"The book of war?"

"The book of war?"

I heard that.

Everyone's face is puzzled, so I don't know why.


Wang Kang said, "I'm going to give the enemy the next letter of war and fight an engagement."

Everyone looked at each other.

Or Jiang Chenghua said: "the enemy reinforcements are about to arrive. Is it not appropriate to fight in the afternoon?"

In the afternoon, the two sides agreed to fight.

This is a common thing in war, just as the two armies are at war, and the generals of the enemy and us are at war before the battle.

It's the end of the war.

If both sides meet.

Then an area will be selected and the two armies will fight head-on.

But this is not the right time.

Enemy reinforcements are coming.

After detailed inquiry, we can know.

This time, the enemy's troops are definitely the main forces, including those of Wu, Wei and ba.

The exact number has not yet been known, but certainly not less.

And the central army directly under the great Chu court!

Under the system of enfeoffment, there were thirty-six vassal states in the state of Chu. These vassal states had great autonomy rights, which also had great disadvantages!

If you want to ensure the authority of the imperial court, you must have the strength to frighten the vassal states!

If there is a rebellion, we can eliminate it in time!

Although there are many vassals, in recent years, there has never been a case of any vassal King's judgment of chaos.

The reason is that the imperial court is powerful and authoritative!

Where does authority come from?

Not royal blood, but military strength!

The imperial court has its own army, which is huge in number and has extraordinary combat power.

No matter the level of excellence or weapons and equipment, they are top class.

Collectively referred to as the central army!

This time, the great Chu court sent the central army!

Wang Kang is right. Although they have made great achievements, they killed the two princes and made great losses.

But there is still a military gap.

If it's in the afternoon, fight head on.

Then both sides will certainly put in all the main force to fight!

The enemy forces are dominant.

This kind of fighting is like an egg hitting a stone.

The best way is to rely on today's morale, take strategies, similar to the elimination of the king of Jin, the king of South, each broken, constantly wear away, narrow the gap between forces.

This is a long-term war, and patience is necessary.

Therefore, it is extremely unwise and irrational to go to war.

At least not yet.

The enemy side has just suffered a series of big defeats, and they urgently need a big victory to boost their morale and sweep away the decline.

This is exactly what the enemy thinks.

Those present were all the chief generals in the army, and naturally they had this strategic vision.

But they did not dare to directly refute, only Jiang Chenghua said.

But it's not direct advice.

Wang Kang said, "I am clear about your concerns, but I have considered them carefully."

Although his tone is calm, it can't be refused!

"Please give more consideration to the commander."

Jiang Chenghua said: "after the war, the meaning will be different. The enemy will certainly fight. In my opinion, we have achieved great results now. We should stabilize the front and slowly plan for it..."

"The picture slowly?"

Wang Kang asked: "have you ever thought about a question, how long will it take you to prepare for this war?"

There was a moment of silence.

After the meeting, a general tried to say, "ten years?"

Then he shook his head again.

"Twenty years?"

"Thirty years?"

Many people have said a number of years, but this is not accurate.

No one knows how long this war will last. As they said, it is possible to fight in 10, 20, 30 or even longer years!

Even if this generation can't, the next generation will continue to fight!

Because this is the strongest two sides in the mainland at present, and everyone knows that this is not a war between ordinary two countries.

When one side surrendered, they made reparations. Sign an agreement and it's over.


This is a war in which you die and I die!

Chu is too big!

Even if they have an advantage and want to capture all of them, it's a long process!

"My Lord Commander."

Jiang Chenghua said: "war is like this. Urgency can't come. If it's too urgent, it may backfire..."

The crowd nodded.

They all think Wang Kang is too anxious.

He is eager for success.

If you want to have a decisive battle with the enemy and win, you have to consider the actual situation."No

Wang Kang shook his head and said, "that's too slow."

If it goes on like this, when will it be.

"There's another question you should consider. Fighting is money and logistics. Have you ever thought about it?"

Everyone looks at each other.

They are all generals of all the legions, and the logistics are uniformly deployed by the commander-in-chief and battalion. They have thought about it, but they don't take it seriously.

"It's been a long time, not to mention whether we can defeat the enemy, we will be dragged down!"

Wang Kang is the commander-in-chief of the Allied forces. He has a lot to be responsible for.

Logistics is also a top priority.

The daily consumption of such a large army is astronomical!

All the military supplies and supplies needed today are borne by the allied countries.

Yan is self-sufficient.

The state of Yue and the state of Zhao should have something to do.

On the other side of the northern grassland, there are also expenditures, mainly for forage support.

The grassland war horse is powerful, but it is also very expensive. It needs special feeding, otherwise it is difficult to guarantee the fighting power!

The cost of logistics is huge.

Wang Kang is also under great pressure!

Therefore, the war can not drag on for too long, it can really drag down!

Where does the consumption of war come from?

It's not the common people?

It's OK in the short term. If the time is too long and the national strength is consumed seriously, there will be problems within the country.

A long war will lead to sharp social conflicts and a large number of people. Isn't that what the supreme Church wants?

It's also the best time for the development of taishangjiao. At that time, the world will be in chaos!

Wang Kang thinks more and farther!

Therefore, he must shorten the course of the war, and a head-on battle with the enemy's main force is the best way!

As long as we can win, the offensive and defensive situation will be completely reversed

"Even so, please be careful, commander in chief!"

Jiang Chenghua said: "to tell you the truth, the enemy can afford to lose, but we can't afford to lose..."

"Please think it over carefully, commander in chief."

Several generals came forward.

Because it's too big!

"Since I have made such a decision, I am sure that there will be five points, not to say ten."

Wang Kang doesn't want to grind any more.

He said directly: "at the moment of the war, I will speak. This is not a negotiation, but an order!"

"I'll write the battle book myself. The place is outside Changning City, and the time is after the 15th!"

Everyone was stunned.

Changning City, the capital of hengguo, is also the place where the main enemy forces are stationed!

"There are three hundred thousand troops in Lu Zhao's side. He left one hundred thousand troops in Gaoyi City, and the rest of the legions. All the troops, take part in it! "

Wang Kang said in a cold voice: "I'll give you half a month to deploy troops and make preparations..."