Chapter 118 - The Wolf Of The North-East

The capital city of the Wei Empire, Fifteen days ago,

The imperial palace complex, Zi Wei palace, stood magnificently in the heart of the city, surrounded by high raised stone walls.

It was the day of the monthly cabinet meeting in which the emperor visits the royal court and listens to the reports of the court officials.

In the southern palace wing, the envoy from the Yu palace seated on the place designated for the visitors and gawked at the extravagance pouring out from every corner of the giant courtroom.

In the centre of the hall, the gold-lacquered throne adorned with precious gemstones and ivory carvings, waited for its owner.

"Behold the emperor,"

Wei Sheng, the notorious sovereign head of the great Wei empire, gracefully strode towards the centre of the hall and perched on the throne.

The entire courtroom bowed before the devastatingly handsome and majestic ruler who reigns over half of the mainland. The high cheekbones of the man perfectly accentuated his face along with a few silvery strands of hair casually draping down. He swept a glance across the enormous hall with his amber wolf eyes.

The fierce amber eyes along with silver hair- Two rare traits which earned him the name, "The Wolf of the North-East,"

One by one, the ministers presented their reports and sought his approval. As time goes by Fu Jian and the soldiers remained hypnotized by the emperor who skillfully handled the court session with great finesse. 

No wonder he mounted the imperial throne in such a young age.

"Majesty, "Xue Feng," the ruler of Qi kingdom is here." One of the court officials mentioned, as soon as they finished presenting the monthly reports.

Xue Feng walked towards the centre of the hall and kept his fist on his chest and bowed before the emperor.

"What brings you here, Xue Feng?" Wei Sheng's striking voice silenced the courtroom all at once.

"Majesty, please grant me another chance, this time I will definitely bring her," Xue Feng begged,

Wei sheng huffed and looked at the man,

"Didn't you tell me that your sister has run away with a soldier? his cold eyes perked up with a tinge of annoyance, "Why are you chasing after that little girl like a dog?"

The court officials silently laughed at Xue Feng's embarrassed face. For the last three months, he has been becoming a laughing stock before the royal court. He offered his sister to the imperial harem in return to the throne but the princess eloped with a soldier leaving Xue Feng all alone with humiliation and disgrace.

In order to fulfil his word to the emperor and avenge the soldier who made him a fool, Xue Feng has been searching for the whereabouts of his sister, but no avail.

"Why would majesty, eat someone's leftover when he has an exquisite feast ready on call?" One of the court officials commented with a greasy smile, 

Wei Sheng threw a look at him and in a moment, the court official's face lost all of its colours.

"You can stop, Xue Feng. Let her go," Wei Sheng ordered. "Let her live with the man she loves,"

The imperial verdict left the Yu clan members in awe.

Is this same person who is infamous for his tyranny which engulfed half of the mainland like a wildfire? 

It is true that Wei Sheng had an overbearing and dominating aura, but his words contrasted his fierce image.

He wasn't pyre which destroys everything but warm and comforting like a hearth in a winter night,

"As you wish,"

Xue Feng reluctantly agreed to him and left the court with his head kept low, unable to withstand the ridiculing eyes. 

"Majesty, we have some guests from the Yu kingdom." Someone informed,

"The Yu kingdom," court officials looked at each other. "Such a place exists in the real world?"

Fu Jian, along with the four soldiers from Yu clan walked towards the centre of the court, gaining the attention everyone present in the hall.

"Fu Jian of Yu clan, the minister in charge of foreign relations of Yu kingdom, salutes the almighty Emperor of Wei," They bowed before Wei Sheng. 

"It is a pleasure to welcome you all to Imperial city." Wei Sheng returned their greetings by breaking his aloof face with a radiant smile.

"Thank you, majesty. Please accept our token of appreciation for your greatest efforts to reaching out for our kingdom." 

Fu Jian handed over a palm-sized jade box decorated with five coloured gemstones. 

"The finest Jadeite that we have ever come across with, "The imperial jade or healer of the heart," he elaborated,

Wei Sheng studied the rare jadeite which had a semi-translucent vibrant emerald colour,

"Thank you for such a heartwarming gift," He beamed and continued, " I hope everyone is fine in your kingdom."

" Yes, majesty. We came with a message from our king," Fu Jian presented the scroll to the reader,

"On the behalf of the entire Yu kingdom, Bai Li of Yu clan salutes the almighty emperor of Wei,

"We are incredibly pleased to know that our country has won the interest of the Emperor who wants to join hands with us through a conjugal relationship. However, we would like to inform that, according to the sacred laws of the Yu clan, Queen Bai Ling Yue, mother of Yu clan and protector of Jade land has already united in wedlock with a warrior from the Zhang tribe of Yu clan."

The words from Yu kingdom created an uproar in the courtroom.

"The Queen is married?" someone asked, "So the emperor sent a proposal to a married woman?"

"What kind of humiliation is this?" Ning Ji Zhe, the prime minister of the empire, failed to suppress his displeasure. "Your queen wasn't betrothed when we sent out the proposal," He turned towards the emperor and accused, "They are trying to deceive you,"

"No majesty, we are not."

"Please continue with the message," Wei Sheng ordered with a calm and composed manner.

"In view of this opportunity to form an alliance with the great Wei kingdom, it is an honour to propose a marital alliance with Emperor Wei and Princess Bai Yu Yue, the second in the line of the Jade throne."

Princess instead of the Queen! 

While the courtroom fell into discussions, the emperor's fierce demeanour softened with a faint smile lingering on his proud face.

"I heard that Yu clan never allow an alliance outside their clan? What happened now? You people decided to change your rules and customs? 

"No majesty, we are not changing any of our rules and customs." Fu Jian gulped and waited for a moment before continuing, "We do not wish to lose such an opportunity and Princess Bai Yu Yue, she is the commander in chief of Jade land army and pride of Yu clan. We cannot find an eligible suitor other than you in the mainland and-"

"And," Wei Sheng narrowed his eyes,

"Princess agreed to be your concubine, but on one condition." Fu Jian dramatically paused,

"You need to prove worthy of her in front of the entire Yu Clan."

"How dare you?" The prime minister shouted, "We gave you a chance to avoid a blood spill, but it seems like your little princess is asking for it."

"Majesty, we don't mean to offend you by any means. We don't believe in concubinage and yet we decided to agree with your proposal. It won't matter whether she becomes a concubine or a consort in your harem, but for us, princess Bai Yu Yue is precious and can't we ask for a proper marital ceremony in accordance with our sacred laws?

The demand was credible.

"This is ridiculous," Ning Ji Zhe snarled, "There isn't any shortage of woman in this mainland. Why do we care for a group of barbarians dwelling in the mountains?"

"Mind your words," Meng Jiao, the eldest soldier in Yu clan envoy asked the prime minister, boiled with rage. "Whom are you calling "Barbarians?" 

"You uncultured weaklings, you dared to shout at me in front of the emperor?" Ning Ji Zhe seethed,

"Enough," Wei Sheng growled,

The entire court plunged into dense silence, no one dared to breathe heavily,

"You dared to raise your voice in my court?" he asked,

Fu Jian looked at Meng Jiao in fear,

What they've done? they came as guests and yelled at the prime minister.

However, the Emperor's eyes shifted to Ning Ji Zhe. "Apologize,"

"We will not-" Meng Jiao tried to state, 

"Not you," Wei Sheng cut off his words and focused on Ning Ji Zhe who worn a triumphant smile, "You, Ning Ji Zhe, apologize,"

For that moment, everyone's eyes almost popped out. "What did they hear?"

The emperor ordered the prime minister Ning, the most influential man in the court and the godfather of Wei Sheng himself to apologize? That too for an outsider? 

What kind of sickened joke is that?

"Apology?" Ning Ji Zhe flustered, "you want me to apologize to these-"

"APOLOGIZE!!!!!" He roared with a murderous glint burning in his eyes.

Sensing the transformation in the emperor, Ning Ji Zhe immediately apologized. He does not want to get into Wei Sheng's nerves and awaken the beast residing inside him.

Once the beast is awakened, he won't go leave until he is propitiated with a massive blood sacrifice.

Poor Ning Ji Zhe does not wish to become the first to be the sacrificial goat,


"That was so magnificent," Wu Ying said in an elated tone, "The emperor, he is so-ah I don't have enough words to describe him,"

Meng Jiao looked at his junior who is continuously praising the Wei emperor the moment they left the court.

To be honest, Meng Jiao was equally surprised by the emperor's actions. When Ning Ji Zhe repeatedly tried to look down the Yu clan, he barely held on his temper not to offend the emperor. However, when they called them uncultured barbarians he lost it and reacted. Instead of punishing him, the emperor sided with Meng Jiao and demanded an apology from Ning Ji Zhe.

"I like him, he is the perfect match for Yue," Wu Ying declared,

"I agree with Ying on this," one of the soldiers commented, "They will be a power couple."

"I agree, but I am scared," Fu Jian said with a worried face, "What is going to happen to this world if two tyrants join their hands in a matrimonial ceremony?"

"Yue is not a tyrant," The soldiers denied together,

"You people are deceived. Just think about it, the entire Bai tribe have an amicable image. But she is the only one who goes around and scaring everyone with those big round eyes," Fu Jian shook off the fear which is creeping into his mind.

"I hope the emperor agrees with the proposal so that there will be someone who can tame that little monster."

But like everyone else, Fu Jian also felt that they have found a man whom Bai Yu Yue can treat as her equal.


In his chambers, Wei Sheng sat before the royal physician and his youngest uncle, Wei Chang like an obedient kid,

Yang Gongren, his loyal guard and the commander of the Wei army stood beside with a worried face and observed the physician who was checking the emperor's pulse.

"You shouldn't have raised your voice at Lord Ning," Wei Chang said with a scolding tone,

"I don't like the way he behaved with them," he said in disdain, "What if they are from mountains? Aren't they all humans?"

"I liked the warrior who yelled at Lord Ning." Yang Gongren added, "He didn't even think about you or the court. He immediately retorted without any fear."

"Yes, that's why I asked that Oldman to apologize." he said, "Nowadays, he gets into my nerves, uncle,"

Wei Chang looked at his nephew who is complaining with a sulky face.

"But Ah sheng, Lord Ning is the one who helped you to get into this position." Wei Chang reminded,

"It wasn't any charity, he made sure to make me repay his help with my life."Wei Sheng scoffed, "Which includes me getting betrothed to his nuisance niece."

"It has become a talk all over in the imperial that, consort Ning is preparing to become the empress," Yang Gongren informed.

In order to get into the position of Emperor, Ning family was the only powerful backup which Wei Sheng ever had.

In the continuous battles occurred in the mainland has left Wei Sheng and his youngest uncle, Wei Chang as the only survivors of the Wei bloodline.

After the death of the Wei Zheng, the previous emperor, the kingdom was threatened by foreign forces, 

Wei Chang who was born crippled couldn't qualify as the ruler.

It was Ning Ji Zhe who recommended and supported Wei Sheng, the true heir of the Zi Wei palace who was in his late teens as the sovereign head.

In return, Ning Ji Zhe only asked one thing- Emperor should take his niece Ning Menghua as the royal consort.

"Who decides that?" Wei Sheng retaliated, "Even if I die, I won't allow that woman to rise into the title of the empress." His words were filled with contempt.

Even from childhood, Wei Sheng hated Ning Menghua who tailed him with as if she is obsessed with him. He knew that she loved him- but her love was too overbearing and possessive for him.

The Royal physician retracted his palm after checking Wei Sheng's pulses.

"By every new moon, majesty's pulses are getting higher. I am afraid that your body stopped responding to the medicines,"

Wei Chang glanced at his nephew with grief,

Just like his brother and ancestors, his nephew will also meet with early death-it was the fate of the males born in the Wei bloodline.

In order to acquire the power, one of their ancestors sold his soul to the Wolf God and vowed that every single male in his bloodline will stay indebted forever.

The Wolf God will choose his vessel from the males in the Wei bloodline and resides in his soul. He bestows his vessel with great power and wealth but on one condition- propitiate the Wolf God with blood sacrifice.

This cycle is carried on through every generation and now it is Wei Sheng's turn.

Wei Sheng used to be different from his peers by having a gentle and radiant personality.

But growing up on the battlefield, he also gradually transformed into a human vessel who is bloodthirsty.

But to everyone's surprise, Wei Sheng tried his best to restrain in the beast inside him and stay away from blood sacrifice. 

Since Wei Sheng defied the vows, the wolf God started to breakout from chains and started to act his own.

Every month, on the short duration from the crescent moon to the full moon, his gentle and caring personality takes a complete turn and transforms into a bloodthirsty tyrant. 

Due to the continuous conflict between the vessel and wolf God, the soul-devouring process in which the host is completely taken over by the wolf god and gradually killing the host was exponential in Wei Sheng.

"How much time do I have left before he takes over?" Wei Sheng asked,

"Roughly three months."

"Your body and soul are crying for help and only moonstone can calm the inner turmoil in you," Physician said.

"Do you think that they will let us have the moonstone?"