"After crossing the desert, we can reach the western regions. If we continue to go west, we will reach the Tianshan Mountains. It's time to tell you."

Tianwen also sat down. He looked directly at the lake in front of him and said calmly, "as you know, the place we are going to is on the Tianshan Mountain. It's a site!"

"Ruins? What site? "

"Oh, that's the place where the sect once lived."

God asked this just opened a word, let Wang Kang suddenly surprised!

Too forgetful to teach!

It is the first sect in ancient China. It may not be appropriate to call it sect. It should be the first organization sect!

They believe in the rule of inaction, the way of heaven, the supreme.

Wang Kang heard from Xie WANYING.

At that time, there was no country in the mainland, only too forgetful to teach!

The disciples in the church are called the Holy Son. They enter the world to practice, reward and punish the good and the evil, judge the crime, and make people angry.

In Wang Kang's view, this is a primitive model, but also the pursuit of faith, with the passage of time, this state has been changed, and the emergence of the state.

Within the taishangjiqing cult, there began to be differences. It broke up and divided into various branches, which were handed down

You Ruo Valley, for example, is a branch of supreme love forgetting religion.

This is also the fundamental reason why all martial arts in the world are superior

So a pope of Notre Dame collapsed.

It took a long time, of course.

And what they are going to is the zongmen site, which was once too forgetful to teach!

There must be a lot left over there.

No wonder so many people go to find out

"Time is the most merciless."

Tianwen said calmly: "even the glory will be wiped out. Tianshan Mountain is the most sacred place in the ancient times. Now it has been ruins and turned into dust..."

"But there are still some reservations, but not everyone can get in."

"The site has a very powerful mechanism and is in great danger. Even I can't go in easily."

Wang Kang asked suspiciously, "you are the leader of the supreme cult. You have inherited the doctrine of the supreme cult. Can't even you?"

"In Taishang, the doctrine of forgetting love disintegrates into many branches, and the main one is the third Taishang. There are Taishang, Taichang, Taiyi..."

Tian Wen continued: "the three religions are divided into three parts. They inherit one part of a respectively. The combination of the three is the key to the site."

Hearing this, Wang Kang already understood.

This kind of bridge is not uncommon in martial arts movies and TV plays.

A large number of doors were destroyed, leaving a site for later generations. In order not to let outsiders get it, conditions were set and treasure maps were left for later generations to explore

Tianwen mouth a, should be this kind of thing, Taishang, Taiyi, Taichang each get one.

The share of supreme teacher must be in Tianwen's hands, but he is not sure whether he will get the rest.

Li Qingman is a descendant of Taiyi religion, but Wang Kang knows that Li Qingman doesn't have it. If he has it, he will tell him.

"Did you get the other two?" Wang Kang asked

"Get another one."

"Too often?"

"It's Taiyi."


Wang Kang asked in a startled voice, "did you really kill Qingman's master?"

This is also very easy to understand. Such a treasure map is naturally very precious. Li Qingman's master didn't hand it over enough. Since he got it, he must have robbed it!

This can also explain how Li Qingman's master disappeared

"In your nanshawan, I said that I didn't kill Qiugong."

Tianwen said calmly, "the second one was given to me by Qiugong long ago."

"Here you are?"


"Taishangjiao inherits the will of taishangoblivious religion, taichangjiao betrays the doctrines, enters the secular world, enjoys glory and wealth, taiyijiao has a single line of transmission, and retired from the world. All these have meanings."

I heard that.

Wang Kang suddenly remembered that Li Qingman had told him that Taiyi religion had no ambition. They just wanted to live

Since you hold this treasure map of the site, it is a hot potato. Sooner or later, it will be found and handed over.

No wonder Tian Wen hasn't been looking for Li Qingman. It must be her master who bought stability with this treasure map of the site

"What about Taichang? Why didn't you get it? "

But Wang Kang knew that Tianwen and Yinyue and Ji Wuchang had seriously injured the latter, which could be obtained.

"That share is not in the hands of the Taichang sect, but given to others by the former Taichang sect leader."

Tian Wen said, "that man is very hidden. I haven't found him yet..."


Wang Kang was puzzled. Since it was Tianwen, it must be true.The former leader of Taichang sect didn't give this site treasure map to Ji Wuchang but to another person?

"So Taichang sect actually has two leaders. That person is the successor of the previous generation, while Ji Wuchang is the normal successor. In the light and in the dark, they use this way to protect that Jia..."

Listen to what Tian Wen said, although Wang Kang's face is expressionless, his heart has been stormy!

Because he thought of a possibility. If that's true, he came with Tianwen, but he really came right

"The armour I'm talking about is not a treasure map, but a key. If three pieces of armour are put together, the door of the last site can be opened!"

Wang Kang suppressed his inner horror and tried to calm himself down. He asked, "but you don't have a complete key. How can you enter?"

"Besides, your martial arts are so strong that the danger in the ruins should not be a problem for you."

"It's a problem."

Tian Wen said, "there are many mechanisms in the ruins, not ordinary ones, but Mohist opportunism. It's hard to destroy and extremely dangerous..."

"Mohist mechanism?"

"That's right."

"The organs there were made by Mozi, the first generation of Mohist. Even if they were faced by martial arts masters, they were in great danger."

Tian Wen said, "he built the final site. All of them have three pieces of armour, which are the keys to make it together..."

Hearing this, Wang Kang has fully understood!

It's just that I didn't expect that there were Mohist craftsmen in it. They also served for the taishangjiao.

Through this story, many of the previous doubts can be solved, and more importantly, let him know a possibility. If it's true, it's really incredible.

"You've been talking for a long time. It's nothing to do with me!"

"It matters."

Tian Wen said in a low voice, "I need your help. The final site is a stone chamber, which can only be opened with a three grade a synthetic key, and there are things I need."

"If it took me some time, I should be able to find the man and the third piece of armor, but I didn't have that much time, so I found you!"

"I want you to help me open the door of the final site..."

PS: the foreshadowing and the digging pit are all connected.