Chapter 234 - He Will Return!!!

Tang Wei Sheng looked at the little guy who stood before him, with curiosity rippling in his big black eyes. 

As he stood gaping at the boy, Tang Wei Sheng could easily trace the resemblances of the kid with the parents. 

How's that even possible? 

"Uncle, you got a wolf. Look, Yong have a dragon. Mommy made it for me because I'm a dragon." Little Yong pointed at the red dragon plushie that was attached to his bag and excitedly stated. 

"You are a dragon?" Tang Wei Sheng's clenched jaw relaxed into a wide grin when he listened to the kid. While growing up, every child has their own fantasies- some of them considers themselves or wants to be their favourite superhero and he just felt that the kid was no different, Tang Wei sheng played along with Little Yong's words. 

"Can you make it rain, Dragon?" 

"Uffo uncle!!!!" Little Yong touched his forehead in disapproval and looked at the man with a suppressed laughter. "My name is Lee. Tae. means mighty dragon." He explained like a teacher by enunciating each word.

"Lee Tae Yong!!!" Tang Wei Sheng uttered the name that surprisingly answered he countless questions that were boiling inside his head. 

"By any chance, your mother's name happened to be Li Juan?" He inquired in a broken voice while his gaze remained focused on the kid. 

" do you know my mommy, uncle?" Little Yong flashed an teethy grin and quickly grabbed Tang Wei Sheng's hand as if they knew each other for a longtime. "Are you mommy's friend?"

Looking at the boy who was clinging to him, Tang Wei Sheng's brain froze and he couldn't think coherently. 

His instincts were true-it was Li Juan's child. 

A child who born out of her blood and flesh. 

With an unknown pain surging inside his heart, he slowly crouched down to Tae Yong's eye level. 

"You are really Li Juan's son?" He asked again to confirm, his voice so gentle and soft, but with a hint of melancholy. However, even before Tae Yong could answer, a childish voice heard in the silent corner.

"Daddy, Yongii is here." Little Hyun who was searching for his brother, informed in slightly raised voice, when he finally found Tae Yong with a stranger. 

"What are you doing here? Daddy is looking for you." Little Hyun chided as he moved closer to his brother who was full of smiles. He quickly held the younger one's arm and pulled Tae Yong to his side like a responsible guardian.

"And who is this uncle?" He asked in a barely audible voice while peeking glances at the man who knelt on the ground.

"Hyun ah, this uncle knows mommy." Little Yong spoke and turned to face Tang Wei Sheng, who remained perplexed by the appearance of another child who looked identical to Tae Yong. 

"Uncle, this my twin brother, Lee Tae -."

"Shhh...." Tae Hyun immediately stopped his brother from introducing him to the stranger, "Sorry, uncle. My mommy said that we are not supposed talk to strangers. So have a nice day." He slightly bowed his head and took his brother's hand as if he doesn't want to stay for a minute longer.

"But Hyun Ah, he is mommy's friend." Little Hyun tried to explain as he refused to go with his brother.

"No. Come here. He is lying...mommy doesn't have any friends." Tae Hyun stated in a reprimanding tone when saw his brother being clingy to a stranger. 

It took a moment for Tang Wei Sheng to understand the reason for the kid's arguments. 

Well, he couldn't blame them because he did look like a sketchy man. Watching the twins walking past him, Tang Wei Sheng rose into feet with a faint smile. 

"Your mother still likes to eat Tiramisu, right?" 

As soon as his question resounded in the silent corner, Little Hyun stopped in his tracks, as if someone tied his feet with an invisible thread. 

"She talks to plants while watering them, because- 

"It will help them to grow happily and bloom quickly." The twins completed his words with a stunned expression on their adorable faces. 

The stranger is familiar with their mother. 

"It's been a while, CEO Tang." Lee Tae Yang's warm greetings resonated in the silent corner, forcing them to look at the man who approached them. 

Listening to the form of title that Lee Tae Yang used to address him, Tang Wei Sheng sniggered as he took a walk down the memory lane .

There was time when everyone used to address him by that title and he even enjoyed the power and authority of the position of CEO of Tang corporations brought him. 

But not anymore. 

"Ha, call me Tang Wei Sheng, Doctor Lee. I'm no longer a CEO or I will ever become one." Tang Wei Sheng reminded once again as he reached out for a handshake. 

"I never expected to meet you again. It is quite surprising though." 

"My condolences for you and your family." Lee Tae Yang spoke as he shook hands with the other. 

"It's been a year since my grandpa and father died. But, thank you." Tang Wei Sheng casually replied in a voice that lacked any endearing emotions. Once the Tang corporation fell down, Tang Yi, pleaded guilty and accepted the life sentence for planning the murder attempts. Even though, prestigious legal firms showed their willingness to help him, he refused them without any hesitations and decided to pay for his sins with his life. 

The guilt of plotting against Li Juan, the descendant of lunar maiden, ate him alive and he could only find his solace in death. 

The fall of Tang family and the loss of his son, took a heavy toll on Tang Fei and he also left the world not so long ago. 

"Your family, are they all doing fine?" Lee Tae Yang inquired as if he met an old friend. 

"Hmm. Last year, my mother moved to Springshire county and now she lives with my sister. Lanlan also doing well ever since she restarted her career and nowadays she is dating a girl from her orchestra. We often meet together and spend time as one happy family. And what about you, doctor Lee? Nobody told me that you have twin boys?" Tang Wei Sheng's eyes drifted to the boys who were silently listening to their conversation.

"I had a conversation with little Yong and as for his brother..." 

"Hello, uncle, my name is Lee Tae Hyun. Sorry for calling you a stranger. But how do you know mommy?" Tae Hyun immediately shot a question that left Tang Wei Sheng flustered.

He wasn't sure how to reply that question.

How can he tell the kids, that he loved their mother and even dreamt of leading a life with her.

"We..we ...went to the same school-" Tang Wei Sheng decided to go with the safest answer he could come up with. However, even before he could complete his words, Lee Tae Yang interrupted to add.

"He is mommy's friend. Uncle got a sister and three of them grew up together." Lee Tae Yang defined their relationship as he remembered. 

"You grew up with mommy? Uncle, do you know what all things mommy liked when she was little?" Little Hyun popped up his queries when he realized that Tang Wei Sheng is no longer a stranger. 

On the other hand, overwhelmed by the response he was receiving from Lee Tae Yang and his sons, Tang Wei Sheng couldn't help but look at the man who once used to be his biggest rival-for help. 

"They are planning to gift something to Li Juan." Lee Tae Yang added with a smile. "If you have any suggestions, feel free to say."

"She...she...doesn't have any particular interests. Whatever gift she receives she will cherish it with her whole heart." Tang Wei Sheng declared when he recalled the moments he spent with Li Juan that showcased her humble personality. 

"So will mommy be happy if we get her this book, uncle?" Little Yong showed the thick book in his hand and exchanged glance with his father, "Daddy, what do you think?"

"Mommy would love it. Why don't you go there and write the letter for her ?" Lee Tae Yang pointed at the readers table at the end of the book store and led the twins over there, so that he will get some alone time with Tang Wei Sheng. "Let me catch up with uncle while you write."

"The twins bid farewell to Tang Wei Sheng and excitedly glided towards the table. Once they were left alone, Lee Tae Yang let out a sigh and moved bit closer to the man whose eyes remained on the twins.

"How's your treatment going on?" He spoke in a low voice, that is audible only to them.

"Don't tell me you are keeping an eye on me." Tang Wei Sheng scoffed when he heard Lee Tae Yang mentioning about his treatment. Only very few people knew that he left Jing city and began treatment under a psychiatrist in springshire. 

"Well, Doctor Hector is like a senior to me."

"It seems like I can't even trust my psychiatrist." Tang Wei Sheng brushed off Lee Tae Yang's question with a peal of laughter. "You don't trust me, right?"

"Hector did mention about a patient from Jing city who apparently turned out to be the most challenging case he had worked with." Lee Tae Yang calmly replied. "A patient who wishes to heal but refuses to let go of his painful past. Hector asked me if I could talk to the patient and help him since we speak the same language."

"Does my doctor is also abandoning me?" Tang Wei Sheng commented as he avoided looking into Lee Tae Yang's cordial eyes. "Am I really beyond rescuing?"

"No one has abandoned you. It was you who kept running away from everyone, Wei Sheng."

"It's true that I ran away. But, doctor Lee... I'm happy in Springshire, at my home. I'm doing everything I once wished to do in my life."

"But you need to face your fears and get healed, Wei Sheng. How long are you going to punish yourself? You are still young and you have a life time ahead."

"Why are you being nice to me? I don't deserve it....especially from you."

"you need a need someone."

"I have everyone. Family, friends. You must have heard from Zhang Zhi Jun that I reconciled with my high school friends. I even attended Mo Yan's birthday party. I'm actually content with my life."

"But, mother must have-"

"She doesn't want a grandchild. If she ever wants one, there is Lanlan and her partner." Tang Wei Sheng sounded extremely delighted when he talked about his sister. " I'm sure that my mother will be alright if they adopt a child."

"But still, it is something related to your family and-" Lee Tae Yang tried to make some sense, but only to get turned down. 

"Actually, it is our joint decision, doctor. None of us wants any other child who born in the Wei bloodline and go through the same thing we have been." Tang Wei Sheng admitted in a firm and resolute voice. "Tang family will end with me."

"You are not like your father or grand father. You can do can be a good husband and loving father." Lee Tae Yang tried to assure him when he read the melancholy hid behind Tang Wei Sheng's words. The way he looked at twins itself showed that how much he loves kids. 

"But he won't allow me to be any different." Tang Wei Sheng bitterly admitted. 

"Are you still experiencing the-" Lee Tae Yang hesitated to continue when he doubted whether it is feasible to mention about Tang Wei Sheng's alter ego. 

" Lang hasn't visited even for once in the past six years. Maybe, he left me once he figured out that I am no longer capable of being his 'vessel'. However that doesn't mean that he left for good." Tang Wei Sheng paused for a second as his voice turned unusually cold and serious. 

"The wolf will return as long as his moon is alive."

For an instant, a hurt and infuriated expression glinted in his eyes, making him looking vulnerable and dangerous at the same time. 

At that moment, Lee Tae Yang realised that the traces of the wolf was still left in Tang Wei Sheng, as if it an impossibility to wipe out a part of his soul. 

"Daddy, we finished writing the letter." The twin's voices pulled them out of the awkward moment of hostility. "Can we pay?" 

"Hmm." Lee Tae Yang silently nodded and glanced at Tang Wei Sheng who remained as if nothing has happened. 

"Uncle, we are going to meet mommy. Will you come with us?" Little Yong asked a question that no one expected, leaving Tang Wei Sheng bewildered. "You can celebrate New year with us?" 

"Mommy would be surprised to meet her friend." 

"I would love to visit your house someday. But little ones, uncle is busy with work. Oh, I'm so sorry. I don't think I can join you." 

"Someday? When is that?" Little Yong anticipatingly asked and exchanged glances with his father. Unlike his twin, Tae Yong had a much reserved personality, however the affection he was showering on Tang Wei Sheng whom he just met was a bewildering sight for Lee Tae Yang. It literally felt that those two knew each other for a long time. 

"When you two grow up and become a fine gentle man like your father?" Tang Wei Sheng beamed and gently caressed little Yong's hair, with a doting expression brightening his handsome face. 

"I will take leave then." He gently bowed and bid farewell. Just as he turned and took a step to walk away from them, a small hand grabbed his arm and stopped Tang Wei Sheng from leaving. 

"Uncle, your wolf." Little Yong extended the wolf plushie towards the man who struggled to keep an indifferent demeanour. "It is your favourite, right?" 

Hearing his words, Tang Wei Sheng knelt down and touched the plushie with his finger tips as if he was saying goodbye to something he held precious for more than a decade. 

It was something that tied him to the painful past, stopping him from moving on with his life, while everything around him changed or evolved for good. 

With a pair of glistening eyes, Tang Wei Sheng refused to accept the wolf plushie from Tae Yong and smilingly asked the little guy. 

"He has been with me for a longtime. Can you take care of my wolf?"