There were all Wang Kang's people on the scene, not only the guards with excellent martial arts skills, but also the dark guards with perfect cooperation and high combat effectiveness, as well as the large-scale army!

The best opportunity has been missed. In this case, it's extremely difficult to assassinate Wang Kang. It's impossible to finish it!

In this case, Tianwen didn't want to escape, but had amazing action!

He wants to take Xie WANYING.

Wang Kang immediately aware of his movements, of course, can not be as he wishes!

He is the closest, so he didn't think much to stop. It's totally subconscious!

But in the eyes of heaven, this is to seek death!

He can easily get rid of it.

But the moment he grasped Wang Kang's wrist, he noticed the change.

He had never felt like he was losing his strength It seems that it is not only strength, but also something else.

Let him feel a sense of weakness in an instant!

What's the situation?

Tianwen suddenly thought of a possibility, or something!

The most miraculous thing in the world, nine dead silkworm!

Many people in the Jianghu have heard of it, but no one has really seen it.

Even he is no exception.

Even if he really exists, it is not known.

However, as the leader of taishangjiao, Tianwen certainly knew a lot about the nine dead silkworm.

It has been recorded in the ancient books of taishangjiao.

The nine dead silkworm is not a God, but a kind of poisonous insect. It is known as the first poisonous insect in the world. It was first discovered in Miao area, but where it came from is unknown.

This Gu is also known as the most domineering one.

Why is it overbearing?

Because it can absorb the strength of others without reason.

Since it is a Gu, there must be a host.

Therefore, there is a matching skill called tiancangong

Is there a nine dead silkworm on Wang Kang?

No way!

This is absolutely impossible!

He searched all over the world and couldn't find it. How could Wang Kang have it?

But this feeling is real, just a short moment, he felt weak!

It seems to be a kind of permanent loss. I can't say it clearly

God asked, subconsciously released his hand, his expression also with some panic!

What's the situation?

Wang Kang was shocked.

But he didn't have time to think about it and continued to catch it

"My Lord!"

In an instant, the others were killed one after another, looking worried.

If Wang Kang encounters an enemy, the consequences will be unimaginable!

Several murders filled the air, and just experienced the shock, which made Tian Wen understand that he had to go!

However, Xie WANYING must be taken away.

Taking advantage of this gap, Tian Wen bends down and grabs Xie WANYING directly. He tries his best to escape in another direction

"Stop him!"

I don't know why Tian Wen would take Xie WANYING away. Maybe there is no malice, but Wang Kang doesn't want to!

What's more, it's also an opportunity to leave Tianwen. It's hard to have another chance



After Tianwen fled, the former two killers immediately rushed to Wang Kang's men to defend their immortality!

Obviously, they are trying to gain time for Tianwen's escape

In the face of four people's killing at the same time, these two people can't resist. They will die in the moment of a short touch, and it's not Tianwen's time to leave!

Master, often in a moment to decide the outcome.

Even if it's a short time, it's enough for Tian Wen to leave!

He didn't escape from the palace gate. The army was there. Instead, he ran to the Taihe palace. This area is the center of the palace. There are many palaces in it. The path is tortuous. Once he enters here, it's hard to find it!

The ordinary soldiers surrounded by him can't be the obstacle of Tianwen. He doesn't pay any attention to it at all. His steps are very fast. Sometimes he jumps up and sometimes he leaps. His body method is hard to figure out.

As for his Xie WANYING, it's not a burden at all!

For such a master, he can't get a chance at all. Once he seizes the chance and wants to escape, it's very easy. What's more, on the other side of the palace group, the defense is relatively weak!

"Stop him!"

"Stop him!"

"Over there!"

The people around him yelled and killed him. At the same time, several arrows went straight away. Tianwen never met him, but he was always able to escape.

Seeing, he was about to enter the palace group and get away from the sight of the people. At this time, a man came after her. She was Yun Yan!

"Heaven ask, die for me!"Yunyan's body leaps up, the sword flower dances, and the sword Qi is shrouded in Tianwen!

Aware of the cold behind him, Tian Wen's face has become quite dignified!

It seems that he seems to escape very easily, but in fact, he has used all his strength, this is the first time he has been in danger like this!

It's because the moment I just contacted Wang Kang, he suffered a loss.

Although there was no injury, he didn't feel as good as before, which made him extremely uncomfortable. He had to find out.

Of course, the most important thing is to leave here and seize the time.

Otherwise, it's really hard to escape!


The icy sound of drinking, accompanied by the piercing sword Qi, follows closely!

"This girl really has the style of Gong Qiu."

Tianwen couldn't help sighing.

He can evade, but once evaded, this attack is likely to fall on Xie WANYING, at least to be affected!

No way!

If so, there will be no chance

Tian Wen thinks that he can't push Xie WANYING too hard because she is still injured.

It was just this action that made Tian Wen miss the best time to avoid. Although the sword didn't reach him, there were several sword strokes on his back!



The sharp sword Qi cuts his clothes directly and takes up several blood beads at the same time!

Tianwen is injured!

But it also gave him a boost, taking this opportunity, he turned on a palace.

And cloud research is still in hot pursuit!

At the moment, she has only one thought, that is to kill Tianwen and revenge for Yinyue. This is a golden opportunity.

She can see that Tianwen, for some reason, his strength has declined, and he also takes special care of Xie WANYING.

Originally, he was able to avoid the sword Qi just now.

Opportunity, this is opportunity!

"Heaven, you will die today!"

Yunyan drinks the sound to burst out, the tiptoe steps on the ground, several times borrows the strength, the Jiao body already jumps to the palace above, holds the sword to face the sky to ask straight away!

"If you chase me again, you will never know the whereabouts of your mother Gong Qiu and your father Yun Tingyu!"

Just then, heaven asked.

"Mother? Father

Yunyan is a bit dull, but he can react in an instant. This shows that Tianwen knows his parents' whereabouts, and it is probably in his hands!

"Heaven ask!"

She's more murderous!

But it was this short period of dullness that made Tian Wen escape. He jumped into the palaces and disappeared. Only his voice came out

I'm going to prepare for an exam, adult college to undergraduate exam. This is the national exam. In 2425, I wish I could pass it.

In addition, I will not refute it. This is my first novel in the true sense. There are a lot of problems, thoughtlessness and so on. Those who can catch up with the present are absolutely real fans. Scolding is also a way to vent emotions. I can understand it.