On the one hand, there is a physical defect, and another important reason is that he has been away for too long.

Gao Yanzong, the emperor of Qi, died, and his successor Gao Rui was taken away by Wang Kang to worship the flag before the war, which had a great impact.

As people know, Gao Yin is already a dead man, which is also a problem

So it's really hard.

"It's OK. I'll push you even if I push you hard."

Wang Kang said: "the news that you haven't died for such a long time has already arrived in the state of Qi, but so far there has been no movement. It's very telling..."

"It's normal."

Gao Yin said: "after all, I'm also the lineage. Under the current situation, I'm the successor, which will be a big threat to the emperor. But I didn't think that my seventh uncle was the final winner, and I didn't think that he was so deep!"

When he said it again, he clenched his teeth to show his resentment!

"It's really incredible."

Wang Kang can not help but sigh.

At that time, the navy of the state of Qi was destroyed, the two emperors were destroyed, and the domestic economy collapsed. The state of Qi was in chaos.

Wang Kang was facing a war with the state of Chu again, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

It was only recently that he got detailed information about the whole process, but it was quite dramatic.

When Gao Rui was suddenly taken away, there was no successor, and there was no imperial edict.

Who could have imagined such a big change.

A country cannot be without a king for a day.

Those princes who didn't hope to become emperors immediately took heart, and the opportunity came

At this time, no one wants to revenge, and no one worries about Gao Rui's safety. Even Gao Yanzong's funeral is not handled properly. A battle for the throne begins!

The most powerful competitor, the fifth Prince Gao Xiu, was also taken away by Wang Kang.

The eighth Prince Gao Yin died in the front.

Gao Feng is still on the way to withdraw!

The most powerful ones in Linzi are Gao Xuan, the third prince, and Gao Yi, the fourth prince, who were put in the cold palace because of collusion with the taishangjiao. As for the other princes, they are not competitive

In fact, according to the normal process, Gao Rui is taken away by Wang Kang, and his life and death are uncertain, because Gao Rui's eldest son inherits.

But at that time, Gao Rui's eldest son was not too old. Suddenly, he was short of supporters.

The key point is that after the death of the second emperor, the whole state of Qi was in disorder and lost order, so naturally, it was out of order.

Gao Xuan, who had been held in Lenggong for a long time, was released.

The courtiers agreed that in the chaos of the Qi Dynasty, a mature prince was needed to take charge, and an immature child could not stabilize the chaos.

Gao Xuan had many supporters, and many courtiers generally supported him at this time.

But there are also different voices. The Prime Minister of Buyi Tian thinks that Gao Rui's eldest son should succeed to the throne in order to conform to the etiquette.

Tian Jun had great prestige in the state of Qi, and his support was a great help.

And at this time, the fourth Prince Gao Yi also stood up and wanted to win the throne!

In this way, the situation of tripartite competition has been formed. For a while, chaos has increased and there is no end to it

During this period, it is also known as the darkest time of Qi.

The disputes among the three parties have become more and more fierce, and chaotic wars have broken out, and local governments have their own support.

In Linzi, Gaoxuan gained more support, gained the advantage and won the throne.

Gao Yi, the fourth prince, fled to the south, and Tian, the Prime Minister of Buyi, was imprisoned. The eldest son of Gao Rui, the former Emperor, was treated the same way.

It seems that the situation has stabilized.

But unexpectedly, the sixth Prince Gao Feng came back from the front line.

The sixth Prince has been serving in the military. He inherited Gao Rui's capital in the military and got the support of the military.

And he supports Gao Rui's eldest son in the name of inheritance, to gather strength.

It's another fight.

Gao Xuan, who has not been able to sit on the throne, was ousted and died in the chaos

It's time for orthodoxy to succeed.

But in fact, Gao Feng just played a disguise, he did not let Gao Rui's eldest son inherit, but sat on the Emperor himself, became the biggest winner.

This kind of despicable behavior exposes the despicable character, which also makes people feel cold.

After all, Gao Rui has been a crown prince for many years, and has been in the army for many years.

Who would support you if you were not in the name of upholding orthodoxy?

Although he was on the throne, it was not stable.

They all thought that the dispute was coming to an end. At this time, an unexpected person appeared.

He is even Prince Gao Yanqing.

He was the brother of emperor Gao Yanzong of Qi Dynasty. He was once a cruel man. When he was a prince, he fought for the throne with Gao Yanzong, but he failed.

The failure of the struggle for the throne did not come to a good end, but he survived.For one reason, he's crazy.

It is said that he was stimulated, sometimes sober, sometimes insane.

It's indescribable that he got into the pigsty and lived with the pigs.

At first, people thought that he was just pretending to be crazy in order not to be killed. After all, it is possible.

But over time, people get used to it.

This dress has been like this for more than ten years, and Gao Yanzong is hard to kill, so he left him and became even prince.

In fact, in private people call him prince pig.

The prince pig, who nobody noticed, is the one who hides the most. He really pretends to be crazy.

All of a sudden, he stood up and supported the orthodox succession in the name of his uncle and father.

At this time, people found the backbone. Both the courtiers and the military were attracted by him. Even Gao Yi, who fled south, came back to support him.

Their goal is to drive Gao Feng down!

It's another fight. It's really a success.

When the emperor took turns sitting, Gao Feng, who had not been waiting for a few days, was driven down.

At this time, it's time for orthodoxy, isn't it?

No one thought that even the Prince changed his face like Gao Feng. He wanted to be the emperor!

But there is also a difference. He is more ruthless.

After more than ten years of forbearance, it broke out once. He was more skillful than those princes, and quickly stabilized. Those who killed others with rather cruel means did not dare to resist and became the emperor!

And he began a dark reign.

Perhaps it was the psychological distortion caused by years of forbearance, he took more revenge psychology.

The sixth Prince Gao Feng was put into a pig cage by him and kept company with the pig all day.

The fourth Prince Gao Yi was tortured by him, but he also became crazy.

It is said that even Gao Rui's eldest son was abused by him all day, and he became a real tyrant!

As a result, the state of Qi entered the darkest period

Thinking of the collected information in his mind, Wang Kang could not help sighing. He never thought it would be such a result.

"Do you know your seventh uncle?"

Wang Kang asked, looking at Gao Yin who was also meditating.

"Know something about it."

Gao Yin said: "it is said that he was my father's most powerful competitor at that time, even the throne almost fell on him..."