The two men finally understood why the emperor of Zhao always wanted Wang Kang to send an envoy to the state of Qi and said that he was the most suitable person.

I'm afraid he is the only one who can hold those people down and win more benefits for Zhao Guo

After a brief chat, Wang Kang began to read these war reports again.

Obviously, the emperor of Zhao must have sent special people to the front line to record the situation of the war, and had a strict system to avoid hiding things.

These battles are extremely detailed and recorded completely, which can not be done normally.

In this way, we will be able to keep abreast of the war situation in a timely manner, and set up a special staff organization in the rear to formulate strategic plans according to the war situation

It can be said that it is quite rigorous.

Wang Kang also looked at it in great detail. These war situations are not only in words, but also in many ways.

Through these, in Wang Kang's mind can outline the war situation, but also can analyze and find a lot of problems.

Gongsun Sheng is right.

The fifth Prince Jiang Chenghua's strategic decision-making is not a problem. On the whole, he is seeking victory in stability, and many places are still bright.

The key is that the city people, who were originally from the state of Zhao, had a vague attitude and even helped the state of Chu.

This is unexpected, and a bit incredible.

And you can learn a little bit.

The regular army of Chu army is very powerful!

The state of Chu did not implement the system of prefectures and counties, but the system of enfeoffment.

The emperor granted the land to the children of the royal family, meritorious officials and so on, who were all called princes.

Of course, there are strict rules in this system. The princes should obey the emperor's orders, defend the territory for the emperor, fight with the emperor, pay tribute and pay regular pilgrimage.

In the various vassal states, they were enfeoffed by officials and scholars.

In this way, it became a hierarchical system of enfeoffment.

In fact, this form has more disadvantages than the aristocratic system of Zhao state, and it is also more feudal.

But this kind of system was carried out well in Chu state. Nuota's territory was ruled in this way.

Every vassal state is powerful.

Of course, it also needs the great authority of the central government to govern.

This system of enfeoffment at different levels also has a very serious disadvantage. The lowest class of people are very humble, close to slaves, oppressed and exploited by others, and unable to enjoy a good life.

For example, Ouyang Wen, a counselor under Wang Kang, was the lowest class, so he left Chu and traveled everywhere

It is such an ancient feudal system, but it has become the largest country on the mainland!

It profoundly shows that existence is the truth.

The folk custom of Chu is fierce, and martial arts are popular. The people at the bottom have two ways to change their fate, one is literature, the other is martial arts.

Learning to be an official is the way to be an official.

This is a very difficult road. Ordinary people can't afford the expensive expenses at all. In this period, learning knowledge and culture is a very luxurious thing.

The second is to practice martial arts.

Generally speaking, it is to join the army, establish military merit and get rewards.

Obviously, there are a lot of such people.

As a result, Chu's army was huge and elite.

The regular army is quite powerful.

Understanding this information also made Wang Kang understand that this battle may not be easy.

It seems that the six nations are united.

However, their attack is actually a violation of the vassal states, and they will naturally do their best to deal with it. There is a gap between the two.

The governor sent by the state of Qi to the state of Zhao was the eighth Prince Gao Yin.

Gao Yin and Wang Kang are close friends. With this kind of relationship, he has a good cooperation with Jiang Chenghua. There will be no internal problems, but the key is the external. Now he has also returned to the state of Qi to participate in the six Nation Alliance

Wang Kang looked at them one by one and analyzed the useful information, which lasted until the end of the night. In some cases, he even watched them more than once.

In this way, he wrote down all these things, and he also came to other countries for information on the occupied areas, etc., to have a detailed understanding.

It's no big deal.

All these things can be used in the talks of the six countries.

The more you know, the more you have a say, so that others can value you.

Wang Kang never fought unprepared battles.

In order to prevent leakage of such information, it can not be taken back. There is a strict confidentiality system.

Wang Kang believed that once the war situation of Chu was publicized, it would be like pouring cold water on the enthusiastic people.

This is going to be a problem.

In the next few days, Wang Kang didn't delay either. He came to the military aircraft department every day to find out.

After a few days, the victorious army finally returned to Beijing.

Pingxi army, Wufeng army, Fengan army, Wushu army, yanghan army, Xiaosheng army, several legions all came to the capital to receive the inspection and reward.

In fact, there were only three branches of Wu Shu army belonging to the imperial court.When these troops returned to Beijing, they also set off a new climax and held a grand reward ceremony.

But let people look forward to Pingxi Marshal Wang Kang did not appear, let people not from regret.

At this time, the news came out that Wang Kang was going to send an envoy to the state of Qi. He was preparing for this

And the reward of Wang Kang, which people have been talking about and concerned about, has finally come to an end.

Wang Kang was granted the title of Duke of an.

It means peace and stability.

This title is quite powerful.

In the history of the state of Zhao, there are only a few people who have been appointed Duke. Before there was a Duke Ding, now there is a Duke Ding.

This is nothing, which is also expected by people, because Wang Kang's achievements are enough to meet the standard of being granted the title.

A Duke may not be convinced.

But if you add four words before it, the meaning will be totally different!



Emperor Zhao's enfeoffment was not an ordinary Duke, but a hereditary king!

There is a big difference between hereditary succession and hereditary succession. The former means that there is no time limit for the number of hereditary succession, and it inherits the original title, while the latter is the opposite.

The hereditary number is limited, and it is descended.

In other words, the title of Duke an will always belong to Wang Kang and his descendants. As long as the state of Zhao exists, the family will always exist!

A Dingguo government has fallen, and another angouo government has risen!

At this time, people began to doubt whether the Zhao emperor had such trust in Wang Kang?

You know, the Fuyang family itself is the largest family in the state of Zhao. If there is another hereditary Wangtai, then It's immeasurable!

At the same time, people are also feeling!

This pair of monarchs and ministers have been cooperating with each other for a long time. One is in charge of the internal affairs and the other is in charge of the external affairs.

And this kind of trust is the key.

He believes he won't fight back!

He believes he won't!

It's destined to be a story that will go on forever.

But the reward is more than that. Wang Kang's father, Fu Yang Bo, was also Marquis, and he will become Marquis of Fu Yang from now on

The emperor's grace is great, and the dragon's grace is supreme.

This kind of dazzling degree is unique in the history of the state of Zhao