The vast sea is endless.

Long time in such an environment, do not feel shocking and beautiful, but began to feel boring and depressing.

This is especially true for Qi Navy!

There are only less than 20 warships left, which are full of people as much as possible.

Wang Kang's attack is very targeted. If he doesn't completely attack the enemy's warships, he is constantly wasting time and giving them time to rescue.

The warship will sink and must be transferred to other warships before sinking.

Every warship is full, including commander, general, deputy, soldier, crew, sailor!

It's impossible for so many people to move to other ships.

In this way, some people will be abandoned and die on their own

It's cruel, but there's no way.

And this has happened many times.

The ship was full of people, increased the load, and the speed was difficult to lift.

Of course, this is not the hardest.

The most difficult thing is that there is no food or fresh water on board, which is the most terrible thing in the vast sea!

There are experienced sailors on board. They can fish and eat, but they can't eat often. The key is that there is no fresh water!

You can't drink sea water. The more you drink, the faster you die!

Too many people, and lack of nutritional supplement, will inevitably get sick, make the weak, natural death.

The enemy troops in the rear are constantly pursuing, but they are faced with such difficulties. They are filled with despair, and it is more difficult to live than to die

Some people even hope that the enemy can attack and kill them, which is better than living like this!

But it's been a long time since the guns started.

I don't know where to start. Instead of attacking them, the enemy surrounded them, surrounded them without fighting, so that they could not return home and drifted on the sea. This is the biggest torture

On the deck, there were soldiers sitting in close groups, their eyes blank, their faces sad, their lips dry and haggard.

"Liuzi, Liuzi."

Just then, there was a rapid sound.

"Liuzi, wake up, wake up."

The man yelled, but it still didn't help. He was dead.

The people around are indifferent.

Such things happen every day.

"If you die, you don't have to suffer."

The murmur, with a companion around will be difficult to lift six son's body, and then thrown into the sea.

This is the best solution.

At this time, the least valuable thing is human life

"My Lord, more than 30 people died today, and five of them jumped into the sea by themselves."

Listening to the report, Gao Fang didn't respond at all.

"My Lord, you need to cheer up and remember the Lord's advice to take us all back."

"Take it back?"

He was whispering high.

He looked at the situation around him and couldn't get a little angry.

How cruel!

Wang Kang is really cruel!

This kind of trick is too vicious. He fully understands Wang Kang's intention, that is to let them go to the end in this way?

Can you go back?

It's not far from the state of Qi. It's only a month's journey, but he knows that this month will be the most difficult one!

It's impossible to go back!

If you can't fight, you have to wait to die!

Now it can be determined that Wang Kang's goal is not to annihilate all of them, but to attack the mainland of Qi!

This is the most terrible!

The last thing he can do is to send the news to the state of Qi so that his majesty can prepare in advance

"How much fresh water do we have on board?"

"If everyone has to be allocated, it's not enough for three days..."

Gao Fang was slightly stunned, and then said, "gather all these together, arrange a team of 30 people to give them, take a boat, leave in the night tonight, let them return to the state of Qi, send us the news here."


Deputy General Li duqian: "it's still far away. I'm afraid we can't wait for rescue, and the enemy won't..."

"It's not rescue."

He said in a high voice: "it's to send back the information and let your majesty be ready. Wang Kang may attack our native land!"

"How dare he?"

"How dare he not?"

"This time, we have already transferred the strength of the eighth floor of the navy to attack the past with the strength of Wang Kang. I'm afraid we can't resist it!" he said

"I I see! "

"You lead the team in person. No matter what, you must send the message back. Do you understand?"

"I understand!"

"We're going to take all the fresh water with us. What about you and them?""What to do?"

High and low way: "in addition to waiting for death, what else?"

"Surrender, I will surrender!"

Then a man stood up and said in a loud voice, "I'm going to surrender. I can't hold on any longer!"

This person's proposal makes many people's eyes bright.


This is the only way at present!

Only surrender can survive!

"What shall we do, my lord?"

"Surrender, I will surrender too!"

"I want to live, I don't want to die!"

"Those who dare to shake the morale of the army will be killed without mercy!"


The whole scene was in a mess.

People do a lot of extreme things when they collapse, and that's what it is now.

They've got a mess of their own.

The scene was out of control for a moment, and their last energy was also consumed in this consumption!

"Surrender, I will surrender too!"

Then a man came out!

He was pale and staggering. He was Gao Xiu!

The fifth Prince of Qi can't hold on any longer!

There was a moment of silence.

Even the fifth prince will surrender.

"What shall we do, my lord?"

Gao Fang was slightly stunned, then sighed: "go, let them surrender, at least they can survive this way!"

"My Lord!"

"This is also a good opportunity. Take advantage of this opportunity, you can take people to leave quickly..."

Forced to this share, there is no way!

Surrender has become the consensus of all.

The flag on the warship was put down and replaced with a white flag!

That means surrender!

And this scene was soon seen by Wang Zhi around.

He rushed to report.

At the moment, Wang Kang is sitting on the rocking chair, blowing the sea breeze leisurely.

"My Lord, they have raised the white flag and are going to surrender!"


Wang Kang said: "although we have enough fresh water for food, we still have to attack Qi. There are still many of them. This will be a heavy burden."

"Besides, what's the use of taking prisoners?"

"I see!"

Wang Zhi said, "then we don't have to pay attention to it."

"It's not far from the state of Qi. We should solve them thoroughly."

"I think so. Now they don't have the power to resist. If they bombard them for a few days, they will be solved!"


Wang Kang shook his head and said, "there is still a tough battle in the state of Qi. Ammunition must be saved."

"What about that?"

Wang Kang said in a cold voice: "let them kill each other..."