Chapter 106 - The Love Triangle

Xue Lian kept staring at the gorgeous silhouette walking beside her, in disbelief.

The warrior Bai Yu Yue who is admired by every single maiden in Qi kingdom is actually a woman? 

She has spent a night with Bai Yu Yue in the forest and she didn't realize the arms which caressed her belonged to a woman.

Apart from Xue Lian, Jing Junhai was the person who had a hard time believing that the warrior whom he believed to become an army general or an efficient ruler has turned out to be a woman?

"You seem surprised," Huo Jin said with a grin,

"Did you know?" Jing Junhai asked him in a low voice.

"Hmm, I've seen the real Bai Yu Yue,"

"How is that even possible? I mean she is a woman and she said that belonged to Tu sect."

"Do you believe me, if I say that Tu sect rewrote their rules for her?"

"No way,"

"Grandmaster Qin Kai opened the doors of Tu sect only for her." Huo Jin's face glowed in proudness.

"Who is she?"

"Bai Yu Yue of Tu sect, since I consider her as my junior, you can say that Bai Yu Yue belongs to Mu sect also."

"She belongs to not only one but two major schools in the mainland?" Jing Junhai's eyes widened in shock. 

"Incredible isn't she?" Huo Jin's words were filled with adoration and love.

" I would die for her,"

"You like her?" Jing Junhai hesitantly asked Huo Jin and looked at Xue Lian who is walking hand in hand with Bai Yu Yue,

"I love her," Huo Jin corrected him with a charming smile. 

"But she," Jing Junhai subconsciously pointed towards Xue Lian.

"Oh, I won't mind if she chooses the princess over me," Huo Jin scratched his hair and grinned like an idiot,

" I mean I will be sad, I will be really sad. But you know, it is her life and she is the one who should take decisions." Huo Jin's face didn't show any signs of jealousy or despair. 

"I can ask her, but I cannot force her to love me."

Jing Junhai gaped at the handsome youth walking with him. 

The things which he witnessed in this night was far beyond his beliefs and knowledge.

These three kids are half of his age and their stance on life has opened a new world to him.

A warrior, whose skills were far better than thousands of men turned out to be a woman and she challenged the most powerful man in the mainland in order to save a person who trusted her.

A princess, who was betrothed to the emperor, left her title and palace and chose a soldier, that too a woman as her life partner.

A senior who was ready to die for his junior, willingly let the woman of his dreams, to choose between him and a girl.

Unfortunately, these three people were left in a love triangle.

Jing Junhai's flow of thoughts got interrupted when his ears picked up some hurried steps behind his back.

Did the soldiers of the Qi kingdom follow them?

He stopped in his track and turned back,

It was a grey-haired old man. He was trying to catch up with the group's pace.

"Please stop," He shouted,

Bai Yu Yue halted her steps and looked back.

"It came early," the old man said while panting and signalled Bai Yu Yue to come over.

Bai Yu Yue ran towards him leaving the rest of her group behind,

"Who is he?" Jing Junhai asked Huo Jin,

"Her spy," he said casually,

"What?" Jing Junhai's poor heart couldn't accept any more truth bombs in this night."Don't tell me she is part of some secret revolutionary group,"

"Who knows?" Huo Jin appeared too cool about Bai Yu Yue's secrets. He was sure that there is a valid reason for her secretive life.

"No, she is not a person who would become a part of secret groups." A melodious voice denied Jing Junhai's claims. "She loves her family a lot. She won't do anything that would pose a threat to her loved ones." Xue Lian said with a doting smile.

Huo Jin smiled in agreement, "I forgot to introduce myself, I am Huo Jin. We met once back in the forest. I was the one who fought with her while you two were lost in the forest."

"You! Xue Lian's eyes widened in surprise," Why are you with warrior Bai?"

"I like her," His answer was short and direct.

Even before Xue Lian could refute him, Huo Jin cut her off,

"I am trying to impress her. I know you like her, but you must understand that you are not the only one who likes her."

Xue Lian was dumbfounded with his easy-going personality and mellow attitude.

Bai Yu Yue came back after a few minutes,

"You got your gemstone?" Huo Jin asked her.

Bai Yu Yue nodded and looked at Xue Lian and Jiang Junhai,

"Senior Jin, is it okay if I bring them to Mu sect?" She asked in doubt. Taking them to Yu kingdom all at once will be a difficult task. She must tell them in advance and prepare them in advance.

"It is totally fine. You just need the permission of the sect leader." Huo Jin suggested.

"Who is the sect leader?" Jing Junhai asked,

Bai Yu Yue tilted her head and looked at Huo Jin.

Huo Jin playfully waved his hand with a bright smile. "That would be me,"

Jing Junhai he touched his forehead and sighed. He doesn't want to get surprised anymore.

By next day, they reached the Mu sect. As Huo Jin mentioned earlier, grandmaster Mu Chen welcomed Jing Junhai and Xue Lian wholeheartedly. More than grandmaster Mu, the students at the sect were happy to welcome the guests, especially an angelic beauty like Xue Lian to a place which is filled with boys who are at their teenage years. Every single person in the sect unanimously agreed that Xue Lian was the prettiest woman they have ever seen, except Huo Jin. 

He agreed that Xue Lian is pretty, but she is not the prettiest woman he has ever seen. Among the men in the sect, he was the only blessed soul who got to see Bai Yu Yue's ravishing beauty which is capable enough to ruin the nations and burn the cities.


Bai Yu Yue sat under the moonlight with a gloomy face, soaking her feet in the cold stream and lost in thoughts.

"You shouldn't stay silent in darkness." Huo Jin's deep voice said in a teasing tone. "If someone with a weak heart sees you, they'll die out of fear." 

Bai Yu Yue was startled. She didn't expect him to pop out in the middle of the night.

Huo Jin walked and sat beside her.

He looked at the moon in the sky and the girl beside him as if he is comparing them.

The moonlight has accentuated the beauty of her face and body even though she was dressed in men's clothing

"Why are you sitting here alone?"

"Nothing," she replied in a weak voice.

"I thought you were reflecting on yourself."

"What is there to reflect?"Bai Yu Yue asked him, even though she was reflecting over things which she has done in the last few days.

Huo Jin never asked her or shared his opinion about Bai Yu Yue's decision to go to Qi kingdom and bring Xue Lian with her. He stood with her and supported her like a loyal companion, without any questions. 

So finally he is here to confront her? Bai Yu Yue thought,

"You see the moon over there?" Huo Jin pointed the full moon in the sky. "That is supposed to be Bai Yu Yue. How come you are named Yue?"

Bai Yu Yue wanted to face-palm,

like seriously how his brain comes up with dumb questions like this?

Huo Jin glanced at the moon and Bai Yu Yue repeatedly,

"It doesn't suit you at all. I think "Dai Yu" is the most suitable name for you," He said with a dead serious face.

Bai Yu Yue pursed her lips to control her disappointment and anger.

He was again bullying her.

"I wanted to ask you from the beginning. Why are you always picking on me? Is it because I fought with you in the first place?" She asked him in a breath.

"When did I pick on you? I am just stating the facts. I have never seen a girl with the name Yue, who is dark."

Well, it was true though. The name "Yue" was always associated with girls who are bright and delicate like the moon. However, Bai Yu Yue's ego didn't allow her to agree with him.

"Then probably you haven't met as many girls in your life." She rebutted,

"Are you blind? Can't you see this face of mine? Huo Jin pointed towards his face and asked with a charming smile. "Wherever I go, maidens will be on queue to get a glance of mine."

"Cheap things attract many."

"What did you say?" Huo Jin couldn't believe what he just heard,

This girl's mouth is really poisonous,

"Who do you think you are? Do you think of yourself as a mighty emperor? So that everyone will be on knees to get a glance from you? Have you ever seen an emperor in your lifetime? She didn't restrain herself from asking him the questions buzzing in her mind.

"What is so important in being an emperor? He doesn't have a life of his own. He is always under watchful eyes. He can't even marry as per his wish." Huo Jin suddenly pointed out.

"I think the life of an emperor is the saddest of all. He has to get married to countless maidens from allied countries in order to stay in power, have to produce a successful heir but should be always aware of his position. No one knows who or when someone will overpower him."Huo Jin explained as if he knows about the life of an emperor.

"What about his harem?" Bai Yu Yue's expression suddenly changed.

"Harem, an emperor will have a queen, at least three consorts and countless concubines." Huo Jin paused for a minute and looked at the curious face of Bai Yu Yue,

"Why are you suddenly asking all these? Are you planning to woo some emperor with your black beauty?" He teased her again, however, instead of refuting back, Bai Yu Yue remained silent

Her big black eyes were filled with agony.

"What happened?"Huo Jin asked in concern,

"Nothing," she crumbled the piece of parchment in her hands.

"What is it? Give it to me?"He tried to snatch it from her before she hid it from his reach.

"Show me."

"It is nothing."

"If it is nothing, then why can't you show me?" 

Bai Yu Yue gave him without any protest,

"Emperor has sent a proposal for the queen" Huo Jin read out the contents in the parchment.

"Isn't it good news?" Huo Jin asked her.

"Anyway your queen," he stopped in midsentence and re-read the message.

"Did the emperor send a proposal for the queen and not for your princess? is that's why you are depressed?" He asked to confirm the truth of the message,

"I am damn sure that he is a pervert otherwise how come someone will ask for a betrothed lady?"

"Our queen is not married yet." Bai Yu Yue stated,

"Oh, then what is the problem? Marrying an emperor will be helpful for your kingdom to become powerful." He casually said,

Bai Yu Yue stared at him with a shocked expression. She couldn't believe that Huo Jin would say something like this even after witnessing what happened in Qi kingdom?

"Why must the world revolve around power? Is there any place in this world for weaklings? She out busted in anger.

"The emperor will marry a thousand women in order to gain power. Families will fight against each other for power. A son would murder his own father to climb the stairs to power. Why can't they just peacefully co-exist?" Bai Yu Yue sneered,

"You may think that marriage is a way to gain power." Huo Jin was calm and composed even after hearing Bai Yu Yue's words.

"It is not?"

"Not completely." He began to explain. Matrimonial relationships between the kingdoms is also a solution to avoid wars and more blood spill. And the conflicts between the families and its members, it is triggered by individual greed. These are like necessary evils."

"There are places where people don't believe in these," Bai Yu Yue stopped in midsentence. "You won't understand even if I tell you."

What? Which place? Huo Jin was curious, "Is there a place which doesn't revolve around power?"

"I am leaving the sect tomorrow." She changed the topic immediately,

"But we haven't started our training," He sulked,

"I must go and you should look for someone else to bully." Bai Yu Yue said in an annoyed tone.

"When did I bully?" Huo Jin pouted as if he is wrongly accused,

This man! Bai Yu Yue wanted to cry,

"Then why did you always call me names? Out of love?" she frowned,

"What else? Can't you see that I am trying to get your attention?" He asked with his devilish smile,

Bai Yu Yue was left speechless. No, she is not falling for his joke.

"You should work on your pickup lines senior Jin, I am leaving." Bai Yu Yue stood up and walked towards her quarters.

"Yue," Huo Jin called her.

Bai Yu Yue stopped in her tracks.

"What?" The moment she turned, a sudden wind surpassed her. She was in Huo Jin's embrace.

"Senior Jin, whatever feelings you had for me, please forget-" even before she could complete her words Huo Jin muted her by a kiss.

"Don't leave," he whispered in between the kisses. He was gaining more control over her. She tried to push him away.

"Promise me that you'll come back." Huo Jin moved closer and grabbed her slim waist.

"I can't," she said in a feeble voice.

"I need you," He cupped her face and looked at her dark eyes as if he is looking at the most precious thing in the world.

Mesmerized by him a smile flashed in Bai Yu Yue's beautiful lips and suddenly it was replaced with sorrow.

"No, you don't," she pushed his hands from her cheeks.

"You, arrogant warrior, take responsibility for me." He sounded annoyed.

"Senior brother, you must not joke"

"I am not joking, I liked you from the first moment I have laid my eyes on you.

I want you. I want to spend my entire life with you… stay with me." He confessed.

"I can't"


"I am not allowed to…" Bai Yu Yue said in a low voice. "I am pledged to protect my queen and my land. I am sorry." 

She peeled his arms from her body and walked away from Huo Jin.

The moment she left his vicinity, Bai Yu Yue burst into tears.

She knew it.

She knew it from the first moment when Huo Jin fought with her.

She saw a glimpse of love and care in his eyes. 

He appeared harsh in front of everyone, but with her, he was like a puppy who chase around his owner. He bullied her every now and then,

She tried to hate him,

She tried her best to hate him.

But at some point, the hatred in her heart has replaced with a warm feeling,

Bai Yu Yue refused to believe that she fell in love with someone who is exactly opposite to her.