There is no doubt that the negotiation collapsed, and the three of them came back with no result. They all look very ugly.

In fact, this is what Wang Kang expected.

He didn't want to talk about it. It's all like this. How can he compromise?

That's why he put forward those conditions.

It seems to be aimed at Gao Rui everywhere, but it is also aimed at the emperor of Qi.

A lot of things were done by the Qi emperor for Gao Rui, so he had no fear.

The establishment of the crown prince in front of the mausoleum has just ended.

In this period of time, Gao Rui became a perfect prince with both literary and martial arts skills and morality.

If this incident is exposed, it will be an important blow to the whole royal face.

More importantly, it will make the city people no longer trust.

Gao Yin died in the war, which stimulated the national morale, but it was like this. In such a critical war, such exclusion would probably lead to serious consequences.

Another point is face.

The higher the position, the more you can't lose face.

Even if there is a mistake, we must never admit it, let alone bow our head to Wang Kang, because it is not so far.

What's more, how can Wang Kang be the first powerful country in the mainland.

The Qi emperor has the pride and dignity of the Qi emperor, which is determined by his status.

The collapse of the talks means that there is no room for maneuver.

Wang Kang knew that after this time, his relationship with the state of Qi would also drop to the freezing point, even to the opposite.

But it doesn't matter.

There is still a long way to go. Sooner or later, he will smash all the pride of the Qi emperor, and let him take Gao Rui with him and ask for himself again

For the state of Qi, today is an important day. The eighth Prince Gao Yin entered the imperial mausoleum, and the prince who had been in suspense was finally settled.

This is the first time in the history of Qi, especially during the war against Chu.

Today is also destined to be an extraordinary day.

It was not long before the emperor of Qi announced a war situation. Wei unilaterally destroyed the treaty and joined the state of Chu.

As soon as the news came out, there was an uproar in the central government.

The emperor of Qi was also a determined man. He knew that he could not hold on to the news. Fortunately, he announced it directly to stimulate the public mood.

This is like a basin of cold water, poured on the head, who did not expect.

But it also worked.

The people's resistance to the defense of the country was very strong, and there was a lot of abuse.

But we also know that there is more uncertainty about the direction of the war, and people's morale is high!

The Qi emperor also officially announced that the state of Qi entered a state of full-scale war and began to recruit soldiers.

As a matter of fact, since the beginning of the war, there has not been much war performance in Qi. People's life is very comfortable and there are not too many worries.

This is a habit that has been cultivated for a long time. It is the pride of Qi people as the first economic power on the mainland. They will not think of failure.

Who can form the six Nation Alliance on this continent?

Only the state of Qi.

Now, the alliance began to go wrong, and the emperor of Qi also began to create a sense of crisis.

However, the issue of Zhao Guo's withdrawal from the league has not been released, and is still under deliberate pressure, because there is disgrace in it

Many envoys were sent to other countries. During this critical period, the allies could not have any more problems. At the same time, Lu officially joined the alliance. The king of Lu announced that he would fully support the war of Qi against Chu!

The state of Lu is just a small country, but no one dares to look down upon it. First, it is because of the existence of Qi.

There is no division between Qi and Lu. This is a saying that has been circulating on the mainland.

Secondly, it is also because of its special status.

Lu has the best craftsmen on the mainland. The weapons and equipment used in Qi's army are provided by Lu.

It's a killer in war.

Weaponry is also an important factor in the victory of war.

From now on, the state of Lu began to give full support, which was also a trump card of Qi and made up for the negative impact of Wei's withdrawal.

Qi began to show the inside information of a big country, and the whole country mobilized and entered the wartime state.

Under the favorable treatment and emotional infection, 150000 new recruits are recruited. After simple training, they will go to the battlefield, and Gao Rui, the new crown prince, will lead them!

To this end, the Qi emperor held a grand pre war mobilization.

150000 people, a sea of people, along with a large number of war equipment provided by the state of Lu.

These frames also form a large-scale square array. Although they are covered with tarpaulin, we can't see what weapons they are.

But through the outstanding appearance, the cold awn and huge body, we can know that these are the big killers used in the battlefield!

Of course, the troops were not only so, but also a large number of military supplies and supplies. The Qi emperor was ready for a protracted war.He believed that the state of Chu could not match the state of Qi in this respect.

The mobilization before the war was quite grand. Gao Yanzong, the emperor of Qi, took the oath himself. Later, Gao Rui, the new crown prince, took the oath again.

If we do not destroy the state of Chu, we will not return it to the court.

So much.

In the eyes of all the people, this prince is sure to lead Qi to victory.

The emperor of Qi personally sent the troops out of the city and watched the huge troops go further and further.

He couldn't help sighing: "how many of these 150000 recruits can really survive?"

How could he let the recruits who had just received simple training go to the battlefield unless the situation forced them to?

All they learn is how to take up arms.

Qi is an economic power, not a populous country. Compared with Chu, Qi is still far behind.

This highlights the importance of population.

Now that the Wei state withdraws from the alliance, new troops must be added.

Forced by the situation.

"Your Majesty, we have just received a report from the front."

At this time, Tian Jun whispered beside him.

"What is it?"

"The state of Zhao has retired."

"It's really back."


Tian Jun said: "what Wang Kang said is true. According to our secret agents, Xia Yanchun, the king of Yue, has officially sent envoys to the state of Zhao. There are similar movements on the other side of the grassland."

The emperor of Qi was slightly stunned, and his face was even more heavy. He asked, "what is Wang Kang doing now?"

"I don't know. I'm in the house all day and I don't go out, but I'm sure he's still in Linzi."

"He's smart."

The emperor of Qi snorted coldly: "pay close attention to his movements. I always feel that he is planning something. This guy is not an easy compromise."

"It's just a pity that the war against Chu held us back, but we have to start preparing. Although there is a delicate balance with Wang Kang, sooner or later this balance will be broken. It's a potential enemy."


Tian Jun said: "according to your instructions, I have conducted a close investigation of Fuyang's industries, but I have not found any problems. What I have done is normal business activities, but there are also some problems..."