
This sound reverberated in the whole field, making everyone surprised!

The previous array is amazing enough to resist the strong attack of Huben army. But now there is a change?

Sanwu, upper right.

Seven five, in.

Er Shi, left center.


With the order issued, the voice is also one after another ring.

This is the password.

In order to change the corresponding formation more quickly, Wang Kang arranged to take Wu as the basic unit, and formulated the corresponding password.

According to the previous training, soldiers only need to go to the corresponding station according to the command, which is obviously more efficient and realizes the linkage of the whole army.

Just as the Huben army retreated slightly and attacked again, the formation changed rapidly.

The front end doesn't move, because the enemy's conical array is at the time of attack.

From the top.

Originally, it was similar to a circular array, but now the two sides of the circle begin to extend outwards, and the rear part is quickly added, forming an inverted triangle shape.

The formation of this formation just reverses the conical formation of HUBEN Army

"This This... "

There is an old general on the grandstand to startle a voice way: "this is goose shape array?"

Left Prime Minister Lin Xiangru asked: "Lord Fang, what is the goose formation?"

As a minister of literature, he didn't know much about military array.

"The so-called wild goose formation is a kind of battle formation that spreads horizontally, with the left and right wings arranged in forward or backward echelons. The forward one is an inverted triangle shape, just like the two arms of an ape extending forward. It is a kind of formation used to encircle and detour."

At this time, there was a delicate sound.

It was Zhang Xianxian who made the explanation. She said suspiciously, "but it doesn't seem to be a simple goose formation?"

"I didn't expect that Xianxian could understand the military and legal battle?"

After sighing, Fang Yin said: "this is not a simple goose formation, but also a change and fusion!"

"Changing the array again?"

Everyone was in a state of astonishment.

The array is dead. In actual combat, we should arrange the troops according to the actual situation.

According to the enemy's formation, make the corresponding match, this is broken!

However, it is very difficult to change the existing array and integrate self creation. Especially in this situation, it is obviously very targeted and extremely difficult.

Ordinary generals can't do it at all.

Fang Yin said, "Wang Kang, is this your handwriting?"

This kind of unconstrained change, he subconsciously thought of Wang Kang.

Wang Kang light way: "continue to look at it, wonderful is still behind."

"The Huben army is going to be hard!"

Many people sigh.

It's true.

The sudden change coincided with an anti encirclement to the HUBEN Army

At the same time, attack.

The army of Huben is under attack on all sides!



An intensive attack was launched and fell on the soldiers of the corresponding Huben army.

The outermost layer of the soldiers, there are white marks, and all attack to the key, all are effective attack!

Out according to the rules.

These soldiers fell down in desolation

The number of Huben soldiers has been rapidly reduced, and more than 100 of them have been judged dead. However, this number is still increasing!

It's just two rounds. It's such a situation that everyone can't expect!

Xiao Liangping is even more so!

He didn't expect that the Pingxi army could use the array so skillfully. Originally, he thought it would be Wang Kang's weakness!

But not at all!

Shock after shock!

Surrounded by the enemy and passively attacked by the enemy, the formation of Huben army has been completely disordered

In this situation, if you want to break through, you can only make a breakthrough!

Tip to tip!

"Break it for me!"

Xiao Luan reorganizes his fighting power, and then hundreds of people follow him and attack him!



The sound of a dense collision rang out one after another.

"What a lot of strength!"

After a wave of collision, Yu Li found strange, these people are not only strong, but also very agile, attack wave after wave.

One wave is stronger than the other.

Because the present forces are scattered, and soon I feel the pressure

"Gather the best troops, gather all the strength, attack a little bit, Xiao Liangping's strategy is not wrong, so you can break the formation!"


"Don't you find that those people are very strong, less than 100 people, they have the momentum of the whole army?""The formation of the Pingxi army is not simple. Notice that every five of them form a group, attacking and defending at the same time. That's how to resist."

"But the front-end attack of Huben army is too fierce. I'm afraid it won't be able to resist for long. Let's see how to deal with it!"

"As long as the formation of the Pingxi army is dispersed, it will be enough to bring the situation back."

The battle in the field has become white hot, and the stalemate has come to an end.

The Pingxi army retreated from both sides because of the pressure from the central area

"Another change!"

"Another change!"

Someone exclaimed, "is this the four door secret service?"

With the change of formation and the increase of personnel, the breakthrough of Huben army was also hindered

"Three three four!"

"Liuding Liujia!"

"Three talents of heaven and earth!"

With all kinds of sounds, the formation also changes, three attack, seven defense, twenty defense, ten attack

According to the actual situation, keep changing.

Xiao Liangping's face is more and more ugly. It's true that their attack is very strong.

But each attack, can meet several people's resistance, the enemy's cooperation, quite good!

Five, ten, even a hundred

Switch at any time, attack at any time, defense at any time, is a whole, in this case, relying on the strength of the individual, nothing, completely restrained!



After several rumors, Xiao Liang's plane color changed greatly. He retreated in an emergency and bent over to avoid. However, the people around him were not so lucky. Several people were swept to the head.

Xin Kui is protected by helmet, otherwise I'm afraid I'll die!


Because of the pain, the man roared with pain, but at the same time, his eyes were tyrannical!

This is a person taking medicine. He seems to have lost his mind after being stimulated at the moment.

According to the rules, he was out, but he stood up and went straight!

"Li Bin, what are you doing?"

Xiao Liangping, who was beside him, held him.

"You are eliminated, get out of here!"

"No, I'll kill them!"

This cold voice made Xiao Liangping suddenly tremble. He subconsciously thought of what Mr. Hu had said to him. This is a sequela!

Don't tell me about disobeying the rules for the moment, but if people find something different, the consequences will be serious

As a last resort, Xiao Liangping grabs Li Bin and punches him directly.

After repeated attacks, Li Bin finally passed out in a coma

"Xiao Tongling?"

This scene suddenly caused a riot for the soldiers around him. However, Xiao Liangping didn't have time to explain. At the moment, he was more concerned about other people, whether there was such a phenomenon

Fortunately, Li Bin is just an example.

But it also made him look even worse, because I found that there were less than half of his people left at the moment, and the Pingxi army didn't seem to have changed much