Did Li Yuyao release the water?

No, absolutely not!

Even, he did his best!

Tianwen knows Li Yuyao's strength better than anyone else. Suddenly, his thoughts soar and he recalls

Once upon a time, in order to regain the glory of taishangjiao, he searched for talents all over the world, laid chess pieces, and began to layout.

Anani, the prairie prophet, is one of them.

The same is true of Li Yuyao.

It was an accident. When Tian Wen traveled to Cangzhou, the state of Zhao, he found Li Yuyao in the street.

At that time, Li Yuyao was still young, only about ten years old. Instead of being lively and active as a child, he was silent

Perhaps because of this kind of character, let him appear not gregarious, no one is willing to play with it!

Tianwen found him.

He has his own characteristics and high savvy. Since he was a child, he has shown great talent in martial arts. Seeing this, Tian Wen has a love for talent.

For others, it may be a pure use, but for Li Yuyao, Tianwen has a little more love than use.

Such a martial arts genius must have the best teaching.

Although the Li family is a martial and Taoist family, in the eyes of Tian Wen, it is not enough.

All martial arts in the world come from the Supreme Master.

Only he can teach Li Yuyao the best.

He contacted Li Yuyao.

Li Yuyao, who is addicted to Kendo, does not reject him because he can teach him more powerful kendo.

Li Yuyao worships Tian Wen as his teacher.

This process is not known to outsiders, even close relatives are hidden

Under the guidance of Tian Wen, Li Yuyao grew up rapidly.

Li Yuyao has a reputation as the pride of the Li family, and his strength is also very strong

In the process of getting along with each other, they also have the feeling of mentoring Even if the supreme cult is destroyed, Li Yuyao will still follow!

Killing Wang Kang is his last task, but he failed

Wang Kang took the sword at will, breaking the fantasy of Tian Wen.

In fact, he already knew that it was impossible to win, and his body could not support him. What he could do was to kill Wang Kang, which was enough!

Even in his peak period, he couldn't take the sword so easily, and Wang Kang did it!

That's one thing for sure.

There was no mistake in his suspicions. The nine dead silkworm was really Wang Kang

He lost!

A complete failure!

But he is not reconciled!

For the first time, he felt panic!


You can't just admit defeat. There must be a way.

I'm Tianwen. I'm the first master in the mainland. I'm the leader of the supreme cult I can't just give up!

Tianwen shouts in his heart.

Besides, no one except Jiang Lanwu knows that I am Tianwen!

No one can recognize him. He believes Wang Kang can't recognize him either

Before that, he always appeared as Jiang Lanwu's housekeeper, even if Jiang Lanwu's political change failed.

But Wang Kang will not embarrass an old man

Tianwen's thoughts twinkled and there was a sense of humiliation.

What status and status he once was, but now he has to compromise like this.

But he was not reconciled!

It is because of this tone that he can bear any humiliation

Yes, that's it!

As long as you live, you have a chance.

Tianwen thought in his heart!

"Heaven ask!"

At this time, a cold voice remembered!

"Your apprentices all died because of you. Don't you stand up yet?"

Wang Kang yelled.

Li Yuyao's death made him hold his breath.

He was not angry at Li Yuyao's assassination, but regretted that such a hero should not take this road

"Heaven asked?"

"Heaven asked?"

Everyone was in a panic.

Maybe it used to be mysterious and frightening in people's eyes, but now it's not.

The chaotic times of the Supreme People began, lasted for several years, and all over the world were greatly affected

And as the founder of the taishangjiao also appeared in front of the world, was scolded, everyone yelled!

Along with it, Tianwen, the leader of taishangjiao, is also known to all!

This name is no longer secret!

All the people present were very ordinary. Naturally, they knew some inside stories. The stories of Tianwen were also spread and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people!

One after another, people didn't care that Wang Kang was assassinated at first

Listen to this, is it here or in the enemy camp?

This is the first devil in the mainland!

People look at each other.People around Jiang Lanwu react and are busy staying away.

They don't know where the sky is.

After the battle of Puyang in the Wei state, Tianwen was wanted by all countries, almost to the point where everyone called for a fight

Not only does Tian Wen dare not reveal his identity, but also Jiang Lanwu dare not risk Tian Da!

Now it's exposed!

Tian Wen was stunned, but he didn't make a sound.

Wang Kang should be deceiving. He can't recognize himself.

Li Yuyao is dead.

Jiang Lanwu can't be identified publicly. In that case, he will lose the hearts of the people

It's different now.

Under the guidance of the strong propaganda of various countries, the taishangjiao has a reputation of being lazy and smelly. It is just a street mouse!

Jiang Lan's military coup is for the sake of the state of Zhao. Under the current situation of the state of Zhao, he can really win over some people. However, once it is exposed that he colludes with Tian Wen, he is bound to be resisted

Therefore, Tian Wen is very relieved that Jiang Lanwu will not say anything!

Wang Kang is cheating!

The whole room was silent, looking at Wang Kang.

Today's coup is full of twists and turns!


Jiang Lanwu couldn't bear the pressure around him. He said in a loud voice: "good Wang Kang, you are really trying your best to plot the state of Zhao. You should pour dirty water on the king to ruin his reputation!"

"You really look up to yourself."

Wang Kang light way: "do you think I have to?"

"If I really want to plot the state of Zhao, who can stop the direct pressure of the Qin army?"

Jiang Lanwu immediately stopped his voice and was speechless.

This is quite domineering, but it is also an absolute fact.

Wang Kang really wanted Zhao, so there was no need to do so.

The power of Daqin has already surpassed that of Chu in the previous dynasty. It's not too much to say that it's a giant

As far as Daqin is concerned, the state of Zhao is really humble

"The leader of the grand priesthood, who was once the male leader of the ruling party, is now like a turtle with a shrunken head and dare not show his head. It's really sad to say that!"

Wang Kang shook his head and said, "just because you dare to be my enemy, you really don't deserve it!"


I heard that.

Even with the self-restraint of heaven, it can't survive.

He thought he could resist, but he couldn't.

This is really insulting.

And he found that Wang Kang had already recognized him and knew he was here. In this case, there was no need to hide!

Tian Wen came out.

He hobbled and died, but his momentum changed in the moment he walked out.

He raised his head. Although he looked like an old man, he was still like the high leade