The state of Qi.

August 3, 26th year of Shengwu calendar.

On this day, Emperor Gao Yanzong of Qi officially announced his abdication!

His majesty Shengwu, who has been in power for 26 years, has developed economy, clear administration and prosperous national strength.

He developed Qi's national strength to the peak!

At its peak, it was heroic to form a six nation alliance and launch a war against Chu.

But also during his reign.

Qi's national strength is the lowest.

Even so, his prestige in the people is still not weakened, and he is still the God of the sea of Qi.

Now, he's going to abdicate.

On the same day.

It was also the time when Gao Rui, the new king, inherited the great rule.

Linzi City, a long time for the lively up, everywhere decorated, seems to have returned to the most prosperous mainland city!

New king, new weather.

The main venue of the ceremony is before the temple!

Sacrifice to heaven and tell ancestors.

A hundred officials are on the list.

The solemn music resounds all over the world!

The coronation ceremony is about to begin!

And now.

In the waters outside Linzi City, there is a huge fleet, driving from!

Wang Kang stood on the deck in a state of mind.

After a short time, he stepped into Qi again.

Different identity, different mentality.

This time.

He is going to solve a concern or hatred that always exists in his heart!

The goal of the navy is very directional.


At the moment, the city can be seen.

The emperor of Qi had anticipated Wang Kang's purpose in advance, so all the remaining Navy officers were recalled and concentrated in Linzi to build a defense line to stop

"My Lord, we have seen the enemy ahead."

Wang Zhi came to report.

"When the order goes on, all the enemies you see will be annihilated. There is no need to show any mercy. Be quick and ruthless!"


Wang Zhi answered with a heavy voice.

His eyes were also full of excitement.

Qi is the first economic power in the mainland, its strength is beyond doubt, in the eyes of all people, it is a giant!

Now, they have a chance to attack Qi!

This must be an unprecedented creation, and it will go down in the annals of history!

He also knew that they not only wanted to attack, but also to attack, to force the most powerful country to bow down

The warship stands horizontally and the flag flies in the wind!

When it appeared, it immediately broke the calm of the waters!

All kinds of merchant ships and fishing boats that used to go upstream fled immediately!

Everyone is frightened.

In terms of scale, it is no less than that of Daqi Navy

Of course, as the main defensive force of Qi Navy, also found in the first time!

The chief marine Ji Mingchang's heart beats very fast.

In Qi's Navy system, he was not a powerful man at the top.

Those who have the ability and background were all before, and they went with the navy to attack Zhao.

When we set out, everyone knew that we would win.

People want to get involved because they have a chance to win.

He is capable.

But there was no background, so I stayed.

At that time, he also complained about the injustice of the world. When the news came back that the Navy had been destroyed, he was very happy!

The whole army is destroyed!

Commander in chief Prince Rong died in battle!

It's like the sky is falling!

And it became his opportunity.

He was ordered to be the general in the face of danger!

Will be responsible for resisting the enemy.

How to resist?

The old, the weak, the sick and the disabled are still the retired warships

Ji Mingchang felt a fluster.

The difference is too much!

The task is too heavy!

This is the time when the enemy will not come early or late.

Today is the day for the new king to succeed!

Thoughts flashed.

Ji Changming was busy giving an order and said, "pass the order and stick to it. This is our home court. In any case, we can't let the enemy cross the defense line!"

After the line of defense, it is Linzi city.

We must stick to it. Anyway, we have to live this special day.

It was when the new king succeeded, he was attacked by the enemy, which had a great impact!

Qi Navy side, immediately made a response.

They don't attack rashly, they defend.Ji Mingchang also ordered: "play the flag and tell the other party that this is the waters of Qi and the territory of Qi. If you dare to move forward, you will be attacked and ask them to leave immediately..."

Whether it's useful or not.

There should be a process to follow. What if I drink?

This is in the state of Qi.

It's their home court. The enemy should be restrained and scrupulous.

Think about it.

Who dares to offend the former state of Qi.

Let alone attack here, I dare not even approach.

There is no special warning.

Just fight straight.

He really thought too much. This kind of warning has no significance to Wang Kang, let alone any effect.

The flag was sent out without waiting for a response from the same flag.

It was a shell that was waiting.

To be exact, it's one piece!

The warships on Wang Kang's side stand on the water surface to cover the enemy with undifferentiated fire




The sound of dense roar rang out one after another, a shell hit out!

The whole surface of the water fluctuated immediately.

And under this kind of attack, an enemy's warship suffers heavy damage!

Originally, they were very at ease.

Because the enemy is far away from the ground, according to normal, it is not within the scope of attack.

But that's normal.

How can they know the attack distance of artillery!

This kind of movement is really like thunder on the ground!

It also caused chaos on their side.

Suddenly, and forcefully!

The firepower is extremely fierce, and it doesn't give them a chance to react at all.

This is also the purpose of Wang Kang!

The fastest time to solve, which can bring the greatest fear to the enemy!

"My Lord, we have been attacked by the enemy and suffered heavy losses. What should we do?"

"Is this the gun?"

Ji Mingchang doesn't seem to hear his inquiry. He's confused now!

In this world, how can there be such a powerful weapon?

How can this be stopped?

"My Lord, we are seriously damaged. What should we do?"

Another inquiry.

Finally let Ji Changming sober, he took a deep breath, looked back at the rear of Linzi city!

Now, there is a grand ceremony for the succession of the new king

He gritted his teeth and said, "what else can I do? Keep the order, all the warships will collide with the enemy

"Anyway, we tried our best!"

Now this situation, blindly passive enemy, there will be no hope!

At his command, all the warships rushed to defend their lives.

But it doesn't make any sense. It's just a mantis pawning the cart

And at this time.

When the sound of the artillery rang out, this kind of movement also immediately spread to Linzi city.

In front of the temple.

When the ceremony was about to take place, an urgent report came to Gao Yanzong.

"Your Majesty, Wang Kang is coming..."