Today is destined to be an extraordinary day.

Linzi, which has been cold and quiet for a long time, seems to have a new vitality. The market is booming again, as if it has recovered as before!

These are all brought by Fuyang chamber of Commerce and Wang Kang!

People feel a new hope!

With affordable grain, with affordable grain, there will be a good day!

There was a lot of joy and enthusiasm.

Low price grain, unlimited purchase.

Has become the focus of today's people's discussion, even if it is the second prince Chujun abandoned things are completely covered up!

There is only one center!

Wang Kang!

He had great powers. Overnight, Fuyang grain shops were all over the streets of Linzi, and there seemed to be countless grain stores.

In the current market, he is absolutely losing money. Even if he doesn't lose money, he will never make money. This is what the people admire most.

It is said that this time, it is Wang Kang's black sheep behavior again, but everyone applauds!

A large number of low-cost grain impact on the market, people who have demand have gone to Fuyang, and those who are still waiting for a rare commodity to sell high-cost grain are embarrassed!

Most people can't afford it at a high price, but there are still a few people who can afford it. Some people will earn money if they buy it.

Now because of the low price of grain, no one cares about it. It's completely cold

Yingfeng grain shop is a grain shop that suddenly emerged during this period. It has abundant grain reserves. Of course, it also sells high price grain.

It was a small number that survived during this period, and the pots were full of money.

Someone went bankrupt overnight.

Some got rich overnight.

Yingfengliang shop belongs to the latter!

Of course, there is a deep background behind this!

And now.

Yu Danian, the manager of Yingfeng grain shop, is drinking and scolding angrily.

"Crazy, Wang Kang. This is crazy. He's selling at such a low price. Won't he make any money? The black sheep, the black sheep

Yu Danian is very angry!

People go to buy low price, who still buy his high price?

"He is destroying the market, destroying the market!"

"Shopkeeper, we can't go on like this. We have a lot of grain overstocked. It can't be sold. Isn't it useless?"

A man said anxiously, "when we first collected it, we also spent a lot of money."

"Don't worry, just wait."

Yu Danian gritted his teeth and said, "I don't believe that he can store so much grain. When he sells it out, I'll see what he can do!"

The same scene happened everywhere.

Fuyang sells low-priced grain, which makes these people suffer a shock. There are many people waiting in the dark.

However, they think too much.

Wang Kang has a lot of grain in reserve.

This time, the Qi emperor was also ruthless, and the imperial court came forward to make urgent adjustments. Some came from the grain hoarding of the imperial relatives, and some came from the grain storage of the state All of them were given to Wang Kang to stabilize the grain price!

These people are waiting.

Waiting for Wang Kang to run out of grain!

After three days of this, the peak trend of buying grain has passed, and all that should be bought has been bought. Anyway, there is low-cost grain, and now the economy is in recession, how can there be so much money left.

And Fuyang is still selling, even the price is lower than the opening day

And it gives people the feeling that his grain reserves are endless!

"Crazy, Wang Kang, this is crazy!"

Yu Danian can't resist. If he goes on like this, he feels that his grain will be smashed in his hand and can't be sold.

Storage also costs money.

The grain is moldy, but it's useless!

"Cut the price! Cut the price! "

"Shopkeeper, how much is it down!"

"Ten percent."

"Ah, I'm afraid it's useless to reduce 10%!"

"Try first, you are a pig brain!"

In this kind of environment, other businesses grain shop, has stores grain retail, began to reduce prices!

The original high price, even if reduced by 10%, is also very high!

But it's down!

"It's down, your majesty. The price of food is down!"

Tian Jun, who has been paying close attention to market changes, reported the news to Gao Yanzong for the first time.

"Wang Kang really has a hand. He uses low-cost grain to directly impact the market, and the influx of a large amount of grain will automatically adjust."

Tian Jun said: "but only Fuyang has this influence."

But Gao Yanzong did not look happy.

He said in a low voice: "this time, we helped Wang Kang win his reputation. What's going on outside now?"

"Great mercy?"

"The most conscientious man?"

"It's ridiculous. If it wasn't for the support of the imperial court, how could Wang Kang have so much food?"Gao Yanzong is very unwilling!

This is to pave the way for Wang Kang's reputation!

I have to say, he is sour!

How sour!

Obviously, I hate him to death and have to help him. This kind of feeling is too oppressive.

"Fuyang is at its best!"

Gao Yanzong said in a low voice: "in this crisis, even the Datong chamber of Commerce has been greatly affected, so I don't know how many shops have closed down. However, Fuyang is developing and growing through this wave, which is not a good thing!"

"You should urge the Datong chamber of Commerce to do the same. Can you learn and imitate? It's too restrictive. "


Although Tian Jun answered, there was still a word in his heart.

It's hard to have a second Fuyang, because there is no second Wang Kang.

If it goes on like this, even if the imperial court wants to do something, I'm afraid it's not very realistic.

To move Fuyang is to move Qi's economy, because it is too important

Time goes by day.

Fuyang chamber of Commerce's grain is still in normal sales, the price is lower than the initial!

A lot of impact on the market, supply and demand changes!

Those who have grain reserves can no longer resist, prices fall again and again, but still no one to buy!

There is no way, can only fall again!

in this case, the food price that was once high was broken like a bubble.

price inflation, the economic bubble formed by false prosperity finally broke down!

A new wave has begun.

Once those who have hoard grain business dignitaries, retail merchants have begun to sell a lot!

At this time, Fuyang is no longer used to regulate, and the market is naturally formed.

The relationship between supply and demand has changed.

Supply exceeds demand, supply exceeds demand!

Grain prices fall again and again, falling to the lowest point!

It has reached the point where no one cares.

the price bubble of grain prices has broken down, and the most important ones are those businesses that are forming bad debts, losing money seriously and bankrupting.

Then, the prices of related by-products, fruits, vegetables, meat, etc., which are far from rising with the rise of grain prices, also fell.

Further diffusion effects, land, labor, transportation, storage and other related industries are implicated

is just like the butterfly effect. After the economic bubble burst, new economic crisis was ushered in.

With the recession of the national economy, a large number of people have become unemployed. Without money, they can't consume. People's purchasing power has decreased, and the market has become stagnant, forming a vicious circle.

Not only has it not been alleviated, but it seems to have been aggravated. At this time, Wang Kang started a new plan