In this cross-border pursuit, all the cavalry Wang Kang used were scattered, with a total of more than 50000 people, mainly grassland cavalry!

Rangers, whether it's endurance. Combat effectiveness, mobility are quite strong, but also the most suitable for this kind of fighting!

And now.

The charge has begun!

These are the most powerful cavalry under Wang Kang's command, and the number of them is quite considerable. The impact brought by them is absolutely huge!

Everyone in Xiang lie's army looked frightened, and many of them trembled.

This is grassland cavalry!

Even in the eastern Chu, I have never heard of the strength of the northern grassland cavalry!

No fear is false.

What's more, they are all defeated troops who fled from defeat!

"Line up, form a defensive formation!"

The generals here are busy shouting.

Those who can escape with Xiang lie are the main regular forces.

Despite the panic, the reaction was quick.

Soon, a defensive formation was formed!

And Xiang lie and other major high-level, in the array, is well protected.

He didn't dare to show off.

Although they were in formation, the soldiers were still very uneasy, holding weapons tightly in their hands, showing their inner uneasiness.

The surrounding cavalry is terrible.

They are in charge, no fighting, no shouting, this kind of temperament, as in front of nothing!

Xiang lie clenched his fist.

If he had such cavalry, the state of Jin would definitely be the first of the vassal states of Chu.

"Get ready!"

Xiang lie throws away his thoughts. When the enemy comes, there will be external forces to stop him, and he will lead his own guards to break through

It's late, it's fast.

The most advanced cavalry has charged!

It was sanar who led it!

He took the lead.

No matter where they are, the Hu people in the grassland can't change their fighting blood.

Since Wang Kang unified the grassland, the grassland has settled down. There has been no war for a long time, and they are very hungry.


"Hold on

The general roared here to eliminate the uneasiness in his heart!

A long spear sticks out of the shield. As long as the opponent rushes over, there will be casualties!

But they think too much.

It's about to crash.

All of a sudden, the cavalry turned around and stopped. It seemed that they were passing by. At the same time, a machete swept by and blood splashed. All the soldiers on the edge were killed!

They were all shocked and didn't respond for a moment.

How could there be such an operation?

At such a high speed, stop and sweep

How is this done?

I'm afraid only grassland cavalry has such equestrian skills, right?

The front line sweeps through the edge, breaks their guard defense, and then rides over to directly rush in.

Perfect match!

It's like a wolf into a sheep, wantonly killing.

Scream incessantly, the defense formation was immediately broken a gap, and then the cavalry from other directions also came straight!

The moment of confrontation, it caused a lot of casualties!


Xiang lie, who is in the center of the story, can see it clearly. For a moment, his body and mind are trembling!

He had a premonition of the strength of these cavalry, but he seriously underestimated

Even under such a charge, it's not chaos, it's not rash rush, it's harvest in the outer layer.

Cavalry has a great advantage over infantry.

In the face of such fine riding, it's only death

"Hold on, hold on!"

"Protect the king!"

The general roared, but it still didn't work.

This is a one-sided massacre!

"Come on, the cavalry, keep up, protect the king, let's break through!"

A man with a beard and a beard in armor roared.

Now the fighting has begun.

It's time to break through.

"From the southwest, there is no enemy here!"

Xiang lie's eyes brightened.

It may be due to insufficient military strength or negligence, but there is a gap.

Xiang has no time to think about it.

This is totally a subconscious reaction, because there is no enemy here!


"Protect the king!"

Under the protection of many cavalry, Xiang lie quickly galloped out.

With his personal guards and his cavalry, there are more than 8000 people, which can be regarded as a great force

And when they came out.

One of the cavalry came."Don't fall in love with war, run away!"

"Yunxing, after you go to the temple, give the king time to withdraw!"

Pro guard defends the undead.

There are still many soldiers who have built walls to meet them.

There is only one purpose.

Stop the enemy.

Because Xiang lie is the king!

"It hurts me too!"

"It hurts me too!"

Xiang lie didn't look back, but the shrill screams kept pouring into his ears, which was the main force he escaped from. At the moment, he was also ambushed by the enemy.

Even if he can escape, I'm afraid he will become a bare pole and suffer heavy losses!

"My Lord, if we keep green hills, we will not be afraid of no firewood. As long as we can escape, we will have a chance!"

Fu Kuan said in a loud voice: "don't forget that you still have the state of Jin!"

"Yes, I still have the state of Jin and a chance to rise again!"

Xiang lie brandishes the horsewhip, the head also does not return to run wildly!

And there are fewer and fewer people around him!

In this galloping room, he didn't notice at all.

Wang Kang's cavalry didn't try their best to intercept him. They didn't fight with him. They consumed energy

It doesn't matter what the casualties are. Xiang lie only cares that he can escape!

Fortunately, these subordinates are useful.

In this desperate consumption, Xiang lie finally saw some light, he has been out of the enemy's encirclement.

In front of a smooth road, can gallop, if you remember correctly, end Wang Xiang Zhi should be here, he should have got his own help.

It should be here soon.

At that time, it was agreed that they would support each other.

Xiang lie looks around him.

Eyes suddenly red, break out, but only more than 3000 people.

Four hundred thousand soldiers died, scattered and fled.

He had never been so sad.

But now is not the time to think about it. To survive is the most important thing.


Xiang lie pats his horse with pain!

He knew that he had abandoned all the soldiers under his command

The speed of the war horse was raised to the highest and rushed into a region.

Xiang lie is at the front.

Just then.

He obviously felt that the horse had stopped, and it seemed that he had stepped on something, which made it scream.

Then, he felt out of control and flew straight backwards

More than half of the more than 3000 riders have encountered such a situation. The horses were suddenly injured and out of control, causing people to turn upside down!

"Stop, stop!"

Seeing this scene, the rear cavalry immediately stopped. A man was busy dismounting, ran to the front, climbed on the ground and groped for something. Soon he found the culprit!

This is an iron tool. It's not big. It has three iron cones connected together. This thing is called triangle cone, and it's also a big killer against cavalry