"Father's wisdom?"

Wang An was puzzled and said: "there are many factions in the DPRK and the central government, and there are constant struggles. This greatly weakens the efficiency of handling the affairs. How can we say it is wisdom?"

"Angel, you are very smart, but it takes time to experience and understand this political matter."

Zhang Xianxian opened his mouth and said, "the so-called way of emperors is actually the way of balance."

"The way of balance?"

Wang an Ruo has some thoughts.

"In the court hall, the most taboo is the dominance of one family!"

Zhang Xianxian said, "your father once said to me that today I want to send it to you. If you don't have a leader, you can't fight against heaven!"

"Wen Chen has no head?"

"Your father established the three provinces system and dispersed the prime minister's power. He consciously made the three factions in the court naturally form. These three factions restrict each other and struggle with each other. It can be said that all these were created by your father and what he did was balance."

The seemingly complicated officialdom system is the way to be king, but Zhang Xianxian's analysis is quite thorough.

"Existence is reasonable. Are there corrupt officials in the court?"

"Yes, there are many more."

Zhang Xianxian said: "recently, the position of the left Minister of the Ministry of official was adjusted. The three factions of the court and the central government were fighting for each other constantly. Finally, Ma Yunle raised it."

Wang an nodded, this matter he knew, the candidate or he this three niangs decide.

"As far as I know, Ma Yunle once gave Guo Zude a lot of money."

"Isn't this a corrupt official?"

"Are corrupt officials still here?"

"It's not just a matter of Ma Yunle. He was promoted. When he became the left servant of the Ministry of officials, his original position would be vacant, and he would be promoted to the top. How much money and power would be involved in the whole transaction?"

"Can you take all these officials down?" Zhang asked? Has everything been dealt with? "

"When the water is clear, there is no fish. Corrupt officials are also an important part of the officialdom system, but this scale needs to be grasped."

"But you have to remember that the Ministry of work and the Ministry of household are absolutely not allowed to have any greedy behavior. The Ministry of household is in charge of money and food, and the Ministry of work is in charge of construction. This is strictly prohibited by your father."

Zhang Xianxian said and gave Wang an a piece of paper.

"There are more than 30 people's names on it, and all of them are marked with their charges. Kill them all. Their families have been exiled for three generations and reclaimed wasteland..."


Zhang Xianxian said: "recently, because your father has not returned for a long time, there are many unrest in the court. You need to kill people and give a warning!"

"There have been many rumors in Shouzhong recently. How should we deal with them?"

"Don't worry about it. I'll arrange it."


Wang an knew that the once numerous and underground organizations in his family had also been summed up in the imperial court. They were responsible for some secret things.

"The border is uneasy, and the Wei state may use troops against our DPRK. How should we deal with this?"

"Fight when necessary, we have the ability to resist..."

Wang an inquired about all kinds of matters, and Zhang Xianxian gave instructions one by one to deal with them in an orderly way, which made Wang an sigh very

At this time, he found himself a lot worse.

After talking about it, he went to deal with government affairs formally.

Zhang Xianxian is only behind the scenes, while Wang An is in front of the stage.

Today, for the first time, the crown prince, who is the agent of government affairs, ordered the execution of more than 30 officials, involving three generations!

Instead of killing them, let them all go to reclaim the wasteland.

In order to solve the problem of people's livelihood, a lot of wasteland needs to be reclaimed, and these criminals are all put to use!

Of course, this incident also has a great impact.

In fact, many people are not familiar with the prince. He came directly from Xinfengcheng, unlike Wang Ping, who had military experience.

Many people are not very satisfied with this sudden takeover of government affairs. In case of a person who is out of tune, isn't it ruined?

Soon after the establishment of the new dynasty, there are still many problems. Wang Kang has formulated a series of plans and policies, involving the construction of people's livelihood and many other problems, which can not be controlled by ordinary people.

The prince, however, dealt with the matter in an orderly way. What he should be in charge of, what he should not be in charge of, never interfere

He was modest and gentle, and asked for advice when he met with problems, which gave people a sense of confidence. In a word, the courtiers were very satisfied.

Also often sigh tiger father no dog.

Since he took charge of politics, he has never killed anyone. This is the first time!

Everybody knows, it's a warning!

Recently, people in the court are in a panic, and there are more rumors among the people!

Locally, there are times of great chaos.

Although it's not serious, there are many incidents. If the court is not stable and Shouchun is not stable, the country will be unstable. This move is to tell everyone to do what they should do and not have other ideas!

It can be seen that most of the people killed were jubilant people who jumped recently. Most of them were aristocrats of the old Dynasty. They wanted to take this opportunity to win some benefits.This itself can't be put on the table, and they won't all be executed just because of this. However, the accusations listed by the crown prince are real and detailed, and even the old accounts of a long time ago have been turned out clearly!

That's the real horror!

Who can guarantee his absolute innocence?

No one dares.

When the water is clear, there will be no fish. If you can really do that, you can't be an official at all.

This is undoubtedly the most powerful deterrent.

People also know that there is a public censor station in the court to supervise all officials, and there is an organization in the dark, but it has not been announced

After this, the courtiers were restrained and did not dare to be like before.

Soon people found that Shouchun's voice of criticism is also less.

Moreover, the official newspaper of the imperial court began to publish a lot about the situation of the supreme cult, which was once the most mysterious sect in the mainland, completely exposed in front of people!

The official newspaper was officially established, with Lin Zhou, who was once in charge of Fuyang tabloid, as editor in chief.

Although the official newspaper was attached to the Ministry of rites, it was independent and directly responsible to the emperor.

It's really a creative thing, and it's quite new for the people

The official newspapers mainly publish the policy trends and major events of the imperial court, such as which official was executed and what crime he committed.

There is also the section of anecdotes, which is similar to people's livelihood events. What is worth mentioning is the section of literature, where some excellent works of scholars and talents will be published.

What did the literati pursue? That's the name.

What a great honor is it to be able to publish in the newspapers?

Therefore, a wave of cultural frenzy was set off.

Unfortunately, the popularity rate is not too high, mainly because there are too many illiterates, but this does not affect the public's attention. They always find literate people to read and understand.

In the latest edition, all the details of the taishangjiao are published.

Its absurdity, shocking, after much hype, caused a lot of resistance.

This is also Zhang Xianxian's idea. I don't know how many times Wang Kang will come back. I'm afraid it will be too late. It's not too late to deal with it now