Chapter 133 - The Lost Memories

The entire Bai family stared at Li Juan's interactions with Tang Wei Sheng with incredulous disbelief. The bleak and distant look on her tired eyes were nowhere to see. She was unconscious for more than a week, even though her face appeared tired, her obsidian eyes glittered as she talked to the stranger.

Only a few of the Bai family members knew the identity of the man who sat beside Li Juan with a doting expression in his face.

"Who is he?" Bai Qi turned towards his son and asked,

"CEO Tang of Tang corporations. Zhi Zhong's boss," Bai Zhu's said in a mechanical voice. His statement left everyone with a bewildered face. The day Li Juan arrived in Yu palace with Zhang Zhi Zhong, he has mentioned that his boss and Li Juan are in a relationship. So is this person is their princess's boyfriend?

"But didn't she tell that it's over for her?" Wu Xuan Yi exclaimed in doubt.

"Miss Li Juan," Gu Ying tried to gain Li Juan who was immersed in conversation with Tang Wei Sheng from the moment he has entered into the room.

Li Juan turned her head only to meet Gu Ying's dubious eyes, "Can you tell me, who is this gentleman?"

"He is my senior and-" she hesitated for a moment and glanced back at Tang Wei Sheng's charming face as if she was scanning him with her curious eyes, 

"How long I've been unconscious?" Li Juan's question made the doctors smile. Their patient might have difficulty in remembering people, but her observations skills are on point.

"It's more than a week," 

Upon hearing the doctor's answer her eyebrows creased up in confusion.

"Is everything alright, sweetheart?" Tang Wei Sheng asked her,

"You look different." Li Juan's words appeared fragile."You look different than, last time I saw you."

"When did you saw him for the last time?" The doctor asked again,

"Summer holidays of high school vacation," Li Juan tilted her head and tried to remember. After a moment, she opened her mouth to say the words which came to her mind.

"How many years ago was that?" 

"Eight years ago," Tang Wei Sheng replied in a plain tone.

She remained calm even after hearing his answer. She was expecting that the Tang Wei Sheng in her memories was a teenager and the man who stood in front of had a matured look.

Does it mean that she lost her memories?

"Did I lose my memories?" She turned towards the doctor.

"Not really. You remember your parents and him, so I don't think you have lost your memories." Gu Ying's face had a gentle look,

"You had a brain injury and you might have some difficulties in remembering things. Wait for a while and everything will be alright,"

"Hmm. So are we still...friends?" Li Juan inquired Tang Wei Sheng with a bit of hesitation. 

"No," Tang Wei Sheng replied and looked at her face which had a pitiful look,

"A month ago, we've officially started dating." He said with a grin and took her palm, "I even proposed with a ring,"

"Really!" Li Juan eyes widened in surprise, "Did mamma accept you?" She immediately asked and scanned around the group of people standing in the room.

Tang Wei Sheng swept a glance across the room and his gaze landed on the doctor,

"Please continue," the doctor mouthed. Li Juan has exceeded their expectations of a patient who woke up after a brain surgeries. Her speech and motor abilities were perfectly alright and it is better to continue the conversation.

"Ahh, sweetheart, we were planning to move in together," Tang Wei Sheng informed her.

Liang who stood behind the glass door, couldn't bear to watch them anymore, turned to leave from the place.

It was excruciating for him.

On the same time, someone else also felt uncomfortable because of Tang Wei Sheng's words.

Zhang Zhi Jun silently observed the couple's interaction. He was one of the people who actually knew about the intensity of sufferings that Li Juan has to endure while she was in a relationship with Tang Wei Sheng.

Tang Wei Sheng was the main reason why Li Juan's life got ruined and how thick-skinned he is, to pretend that they are a couple?

Even the thought of deceiving Li Juan and taking advantage of her situation, irked Zhang Zhi Jun. He immediately walked out of the room only to witness the departing back of Liang, towards the escalator.

Liang- Once Li Juan woke up from her deep sleep, no one remembered that a person like him existed in Li Juan's life. 

Within these one week, Zhang Zhi Jun has witnessed the love and affection Liang had for his friend. 

He heard from the duty nurses that Liang always stood next to Li Juan without any rest. If he hasn't confessed the truth about his girlfriend, Zhang Zhi Jun would've definitely believed that Liang harbours romantic feelings for Li Juan.

He immediately walked towards the escalator, only to find the numbers reaching the top floor. 

Under the vast sky, Zhang Zhi Jun saw Liang's lonely back, standing next to the railings of the terrace. 

He waited for a few minutes and walked over. 

Even after hearing the footsteps, Liang didn't turn back. 

Zhang Zhi Jun was surprised to see his panic-struck face and his moist eyes.

From Yu kingdom to the hospital, Liang was the one who took care of Li Juan and during those times he was calm and collected. Even though he was emotionally disturbed by her accident, he assisted Li Juan's surgery. 

All these time, he never saw a glimpse of panic in Liang's demeanour. 

However, the moment Tang Wei Sheng arrived Liang appeared perturbed as if he is threatened by Tang Wei Sheng's presence.

Zhang Zhi Jun fished out of a cigarette pack from his pocket and offered it to the man who stood next to him.

Liang reached out for the cigarette pack but immediately retracted his arm.

They were in the hospital and it was a non-smoking area. 

"You need it, just forget that you are in the hospital for a moment." Zhang Zhi Jun suggested, "Nowadays I've been thriving on this,"

Liang took the cigarette from Zhang Zhi Jun and lit it.

Zhang Zhi Jun was right, he really needed some stress reliever.

"So that guy is her ex-boyfriend?" Zhang Zhi Jun leaned on to the railings and took a puff.

"I thought you knew about him,' Liang replied without even facing him,

"Apparently his high school friends and I belong to the same friend circle.They have told me about their high school love and other things." Zhang Zhi Jun looked at Liang's ice-cold face.

Under his stunning face, Liang skilfully hid his feelings.

"Hmm, they went to the same school." Liang replied without any emotion. Apart from the slow breathing and batting of eyelids, people would mistake him as a robot.

"You don't like him, don't you?" Zhang Zhi Jun decided to try his luck to figure out what is the real deal between Tang Wei Sheng and Liang.

"What do you think?" Liang retaliated.

Liang, Li Juan's friend and personal doctor- that's how Zhang Zhi Jun's understanding about Liang. Even though Li Juan treats him as the friend that doesn't imply that he must remain as her friend forever. Feelings can be changed.

"You feel threatened by him." 

There was a mocking smile in Liang's face. 

"They used to love each other and even though he came here even though he is engaged…It means that he still loves her."

Zhang Zhi Jun said as if it does not concern him. 

Liang looked at Zhang Zhi Jun's smug face,

"Well, I' m not a saint to love my rivals," Zhang Zhi Jun smoked with a proud expression.

"I remember Elder Bai introduced you as Li Juan's fiancé," Liang's aloof expression changed into curiosity.

"Suitor, that's the right term." Zhang Zhi Jun corrected,

"It will be a lie if I say that I don't like her. Everyone likes her, and that's the problem. Everyone likes her, wants her. But not everyone can accept her troublesome past."

"What do you mean?" Liang's eyes brooded with anger as he listening to Zhang Zhi Jun's words, 

"I know that she is your friend but there are few things which we cannot turn a blind eye towards it. Especially when we witness it right before our eyes."

Zhang Zhi Jun stared at Liang who is about to explode with anger.

This man, he can't tolerate anyone who speaks ill of Li Juan. His doubts were on point- Liang loves her.

"We can try to pretend that it doesn't matter, but deep inside your heart…you know the truth and-"

"Zhang Zhi Jun, you cannot hurt her," Liang turned and stood in front of Zhang Zhi Jun.

"I won't allow anyone to hurt her,"

"Then why are you standing here, you should have been there with her," He casually said,

"Did you see how Tang Wei Sheng turned everything in favour of him?"

I thought I am done playing second lead roles and finally become the main lead who gets the girl despite how bad he treats her and boom...Out of nowhere, her ex shows up,"

Zhang Zhi Jun tried to ease the situation.

"We follow a weird custom when it comes to marriages. The woman in Yu clan can choose their life partner from the eligible bachelors from the clan," 

"As the firstborn of the generation...I cannot avoid being her suitor." Zhang Zhi Jun put out the cigarette and looked at Liang with a smile.

"But I am not the only one. There is another guy who is long awaiting. To be honest, even you can be her suitor," 

"Me?" Liang appeared befuddled.

"She may be blind towards your feelings, but I am not!!!" Zhang Zhi Jun smiled bitterly. 

"Rather than seeing her with the man who ruined or a complete stranger, I will be glad to see you as her suitor,"

"What are you implying?"

"Just confess who you are...,"

"Did you really think that no one will figure out who you are?" Zhang Zhi Jun's face had tinge of bewilderment.

The recognition and respect the hospital staff has given to Liang were impeccable. It is a military hospital and they work according to their rules. The surgeon who came from S city personally asked Liang to assist the surgery. Not to mention the military aircraft which came for emergency rescue- all these incidents clearly pointed towards the power influence Liang held in his hands.

He was sure that Liang was not just a doctor. 

"She won't remember me," Liang sounded desolate.

"You can remind her," Zhang Zhi Jun encouraged him.

"It will be a shock for her,"

"Take your time, until then let him dig his own grave,"

Zhang Zhi Jun patted Liang's shoulder and went back.

Liang looked at the vast sky and sighed,

"You want me to become your suitor? Fine, then I will do that,"

He took another puff before putting out the cigarette and walked towards the lift. 

On the way to Li Juan's room, Liang crashed into Tang Wei Sheng, who had a triumphant smile plastered on his face. 

"Didn't I told you that she belongs to me?" He arrogantly said, "She is my moon,"

Liang's lips curled into a smile as his demeanour remained unwavered.

"Dream on,"

Upon hearing his answer, Tang Wei Sheng sneered, "Do you remember what you have said before? My position in her life will be lost once she retains her memory," 

"Li Juan only remembers me, not you, not him. She remembered me,"

"You cannot deceive her for all the time, one day or another she is going to remember everything. Prepare yourself to face the consequences." Liang warned him and headed towards Li Juan's room.

Bai Qi and others were sitting outside the room, with a worried face. Liang bowed before them,

"We are extremely grateful for all your help," Bai Qi said honestly, "Thanks for giving back our princess,"

"I have only done my duty," He replied with a faint smile, "Did the check-up ended?

"Yes, it seems like she doesn't remember us,"

"Give her some time, she will remember everyone," Liang said with an optimistic smile.

"Elder Bai, I am thinking of going back, can I meet Li Juan before I go?"


Liang entered into the room and saw Li Juan who was asleep on the bed. The duty nurse stood up from her seat as soon as she saw him enter.

"Good morning doctor,"

"Good morning," He smiled and walked towards Li Juan, 

Liang sat beside her bed and held her arm,

"It is alright, that you don't remember me now. Take your time to recollect your memories," He placed a kiss on her slender arms and took out a necklace from his jacket's pocket. 

It was his gift, the necklace with a pendant craved into a rising sun,

Liang placed it inside her palm,

"It's alright even if you don't remember me. This time I won't hesitate to step up for my woman,"

He rose into his feet and leaned in to place a gentle kiss on her forehead,

"I promise that I will come looking for you,"