Chapter 102 - Can You Train Me?

In the afternoon, Bai Yu Yue somehow stood up from the bed and walked outside, dragging her weak body.

The entire building remained in pin-drop silent. Where did they all go? 

Bai Yu Yue wandered along the corridors and ran into a young boy. 

"Brother, are you the one who came with big brother Jin?" Jiang Ze Min asked her to clarify. "Where are you going? do you need any help? He was excited to initiate a conversation with her. 

"I am looking for the bathhouse," 

"You are not allowed to take bath" Huo Jin's voice heard from behind.

Bai Yu Yue didn't even turn to look at him, she clearly remembers the owner of the deep masculine voice.

Oh, it is the vampire man. 

He walked towards her in poise, "Who allowed you to leave your quarters?"

"Do I need your permission?" Bai Yu Yue asked in a displeased tone. 

Huo Jin studied her top to bottom. Her demeanour appeared tired and unkempt. She does look like a person who needs a bath. 

"Why should I need your permission to leave the quarters, am I your prisoner?" She asked again. 

"I know that we started off-key, why don't we just forget everything and start afresh?" Huo Jin suggested,


"I apologized," He sounded sincere. "It was on the heat of the moment," 

"Do you think an apology will erase everything?" 

"What do you want then?"

"Stay away from me."

"Oh, that will be a little difficult to execute." His face filled with a lascivious grin, without a trace of anger.

Jiang Ze Min looked at both of them and scratched his hair. He could easily understand that his big brother Jin treats this pretty brother differently. While pretty brother was lying unconscious it was brother Jin who took care of him without closing an eyelid for the entire night.

Huo Jin covered Jiang Ze Min's ears and continued.

"How about you kiss me back and call it equal?"

Bai Yu Yue glared him menacingly and tried to walk away, 

"Wait, let me take you to the bathhouse," he said with a meek smile and pleading expression.

"No thanks,"

"Come here," he captured the tip of her robe and pulled her,

"What are you doing?"

"Didn't you refrain me from touching you?" He said as if he is trying to cajole her. "Ze min, I have kept clothes for him in the room, can you get it from there?"

Reluctantly Bai Yu Yue followed him to the bathhouse, 

"Only a few of us knew that you are a girl, so if you want to play on the safe side, go ahead,"

They walked towards the bathhouse. Since it was the time of indoor learning hours for students, the bathhouse and its surroundings remained empty. 

There were large wooden barrels filled with water, placed in front of the bathhouse. 

Bai Yu Yue walked towards and scooped the cold water from one of the barrels and washed her face.

However, her loose hair was falling to her face, continuously disrupting her actions. 

She tried to tie her hair, but due to the stitch on the arm, it was painful to raise her arms. 

"Let me help you," Huo Jin who saw her struggle, volunteered to help. Even before Bai Yu Yue could refuse him, he tied her hair into a low bun. 

"Thanks," She replied and wiped off the water droplets with her palm. 

Huo Jin's eyes were glued on to her face. 

Upon sensing his stare, Bai Yu Yue raised her eyebrows in enquiry. 

"This is how you look in real?" He suddenly asked, "How long did you practice under the sun to get tanned like this?"

Bai Yu Yue huffed, Did he really thought that she got tanned?

"I was born like this." She repeated the line which she has been using for the last five years. Why no one believes that there are people with other skin tones exists in this world? 

"What is your name?"

"Bai Yu Yue,"

"Really?" your name is "moon!" He exclaimed,

"If you are done staring, can I leave now?" Bai Yu Yue asked, without averting her gaze from the still water.

For a moment, Huo Jin was lost at words. She is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen, but the moment she opens her mouth- it's done. Her cold demeanour and her silver-tongued mouth contrasted her ravishing beauty.

"Cover your wounds, if you are going to take a bath." Huo Jin reminded her with a grin and walked past her.

"What is his behaviour?"

He is an evil bully in a moment and considerate gentleman in the next moment.

Bai Yu Yue headed towards one of the stalls in the bathhouse, contemplating over the "Vampire man."

When Bai Yu Yue came back after a bath, she ran into Huo Yan and his friends who were roaming around the corridors after their lessons. Just like his brother, Huo Yan also inherited superior genes, whether it's his looks or physique, he always stood out from the rest of the group. However, Huo Jin's grinning face imparted him a giant baby appearance.

When Huo Yan's gaze fell on the lone figure standing in the other end of the corridor with scrutinizing eyes, he stumbled upon his steps.

While Bai Yu Yue was unconscious, Huo Yan visited her a few times due to guilt. However, once she woke up, he was scared to face her, especially after hearing how she interacted with Huo Jin.

Even before he could turn and run away, Bai Yu Yue already appeared in front of his eyes.

He slightly bowed and tried to brush past her like strangers on pavements.

"Where are you running off?" She asked him monotonously,

"Running off! who? me" Huo Yan stuttered and stumbled upon her claims,

"Why would I? I got work,"

Bai Yu Yue took a step closer to him and obstructed his path.

"Don't you think you owe me an apology?" 

"Why would I?" Huo Yan asked as if he is wrongly accused.

"Why did you tease some strangers whom you've never met?"

" I, I" Huo Yan looked for an answer. He does not have any proper reason for teasing them.

"You must be a trouble maker," Bai Yu Yue stated as a matter of fact.

"No," His sulked as an innocent child.

However, those who stood next to Huo Yan nodded in agreement.

"They say so," She glanced at his companions.

"How many years of training have left for you?"


"If you don't keep your surging temper under control, you won't get enough years to go around and boast." She sized them up with her cold eyes.

"You three are part of one of the greatest schools in the mainland, at least show some responsibility." She advised and walked away from him,

"Sister," suddenly Huo Yan called her, "I am sorry,"

"Hmm," Huo Yan's immediate apology left her bewildered. This kid is not as bad as she imagined. Some common sense is left in his pea-sized brain.

"And I would like to apologize on behalf of my brother too," His eyes sparkled earnestly, "He is not a person who acts recklessly," Huo Yan tried to explain,

"It was the first time he threw himself at a girl and-"

"Hmm, your apology accepted," Bai Yu Yue cut him off. Thinking about that incident makes her blood boil.

Huo Yan smiled in agreement, "What about my brother,"

"I will think about it,"

His crime is not that easily forgiven,


Within two days, Bai Yu Yue got accustomed to life in Mu sect. It wasn't much different than her life in the Tu sect.

Every school in the mainland starts at early morning with exercises and combat training. In the afternoon, they will be taught the teachings of four books and five classics.

Compared to other sects, the disciple strength in Mu sect was less than a hundred.

Their selection criteria were very strict.

It was said that the five sects in the mainland were founded based on five elements.

Tu sect was based on earthly foundations- the basics of all martial art forms,

Whereas the Mu sect was based on improving and developing the foundations.

The Huo sect, the fire sect in the east was considered as the biggest and strictest school in the mainland. They were famous for their ferocious attacking style.

Bai Yu Yue stood on the training grounds and observed their training,

When she saw Huo Jin in his sect leader uniform and mentoring the juniors, then only she realised his position in the sect,

He was the sect leader of the Mu sect- the representative and leader of the student community.

In the training ground, rather than being cheerful, he appeared cold and aloof like an ice glacier living up to his name as the leader.

The more Bai Yu Yue observed him, she was quite impressed by Huo Jin's skills and talents. He was a true leader.

But when she remembered the atrocity he has shown towards her made Bai Yu Yue rethink.

"Good morning, miss" Mu Qing who saw Bai Yu Yue in the training grounds, greeted her,

"Good morning, master Mu," She bowed and returned his greetings.

"Do you belong to the royal guards of Qi kingdom?" Mu Qing wasn't surprised, ever since Bai Yu Yue's health got better, whenever there is training going on, she will be there, observing everything with her hawk-like eyes.

"I came to Qi kingdom on special deputation," She replied,

"Special deputation, oh you must have recently graduated,"

"Hmm, it has been six months since I've been serving in Qi kingdom," She stated. "My training period in the Qi kingdom was over and I was supposed to return to my home by this month."

"If you don't mind, may I know the school which you have attended?" Mu Qing asked reluctantly,

"I belong to Tu sect,"

"Huh, Tu sect allows women?" His face lit in happiness. If Tu sect allows a woman to study in their premises, then it will become a revolutionary step in the history of the mainland.

"Five years ago, on grandmasters meet Grandmaster Qin strongly advocated empowering women by allowing them to attend the schools and considering them as equal. I didn't know that grandmaster Qin will quickly act it out."

"I joined the Tu sect five years ago," Bai Yu Yue said with an indifferent expression.

"So it was you who changed his mind?"

Bai Yu Yue smiled as a reply to his question, 

"That's why you are disguised as a man," Mu Qing exclaimed when he realized the reason for her disguise.

She nodded in agreement,

"Every woman in Yu clan is like you? Interested in martial arts?" Mu Qing was curious. He knew that in Yu clan women held more power than men.

"No, it is just me," She leaned closer and lowered her tone.

"I have a request," Bai Yu Yue asked in a polite tone, "can you not reveal that I belong to Yu clan?"

"Oh sure," He immediately agreed to her request. " When I was a student, I have seen your king during the champions meet, "Mu Qing remembered his memories. "His highness, Bai Li,"

Upon hearing his words, Bai Yu Yue's aloof facade broke into a burst of laughter,

"Why are you laughing?" Mu Qing asked in doubt.

"Nothing, how was he?"

"In the beginning, I didn't know that he was the king. He thought that he is a nice senior brother who was really considerate and down to earth." Mu Qing sighed and continued," I really wish to meet him once again,"

Bai Yu Yue's lips bloomed into a faint smile when she heard about his father.

"I heard that your people value your Queen more than anyone,"

"We value everyone. Every single human being, the plants, the animals, the mountain, we treat them as a family." Bai Yu Yue said with a pleasant face.

"One more question," Mu Qing apologetically smiled, "Is it true that your people practice endogamy?"


"So you are not allowed to marry from another clan?"

"We don't really encourage it."

"What about you? Do you support it?" Mu Qing was anticipated about her reply,

"No," A clear cut rejection fell down from her beautiful lips.

"Oh, that's bad," Mu Qing said with a sulky face. "In case if you fall in love with someone?"

"I am planning to pledge my servitude to the Queen," Bai Yu Yue said with a determined face," I wish to remain single."

Mu Qing subconsciously looked at Huo Jin who was stealing glances at Bai Yu Yue while supervising his juniors. 

"What are you talking about?" Huo Jin who finished the training walked towards them and interrupted their conversation, sat next to Mu Qing.

"We were talking about sect."

" Do you want to study here?" Huo Jin ignored his master and asked in an excited voice to the person who sat beside him.

"Well, we don't allow-" Mu Qing tried to discourage him. However Huo Jin rebutted,

"Why Mu sect restrict the entry of women disciples?"

"It's because of people like you," Bai Yu Yue who remained silent upon the arrival of Huo Jin, said with an indifferent face.

"Why are you fighting always? what exactly happened between you two?" Mu Qing asked them. Whenever he tried to ask Huo Jin, his disciple avoids the question like plague.

"Can you train me?" Bai Yu Yue immediately changed the topic. She is not at all comfortable talking about it.

"You wanted me to train you?" he appeared surprised.

He thought she was a headstrong girl who refuses to bow down before anyone.

"Xiao Jin," Mu Qing called him.

"Hmm, can you do that?"

"Yes, I would love too," His face gleaming with happiness, "But on one condition,"

"You have to fight with me and prove that you are capable enough to become my junior,"