Obviously, Murong Zhao's hesitation displeased Gao Xiu, but he was still very confident. In his opinion, Yan's choice to join Qi was the most appropriate and the only choice!

Gao Xiu said, "do you still need to think about it? Father Huang said that after you join Qi, you will sign a new treaty with Yan. It's better than before

"With Qi?"

Murong Zhao asked lightly: "shouldn't it be the Qi Chu alliance?"

"It's the state of Qi, not the alliance of Qi and Chu!"

Gao Xiu once again stressed that Murong Zhao's heart sneered.

The difference is also very big.

Qi Chu alliance, the fundamental reason is to feel the threat of Wang Kang, and forced to go together.

In the final analysis, it's still face to face and heart to heart.

While other countries are on the side of Chu, Qi is declining.

Of course, they can't wait for new help to join. The stronger they are, the more power they have!

When will our country become a hot spot.

Murong Zhao couldn't help sighing that Wang Kang was really powerful and forced the powerful state of Qi to such a degree. From this point of view, it's also worth his gambling!

"You don't have to say any more."

Murong Zhao is also a decisive person. Since he has made a decision, there will not be so much empty talk. He said directly: "I have made a decision!"

"You will be glad for your decision!"

Gao Xiu said, "only by keeping up with the pace of Qi can the state of Yan prosper. It's also your best choice."

"The war will break out immediately. The Zhao parliament is the main battlefield. Don't show your attitude first. Let's plot secretly to make the Chu army enter the state of Yan and hoard in the border of Yan and Zhao!"

"However, the navy of Qi has set out to transport our army and take Yan state as a springboard to attack Zhao state directly. After the war, it suddenly went into trouble and the rear was on fire. Zhao state was attacked in all directions, and a big event can be expected!"

Gao Xiu said with a smile: "as for you, you can send troops according to your strength. We only depend on the geographical location of Yan country. It doesn't take much effort to..."

"I think you are mistaken, your highness."

Murong Zhao said faintly: "I'm talking about the decision to refuse your alliance proposal. I've joined the Quartet alliance. It's not good to turn back..."

Just as he was talking about his plan for higher education, he suddenly stopped and frowned, "are you kidding?"

"How can I joke about such a thing?"

Murong Zhao said calmly: "it's the critical period. As the opposite party, you'd better leave in time."


Gao Xiu's face has changed greatly. He can see that Murong Zhao is serious!

This is really beyond his expectation!

"What do you do, what do you think, you..."

He really doesn't understand.

The relationship between Wang Kang and Yan state was so bad that why did Murong Zhao go to the pole?


Murong Zhao said coldly, "I've made up my mind. I don't need to say more. You'd better leave!"

The tone has changed too!

Attitude has changed!

I've also ordered you to leave!



Gao Xiu's face was gloomy and said, "I don't know that Wang Kang has this ability, and I don't know what benefits he promised you. You are so determined!"

"But you must agree to my proposal!"

"What a joke

Murong Zhao said faintly: "I am the king of Yan state. This is a matter of my own country. Outsiders can't manage it, neither can you Qi State!"

"But don't forget, how did you come to be the king of Yan?"

Gao Xiu's words make Murong Zhao's eyes narrow!

"What do you mean?"


Gao Xiu said coldly: "in the early years, you led the army to attack Zhao, but because of Wang Kang's defeat, you returned. Later, he attacked Yan and forced Yan to sign the Treaty of indemnity for land cutting, and lost nanshawan!"

"Therefore, your reputation and status are greatly affected, as well as your position as the crown prince. The prince of the state of Yan has a dispute with you. You are weak. Who helped you win the throne of the state of Yan? You won't forget!"

Murongzhao's face has changed greatly!

When he ascended the throne in those years, there were few people he knew. This is not only secret, but also taboo!

I didn't expect Gao Xiu to know, which means that he

"The Supreme Master helped you!"

Gao Xiu said, "it's time for you to repay me."

Now Gao Xiu's temperament has changed. His face is full of enigmatic expression. He takes out a brand from his arms!

This brand has palm size, can't see the material, it outlines a mountain, towering into the clouds, giving people a sense of ethereal!

And in the middle of the token, which is also the middle of the mountain, there are two words engraved on it, which are Taishang!This is the supreme decree!


Murong Zhao's eyes stare at Dou yuan, with a look of extreme suspicion. After a while, he is calm.

He took a deep breath and said, "it's said that taishangjiao has chessmen all over the world. It's all pervasive. Unexpectedly, Qi also has chessmen, and that person is you!"

"You have a supreme order, you should have a high position!"

"Just like each other."

Gao Xiu said, "now the situation is changing. Many plans of the supreme order have to be implemented. As long as you follow my advice, join Qi and finish this, you can also get the supreme order!"

"When you see the supreme order, don't disobey it. You should know the seriousness of the matter."

Gao Xiu was calm but confident.

This is his trump card!

At the beginning, he assured his father that he would surely be able to bring Yan over.

This is his card!

When Murong Zhao inherited the throne, he was helped by the supreme church.

This is the reason.

There is a cause, there is a result!

It's time to return the fruit!

"No, no!"

Murong Zhao said in a low voice, "I'm afraid your father will be angry when he knows about it."

"My father already knows."

Gao Xiu said: "at this time, Wang Kang is the biggest threat. As long as it's his enemy, it's all his friends."

"The emperor of Qi has fallen too!"

Murong Zhao shook his head and said: "originally, I was a little hesitant. Now I've decided to go. I won't quit the Quartet, let alone join you!"

"What do you mean?"

Gao Xiu was surprised and said, "how dare you refuse the supreme decree?"

Murong Zhao naturally said: "if I'm not a person of the supreme religion, why don't I dare?"

"How dare you

Gao Xiu said, "did you forget when you were fighting for the throne..."


Murong Zhao said: "it was the Supreme Master who took the initiative to find me. I just want to know the power of the Supreme Master. In short, it is to use it. Is there any problem?"

"You How dare you


Murong Zhao said in a cold voice, "my father and emperor made me the successor very early. At that time, I also knew a precept that the monarch must stay away from the Supreme..."