This is the troubled times. The people have no fixed and stable life, and even can't eat enough. So they have to join the army, seek shelter, and get enough to eat.

Wang Kang's army is naturally the best choice.

There are many people, perhaps not all kinds of righteousness, they are just for food and clothing, Wang Kang of course also know this situation, but he is really powerless!

The army is not a charity, a mob, just a mob.

If Wang Kang wants to, he can easily expand to a large number of troops

Xiang Tai was the only exception. His control in this aspect was even more strict than Wang Kang's. His uprising army still kept the original number and basically did not recruit.

"Are you trying to avoid suspicion?"

Wang Kang is very curious. The rebel army is a model he promoted. It aims to become a benchmark and has great appeal.


Xiang Tai shook his head and said, "sometimes the more troops there are, the better. While focusing on quantity, we should also pay more attention to quality. The great Chu was prosperous because of scattered troops, but also died because of scattered troops. In fact, I always reject this system."

"I see."

Wang Kang nodded and said, "it's good that you can have this kind of understanding."

"Along the way, we basically did not encounter a large-scale battle. Comparatively speaking, my rebel army has a large number of new recruits and has not experienced a war. It is impossible to really experience them. With a large number of people, they are too bloated and become a burden."

Wang Kang can't deny his nodding. With these words, we can know that Xiang Tai is a talented person. No matter when he is, he has a clear understanding.

"What do you think of the fact that the northern Li state and the Shen state declared their independence after getting information?"

Xiang Tai was once the king of Chu, and he also knew about this aspect.

He said, "the great Chu state boasts thirty-six vassal states. These vassal states are big and small, strong and weak. These vassal states are not all surnamed Xiang, but also have a different surname king!"

"All the princes and kings with different surnames have made great achievements by their ancestors, and they are rewarded by them. Li and Shen are different surnames."

I heard that.

Wang Kang understood a little.

"So, you mean the princes of other surnames didn't have much loyalty to the imperial court, so they declared their independence?"


Xiang Tai shook his head and said, "in fact, it's the princes surnamed Xiang. I'm afraid they don't have much loyalty to the imperial court. On the contrary, I think it's abnormal."



Xiang Tai said in a deep voice: "I don't know much about the state of Li, but the state of Shen is definitely a powerful vassal state. The state of Shen has always been loyal to the imperial court. It's strange that he suddenly stands on his own."

"But maybe I think too much. In today's turbulent times, everyone can see that the decline of the great Chu court is inevitable, and it's normal for people to push the wall down."

Wang Kang nodded.

According to the information sent by Jiang Chenghua, one of the princes has made it clear that he is willing to surrender at a critical time. He only wants to establish a new dynasty after the war and still retain the position of the princes.

A lot of people are looking for a way out. Lu Zhao has encountered such a situation. They sent a letter to Wang Kang asking how to deal with it.

In Wang Kang's opinion, this is also a good thing. If it can be solved peacefully, it will be very good!

In a word, the progress of several armies is quite smooth!

It was because it was so smooth that Wang Kang felt that something was wrong, and he couldn't tell exactly what was wrong

After chatting with Xiang Tai, I didn't find anything abnormal.

This may be the general trend.

We are all optimistic about the outcome of the war. The destruction of the great Chu is imminent, and we should speed up the pace.

At that time, the troops were divided into five routes. The grassland cavalry led by sanar had no specific strategic goal, and the other routes were advancing rapidly.

Jiang Chenghua, in particular, had great command ability. He took the wartime by surprise and made remarkable achievements.

Now it's one of the fastest-growing people, and it's also the person closest to longevity.

Knowing this situation, all generals are asking for a fight. As the main road, we can't be too slow to delay the pace of the war.

We are all fighting against each other secretly, which can also bring positive results.

Wang Kang did not refuse. After a period of rest in Daming City, he led the army to the West and came to a new vassal state, Dai state.

Among the thirty-six vassal states, Dai state is the most powerful one.

Because Dai state is close to the central part of Chu state, there are basically no weak vassal states around it.

Dai Guo goes further west, that is, Rong Guo. After Rong Guo, you will arrive at the central region!

It's not far from the victory meeting!

This time, Wang Kang did not divide his troops, so he marched wildly.

Daiguo is not a weak country. It should not be as easy as Pingguo and Yuanguo. I'm afraid there will be difficult wars.If we divide our forces into different routes, we may give the enemy a chance to break each one. This is also a kind of guarantee.

Wang Kang and the whole army were ready to fight, but then something unexpected happened

And the news that his army swept the state of Chu has long been widely known.

In daiguo, it is no exception.

The difference is that the chaos here is not as serious as that in other places, because the position of daiguo is close to the central part. The closer it is to the capital Shouchun, the closer it is to the foot of the emperor. Naturally, the situation is different.

Daiguo is a powerful vassal state, and its power reservation is relatively complete.

Only in the early war of Qi and Chu, some troops were increased by the imperial court. As for the later war, which has not started, it has become this situation. Support is meaningless and can only be defended alone!

As a matter of fact, daiguo was ready to recruit troops on behalf of Wang Xiangcheng to fight against the enemy, because it was not only for the country, but also for himself.

Daiwang was a prince with great talent and strategy. He had been paying attention to the movement of the enemy troops. When they arrived at the Yuan state, he had been on guard and stationed troops at the border.

He wanted to keep the enemy at the border and try to keep them out of the country.

Daiwang has made preparations and is determined to stick to it.

Not long ago.

The imperial envoy sent by the imperial court arrived.

This made Xiang Cheng extremely disdainful. The imperial court was unable to send reinforcements, but a so-called imperial envoy came. Is this to tell the story?

You know, this situation is quite unusual. Normally, the imperial court has no right to directly intervene in the affairs and military affairs of the vassal states, let alone directly dispatch Imperial Envoys.

What is an imperial envoy?

People appointed by the emperor have special rights.

Xiang Cheng knew that this was not an exception. Recently, the emperor sent Imperial Envoys to all the vassal states.

In a respectful manner, Xiang Cheng met the imperial envoy with a correct attitude. He wanted to know what his majesty had ordered.

But I didn't expect that the order would be like this?