It's a day of high profile.

It is the duty of the princes to go to Beijing to appear in court, and there is a prescribed time limit. However, with the passage of time, the current system gradually goes to extremes, the vassal states gradually grow, and they have more and more disrespect for the emperor.

The original obligation is to perform normally, but it has also become a verbal statement.

You know my dissatisfaction and I know your intention. Under such circumstances, the princes dare not come to Beijing personally.

And the emperor can't call.

The most recent court meeting was at the beginning of Xiang Lintian's accession to the throne.

One of the important reasons why Xiang Lintian was known as the greatest emperor of Chu in modern times was that when he ascended the throne, all the 36 princes of Chu came except two who had special affairs.

It was a great event, and it rarely happened in the history of Chu state, which established Xiang Lintian's absolute dominant position

Now, it's happening again.

It was also the new monarch's accession to the throne, but there was more atmosphere.

This is a new dynasty completely different from the great Chu Dynasty, and also a strong emperor.

Tough style is the court officials' evaluation of his majesty.

After a period of running in, the new dynasty has been in operation.

Many old ministers lamented that Xiang Lintian, the emperor of Chu, was already a rare overlord, but at least he could listen to some opinions. There was also a first assistant Ji Wuchang Zhonghe around him, and this one was even worse.

Basically, as long as it's his decision, others can't change it. They can only implement it. At first, they will find that these decrees are outrageous and unimaginable, but gradually they find that they are very reasonable and effective

He has a great prestige. From all kinds of performances, he has to carry it out to the end to crack down on the inherent class.

With his style, will the vassal states really be allowed to exist?

Not necessarily.

Everyone is watching.

In the morning, it was just dawn.

There are a lot of spectators going out to the streets early.

Today is the day for princes to enter Beijing.

At the beginning, there was a hot spot, because only ten princes arrived in Shouchun, and Xiang Yun, King Jue, had no news.

This also means that he failed to meet Wang Kangti's requirements and will face the settlement.

That said.

But it is still a question whether it is really going to send troops.

In short, people are talking about it.

"Coming, coming."

"Look at that flag. It should be Feng Wang's car, isn't it?"

In recent years, Fengguo has developed and become the leader of Eastern Chu, which is quite powerful

"Isn't that assisted by Wen Zhang? It is said that Wen Zhang is the chief envoy this time, and it is also the result of his negotiations with his majesty. "

"Is that king you's car?"

"Is that Hun Wang's car?"

There was a lot of talk and a lot of finger pointing.

"But there are not many cars. The court is also a tribute. If there are not many cars, there are not many gifts."

"Well, do you think these princes will bring more gifts? It would be nice to be here. "

"So it is."

"Anyway, it's also a prosperous time. I still remember when his Majesty the Chu emperor ascended the throne..."

"Silence, do you want to die? Now it's the new Qin Dynasty, the enlightened emperor! "

Because of the special matters, the city defense forces in Shouchun today personally went out to the streets to maintain order, intercepting the people on both sides of the road and giving way to the traffic.

Although there are many people, they are in good order

Putting down the car curtain, Xiang Baichuan breathed. He felt that he took it for granted.

There is a special feeling around Shouchun.

This kind of scene is not like the establishment of the new dynasty after the war, at least there is a complete system order.

as like as two peas before he came back, what does this mean?

It shows that Wang Kang has completely ruled here.

There was no difference in the smiles on people's faces.

It's incredible.

He knew it was the right time.

At least we have a chance to have a dialogue with Wang Kang. Otherwise, when everything is stable, Wang Kang will send troops to clear it up.

Of course, this is not the biggest worry.

Only when he came to Shouchun did he know something important The new law was issued and implemented.

This is a law aimed at the inherent class of the nobility, and they bear the brunt of it.

This is the biggest impact on the enfeoffment system. I believe that if it is really carried out, the enfeoffment system will no longer exist.

"It's said that recently the emperor has been urging the Ministry of officials to draw up the criteria for selecting officials and change the previous procedures..."

On one side, Wen Zhang said what he had learned in recent days.

When he went out of the city to meet him, he got on the bus directly, which did not make Feng Wang unprepared.Other envoys did the same.

He was talking, but Xiang Baichuan didn't listen

"To serve the king?"

"Oh, what did you say?"

Xiang Baichuan, this is back to God.

"I said the emperor intended to..."

"Are you talking about Wang Kang?"

Xiang Baichuan frowned.

Wen Zhang explained: "when you stay in Shouchun, you must pay attention to address. After all, the dynasty has changed..."

Xiang Baichuan can't deny it. He hasn't adapted yet.

Suddenly, the sky changed, and the great Chu became the past.

As a son of Xiang family, he was sad, but he was unable to change his mind and had to recognize the enemy as the king.

Temporary. It's all temporary.

As long as you can bear it, spend this time, grow slowly, and become the real leader of Eastern Chu, you can occupy Eastern Chu, compete with Wang Kang, and divide and rule

As for now, the strength is not enough.

Xiang Baichuan clenched his fist.

After a flash of thought, he said, "I heard that Wang Kang didn't kill all his Majesty's children. Is his highness Xiang Yu still alive?"


Wen Zhang said, "they are all imprisoned. I got the news that Wang Kang intended to make his royal highness Xiang Yu king and give him a peaceful life."

"And that kind of thing?"

Xiang Baichuan said, "if it's true, Wang Kang is really kind."

It's really benevolent. If it's anyone, it will kill them forever, and if it's not good, it will be imprisoned for life

"In your opinion, is it safe for us to go to Shouchun this time?"

"Safety is absolute safety."

Wen Zhang said, "Wang Kang has made a promise. He can't turn back. It's just..."

"Just what?"


He thought of Wang Kang's bet with him, and let it go.

Every master has one thing in common, that is, he is suspicious. It's nothing. If you say it, it's trouble

"It's said that Wang Kang made a speech to woo you?"

I heard that.

Wen Zhang was slightly stunned. He said with a smile, "you should know the most about my sincerity to the king. No one can win me over."

"What did Wang Kang tell you when he left you alone? Why didn't you tell me in your letter? "

Xiang Baichuan's eyes are fixed on him

third chapter, we can pay attention to WeChat official account, Tianxiang pupil
