchalant as well as arrogant attitude, she hesitated to admit her wrong choice of words.

"Let's wait until your brother comes back, I will definitely tell him that you threatened me," Kim Myung Hee vaguely tried to get even with her rude grandson.

"Go ahead and feel free to complain,"

"What's wrong with you two, whenever both of you are together this house turns into a battlefield," Lee Tae Suk bellowed, all at once, "There is a limit for enduring your bickering,"

He exhaled heavily and glanced at Cha Soo Hyun who stood frozen to the ground, clutching to the trench coat, her eyes showing a tinge of pain,

"Soo Hyunah?" Lee Tae Joon shook her shoulders and woke her up from the thoughts. "What happened? Do you know her as well?"

"Tae Yang did mention about his girlfriend, but it was seven years ago and I thought it was just...," She averted her gaze to Lee Tae Min, who leisurely sat on the sofa with a satisfied face,

" seem rather close to her, how do you know her? Did Tae Yang- "

"Juan Noona is my senior in university. Both of us work for the same research project," He said with a sheepish smile, 

"No wonder she felt so familiar," Cha Soo Hyun huffed as she sat next to her son.

She always wondered why Lee Tae Min suddenly decided to move to C country as a research intern rather than joining their family business.

"Is it coincidence or-" 

"I did it deliberately," Lee Tae Min confessed without any guilt, "Well, I did ask Tian Long Hyung's help in case if I don't get into the list,"

"He also knew about this?"

"Back then, both of them were in S city. So it is normal that he knows," Lee Tae Min casually said,


"What happened?" Cha Soo Hyun rose into her feet, as she saw the Li Juan who was drenched in water, 

"Yasook wanted young miss to give him a bath," The maid reported,

"What kind of witch is she? She got two of my grandsons and even the dog under her charm?" Kim Myung Hee muttered under her breath,

"I heard that grandma," Lee Tae Min grinned, "Yasook used to be Noona's dog, she gave him to Hyung on his birthday,"

"How long are you going to make her wait? Get her something to change?" Cha Soo Hyun immediately asked,

"Yes, madam,"

"Let me give her my clothes," Cha Sei Ryeong jumped into her feet and volunteered,

"Your clothes will be short for her," Cha Soo Hyun ruthlessly declined her niece's offer, 

Cha Sei Ryeong pouted her lips in disappointment. She was petite little girl, who enjoyed being called "the little princess,"

Cha Soo Hyun scratched stood up and walked towards Li Juan with scanning eyes, after a moment, she picked up her phone to call her assistant,

"Can you bring clothes which we have been selected for the catalogue to my house? As soon as possible, Ah bring Mi Rae and Han Byul too," Cha Soo Hyun ended her conversation,

"Her clothes will be here in a while, just give her something to change for now,"

"Yes, aunty," Cha Sei Ryeong hopped like a rabbit and grabbed Li Juan's arm with a gleeful face, "Come with me,"

Without wasting any time she took Li Juan into her room. Since Cha Sei Ryeong's parents are working in two different countries, she was living with her aunt and family from the last year. Since there aren't any girl child in the family, she was treated like a princess in the Lee family's mansion.

"My aunt asked her assistants to bring the clothes for you," Cha Sei Ryeong rummaged through the wardrobe and found a long wrapping gown for Li Juan, "they will be here soon, until then..I hope it fits you,"

When Li Juan came out changing into fresh clothes, Cha Sei Ryeong's eyes bulged in horror and in a moment, her face flushed red,

"What happened?"

Cha Se Ryeong pulled Li Juan's arm and made her stand in front of the floor-length mirror,

The moment Li Juan looked at her reflection, covered her mouth in shock and jumped out of the mirror frame. 

Her neck and shoulders were covered with numerous hickies from the last night,

She purposefully wore the turtle neck sweater, to cover it, but who would know that she will get caught red-handed,

"Sister in law," Cha Sei Ryeong called her while trying to hide the reddened face, "I will get...hmmm...mmm,"

She immediately looked for tops with a high neck to help Li Juan who was embarrassed to death,

Who would believe that the sweet rom-com movie played in front of their eyes was a sequel of a wild romantic story?

Within an hour a team from the fashion brand Chosen's main branch came to Lee family mansion, with a caravan full of dresses,

"Boss, are you going to redesign?" Park Sang Min, Cha Soo Hyun's assistant asked with a worried face.

"No, we are going to do a dress rehearsal," Cha Soo Hyun said with an expressionless face and lead them to the guest room,

"Dress rehearsal, here?" The girls in the team looked at each other. Their boss always arranged dress rehearsal in her studio and that too with top models, but what about now?

Cha Soo Hyun entered into the room, smilingly and calling out for Li Juan in an endearing tone, 

Li Juan and Cha Sei Ryeong who were standing in the balcony, looking at the colourful twilight sky, turned abruptly,

"AHHHHHHH," A loud shriek pierced the thick walls of the room, scaring off everyone.

"Boss is this real? Am I not dreaming?" Park Sang Min gaped at the woman who was gliding towards them, the tips of her ivory gown flowing with every step, 

Li Juan acknowledged them with a smile and glanced at the girls who stopped screaming and remained dazed at the very sight of her,

"Ma'am, I am Kang Mi Rae, I am a big fan of are like my inspiration, my muse, it is an honour to meet you," One of the girls immediately bowed and introduced herself.

Cha Soo Hyun turned towards Li Juan with a smile and spoke in English,

"The clothes which Tae Min brought you, few of them were designed by her. She saw your photograph and became a fan,"

"Oh, thank you so much," Li Juan replied with a smile, "I really loved it,"

Her voice so harmonious and peaceful like musings to the listeners, calming their heart.

"Oh my God, she even has a beautiful voice!!!!" the other girl commented," Ma'am, if you are comfortable with pictures, can I get a-?

"Uffooo, you people are ruining my image," Cha Soo Hyun said with a flustered face, "She is not a model,"

"She is not a model?????" The team from Chosen asked uniformly,

Cha Sei Ryeong who stood next to Li Juan held on to her arm and declared in a proud tone,

"She is my sister-in-law"

"She is second young master Lee's wife? Daebak!!!!!!" Park Sang Min couldn't control his amusement but immediately stumbles, "But when did he marry?

"Why no one told me that, second young master Lee is into older women?" Kang Mi Rae wiped her invisible tears, 

"Do you have any death wish designer Kang?" Cha Sei Ryeong rolled her eyes, "She is my big brother's girlfriend,"

Big brother? The infamous dark emperor of Lee Corporations, has a girlfriend?


Lee Tae Yang's mobile phone tweeted continuously, as he stepped down from the car,

"Boss, can I ask you a favour?" Park Jisung, suddenly asked to the leaving back of Lee Tae Yang,

"If it is okay with you, can I...can I meet young miss?"

Lee Tae Yang was flustered upon his secretary's request and slowly nodded in agreement, "Come,"

When Lee Tae Yang stepped into the living room, he felt like visiting a place where a celebrity photoshoot has been taking place,

Everyone was busy clicking photos of Li Juan as if she is a celebrity,

Cha Sei Ryeong and Lee Tae Min were practically fighting with each other to click as many pictures with Li Juan as if it was a competition,

Li Juan who have never been in such an awkward situation can only keep a smile plastered on her face.

Once her gaze wandered away from the camera, Li Juan saw a familiar face standing in front of the door, watching her with starlit-eyes,

She let out a sigh of relief, loosening the creased up lines in her forehead,

The top designers of Chosen, who have temporarily taken the job of cameramen and crew, noticed that their model's expressions have changed, followed Li Juan's line of sight and found a man who appeared straight out of fashion magazines,

His striking aura and overbearing demeanour resembling a heavenly emperor,

Oppa!!!! Cha Sei Ryeong exclaimed,

The infamous dark emperor of the Lee corporations!!!

He strode towards them in poise, his pair of obsidian eyes as deep as the oceans, fixed on one person,

"If you are done with photoshoots, can I have a moment with her?" He asked with a manly voice, pleasing to their ears, forcing them to agree,

"She is your girlfriend, why are you asking us for permission?" Lee Tae Min asked with a fake seriousness,

He smirked, "Queen, do you have a moment to spare?"

Li Juan who was looking for a way to escape from the sweet torture, took a step closer to Lee Tae Yang as if he is her saviour,

He took her to the Park Jisung who was standing in the living room with a pair of mesmerizing eyes,

"This is my secretary, Park Jisung," Tae Yang introduced,

"Young miss, I always wanted to meet you... and finally, you are here," His voice elated in happiness, "I am delighted to see both of you together, young miss, please take care of my boss," He gave her 90-degree bow with a smiling face,

"Nice to meet you, Mr Park and please take care of your boss too," Li Juan replied in the same tone in K country's language and tilted her head to face Tae Yang, "Did I say it correctly?"

"Yes, my queen, you are a quick learner," He praised and continued, "Assistant Park, Can you to stay for dinner?"

That night the dining room of Lee mansion was livelier than any other day. Various delicacies and dishes rested on the dining table, along with the Lee family, the designers from Chosen and Park Jisung joined the dinner, which has almost turned into a congratulatory party for the newly betrothed couple,

"Boss, can you ask him?" Park Sang Min asked Cha Soo Hyun in a low voice looking at Tae Yang,

"Tae Yang, do you mind if we choose Li Juan as our model for spring collection?" Cha Soo Hyun asked casually,

Tae Yang stopped for a moment and glanced at Li Juan who was picking on the green peas in her plate, the corners of his eyes wrinkling in delight,

"I don't have any problem, let me ask her," Tae Yang told them and leaned his head closer to Li Juan,

"Majesty, aunt Soo Hyun is asking whether you are interested in modelling?"

"Me, modelling," She looked at him with widened eyes and cheeks puffed with rice.

Looking at her bewildered expression, Tae Yang's thin lips curled into a doting smile, 

Lee Tae Min who gave a sidelong glance at his brother's smiling face, drooped his eyes into his plate, hiding away his moist eyes.

He did everything for this moment,

Even their family was dumbfounded when they witnessed the heartwarming glances the couple share with each other

When was the last time they saw a smile as big as this in Tae Yang's face? 

Lee Tae Yang always used to be a warm and caring person, however, after joining as the CEO, he has become more silent and cold.

He worked like a robot, without any rest.

Though Lee Tae Min believed that his brother was the same, he couldn't ignore the changes in Tae Yang's behaviour.

On a sleepless night, Tae Min found his brother sitting next to the pool hugging Yasook, 

He went down to give his brother a company, but the moment he came down, he was left mortified,

His Hyung was actually crying, mumbling between his weeps,

"If they came late for a minute, I would have lost her, I shouldn't have left her alone.."

That's when Tae Min realized that brother has someone he loves, someone whom he cherishes,

It was a shocking truth for Lee Tae Min, he has never seen his brother crying,

No one has ever seen him cry, 

But who is this person who made the young master of Lee family?

Lee Tae Min went on searching and found no woman who is associated with his brother, but after searching for almost one year, he finally found a photo in his brother's wallet.

To his surprise, it was a picture of a pretty boy,

Does his brother actually like men?

He went searching and found nothing, as a last resort he reached out for Guan Tian Long for help,

That's when he realized that the pretty boy in the picture was actually a girl,

Seven years ago, she broke up with Tae Yang. Ever since then his brother's world lost its light, plunging him into the dark world, making him the ruthless person whom everyone fears.

He decided to bring back the light to his brother's life,

Tae Min searched for her and found that she is a researcher at Jing university,

He somehow made it into the research team which Li Juan was part of, keeping an eye on her, getting know more about her.

In the beginning, Tae Min was totally confused about how his brother fell for this girl who is cold as the deepest winter lake?

However, as the days passed he realized that underneath that icy facade she had a warm heart, just like his brother.

Even before he knew, he found himself getting closer to the senior Li who always immersed herself in the world of books,

The day he mentioned about her senior Li to his brother, Lee Tae Min caught a glimpse of warmth in Tae Yang's frozen eyes, revealing the feelings he hid deep inside his heart,

He never asked Tae Yang about Li Juan and their relationship, but he made sure to slip his lovely noona into their conversations, convincing his brother that Li Juan is safe and happy with her life.

Whenever Tae Yang visited his brother in Jing city, he made food and packed it for his teammates, but Tae Min knew clearly understood that those meals were for a person who forgets to eat while working,

Once the research was over, he was planning to tell Li Juan the truth take her to his brother.

But before that Tang Wei Sheng entered into their lives and brutally ruining Li Juan's dreams and hopes, pushing her to the brink of death.

She almost died twice,

She forgot everyone and yet his brother waited for her, 

He believed in fate and it brought them together,