Chapter 104 - Qi Kingdom

The capital city of the Qi kingdom appeared deserted and quiet even during the broad daylight. 

The kingdom was still under the period of mourning of their beloved King. 

It took a moment for Bai Yu Yue to adjust with the dull and solemn atmosphere hooded over the capital city. In her memory, the streets of the city were always bustling with people and shops, no matter whether its day or night.

However, the colourful and joyous streets were filled with soldiers wearing military uniforms, patrolling in every corner of the capital city.

The entire city was under strict military inspection to prevent any political uprisings from the public.

The major streets in the capital city had numerous military outpost to record the details of the individuals who are entering and leaving the place. Every single human being is thoroughly checked and interrogated about their purpose of travel.

However, Bai Yu Yue and Huo Jin were exceptions,

Since most of the soldiers were trained with Bai Yu Yue, they immediately let her go without any questions. 

Huo Jin who witnessed the recognition and respect which is shown towards Bai Yu Yue by the soldiers gaped in disbelief,

"You are really famous," He clearly knew that Bai Yu Yue is famous, but the attention she is receiving from the soldiers has blown his mind. All of their faces were filled with admiration.

"All of us trained together," She stated with an expressionless face and took a detour towards a narrow alley in the downtown.

"Where are you going?" Huo Jin inquired, he thought her prime goal was to check whether the princess was safe or not.

"I need to meet someone." Bai Yu Yue replied and headed towards a shabby looking shop at the end of the alley. 

Bai Yu Yue knocked on the door in a rhythmic order,

After a while, the wooden door of the shop slid away and a grey-haired old man appeared,

"Do you have spirit jade stone?" Bai Yu Yue asked him without wasting a moment.

"No," He said with a plain face.

"When will it arrive?"

"Must be here in two days. Do you wish to trade anything?" He asked Bai Yu Yue,

"No, I will probably go and get it myself." She bowed and walked outside with a worried face,

"Your spies?" Huo Jin asked her. When he listened to their conversation which seemed out of the place, he immediately understood that Bai Yu Yue is here to look for some pieces of information.

Huo Jin clearly underestimated her,

"Hmm," She nodded in agreement and looked towards the vague outline of Tu mountains behind the palace, bordering the Qi kingdom,

"Where do you wish to go?" Huo Jin followed her gaze and saw the giant palace walls where white flags were arranged to denote the mourning rituals. "The Palace?"

"Yes, I wish to meet the new king," She said in disdain.


The moment Bai Yu Yue stepped into the palace grounds, the news of her arrival created an uproar in the silent walls of the Qi palace.

The whole palace knew that the warrior Bai has sacrificed his life and saved the princess from the attackers. But nobody expected that Bai Yu Yue will return alive,

Without any further delay, Bai Yu Yue was submitted to crown prince's chambers for a meeting.

Xue Feng, the crown prince was a man in his late twenties, tried to hide his flustered face when he saw Bai Yu Yue in pink of health.

"Warrior Bai," He greeted Bai Yu Yue, "You are alive, I thought we've lost a great warrior,"

Though his words carried an air of concern and pity, it lacked honesty.

Bai Yu Yue remained untouched with Xue Fang's sudden compassion. While living in the palace, she came across with Xue Fang's arrogant behaviour and his animosity towards Xue Lian, who was highly favoured by the previous King.

Xue Lian mother was the royal consort, the queen of the Qi kingdom, while Xue Feng was the son of a concubine. After the queen passed away, the concubine took over the harem and earned the title of the queen giving Xue Feng a license to order around others.

"My hearty condolences, Prince Xue Feng," Bai Yu Yue said nonchalantly."You have been going through a lot. You lost your father, your mother is ill and your sister almost escaped from death, I hope you stay strong,"

Though Bai Yu Yue was sharing the words of condolences with him, Xue Feng somehow felt that her words contained a hidden warning.

For the world, the king of Qi kingdom was murdered by the Wei Emperor, who refused to submit and acknowledge the emperor's supremacy. But in reality, the crown prince was the one who conspired with the emperor and murdered his father who hesitated to enthrone him as the ruler.

Xue Feng made sure to bury the truth within the four walls of the palace. But he never knew that someone has already tipped him off and the person who stood before him knew everything about the heinous crime he had committed.

Huo Jin stood silent in front of the room, watching the conversation between the crown prince and Bai Yu Yue.

He was really impressed by Bai Yu Yue.

She was a soldier, but the domineering aura she carried around was nothing less than a tyrant ruler who wants to eliminate the disloyal vassal who backstabbed her. 

He clearly saw through Xue Feng's schemes to hide his secret. But Bai Yu Yue, she appeared calm and tranquil making it difficult to guess what is going on her mind.

"What exactly happened to you? How did you survive?" Xue Feng asked her,

"Sheer luck" Bai Yu Yue's answer was rather short. "So the Qi kingdom pledged its servitude to the Wei emperor?

"We couldn't stand a chance against him." Xue Feng appeared miserable." He killed my father right in front of my eyes,"

"As far as I know, the Wei emperor does not leave any survivors, but he made you the king overnight." Bai Yu Yue narrowed her eyes in suspicion.

"I am a king only in the title, warrior Bai." He said with a faint smile," Everything belongs to the Wolf of Northeast,"

Bai Yu Yue's face had a bitter smile, "So you deliberately gave away your home without fighting?"

"Sometimes yielding in is the best way to avoid loss. If my father would have realized it earlier, he wouldn't have lost his life." Xue Feng tried to hide his scorn.

"What did he offer in return?" 

"He would like to join hands with the Qi Kingdom through a conjugal relationship." Xue Feng elaborated, "Once the mourning period gets over Xue Lian will be sent to the Wei Kingdom."

Bai Yu Yue's lips curled into a sneer,

Marrying off the princess to the emperor so that they can avoid the blood spill in the name of war.

It was considered as Appeasement strategy, 

"So you traded your sister for the throne?" Bai Yu Yue's words clearly showed her contempt.

Xue Feng sighed, "I saved the kingdom from a tyrant and warrior Bai, I would like to have you as my commander," Xue Feng confessed his intentions.

"No thanks, I came to say my farewell, I wish to return." Bai Yu Yue slightly bowed and left without waiting for Xue Feng's reply.

Xue Feng gritted his teeth in rage. He hated Bai Yu Yue.

He hated whoever associated with his step-sister. Even from his childhood, Xue Feng's crown prince title was always on the tip of a knife. It could tumble over to either side and chances of Xue Lian becoming the first female ruler was evident.

In order to eliminate her from his life, he tried various methods, but nothing worked.

In Xue Feng's pursuit to climb up to the throne, his father planted numerous hurdles and Bai Yu Yue was the toughest one among them. 

Bai Yu Yue was a warrior who came to Qi kingdom on special deputation, but within a little amount of time, she has become a prominent figure in the Qi army. The king even intended to take Bai Yu Yue as his "future son-in-law" 

No matter how hard he tried Xue Feng couldn't get Bai Yu Yue to his side or restrain her from rising into power.

When Bai Yu Yue's existence became a threat to his desires, he tried to tie him down as a royal guard, 

Xue Feng believed that he can get rid of two of his enemies at once by attacking the royal entourage of Xue Lian. But his calculations went wrong and both of them survived the attack. He cut down Xue Lian's wings and used her as a pawn to win over the Wei emperor.

He was one step closer to become the king and but the news of the return of Bai Yu Yue put him in dilemma.

Either he must bring Bai Yu Yue under him or eliminate her very own existence from this world.


Bai Yu Yue walked towards her quarters with an unsettled mind.

"He should be nominated as the best actor," Huo Jin said casually," He almost made me believe that he is a helpless ruler who had any other option other than being submissive to the conqueror." 

"He is a blinded by his greed," Bai Yu Yue said, "He is nothing but a traitor who plotted against his own family." 

"Yes. Are you going to leave like this? What about the princess?" Huo Jin asked,

Before she could answer him, a faint knock was heard on the door,

It was Jiang Jun Hai, the major who led Xue Lian's entourage.

"Glad that you are safe," Jiang Junhai sighed, "We worried to death,"

"Major, what about the princess, is she alright?" Bai Yu Yue immediately asked,

"Hmm, yes." Jiang Junhai's gaze fell on the man who stood beside Bai Yu Yue,

"He is my senior," Bai Yu Yue said without any hesitation.

"Huo Jin," he introduced,

"Were you the one who informed us about warrior Bai is alive?" Jiang Junhai asked in a low voice.

"Yes, I thought my message didn't reach here," Huo Jin said," everyone was startled to see Bai Yu Yue,"

"It did. But I didn't inform anyone." Jiang Junhai looked around and leaned in, "We need to talk." 

"But not here," Bai Yu Yue refused him, "The walls have ears,"

Jiang Jun hai nodded in agreement. After the king's death, the crown prince has planted several spies all over the palace.

"Let's meet outside the town, near the sacred grove," Jiang Junhai suggested, "I heard that you are leaving,"

"Hmm, I must return home,"

"It is better for you to leave this place rather than, you know" Jiang Junhai didn't wish to complete his words. "Anyway I wish you all the best," he said to her and left the quarters.

"Do you really want to go?" Huo Jin asked her,

"Yes," Bai Yu Yue said with a determined face and packed her things.

After a while, a maid came with several gifts and money bags from the crown prince. However, Bai Yu Yue didn't accept anything and returned saying that it was her duty to serve the country.

While walking outside the palace, Bai Yu Yue's gaze moved to the empty balcony in the eastern wing.

Usually, there will be the little girl who is beautiful as a newly blossomed flower will be waiting for her in the balcony, but today it appeared empty.

Xue Lian,

Bai Yu Yue wanted to meet Xue Lian, but she was worried about creating trouble for the princess. They might be got familiar while they were lost in the forest, but that doesn't mean that everyone will understand their relationship, especially after she got betrothed to the emperor.

Bai Yu Yue was worried when she heard about the death of the king, he was the only relative Xue Lian got in this world. Without her father's protection, Xue Lian's position in the palace was in danger.

But the heavens were still graceful towards the little girl,

Xue Feng won't hurt the lady who is betrothed to the emperor and ruin his newly built diplomatic relations.

"Xue Lian is safe for now," Bai Yu Yue repeated inside, but somehow her mind refused to believe it.