"The ghost will never leave!"

"The ghost will never leave!"

Murong Zhao murmured, his eyes full of fear

There is no doubt that Wang Kang once again stimulated him, so heavy snow, the pace is difficult, how can he catch up so quickly!

Too fast!

In his prediction, it's impossible to catch up, but the result is unexpected

He also plans to go to Liangcheng to recuperate. He also plans to slaughter the city to vent his anger, which has already failed.

Before the battle of Dongshe plain came to his mind, he had no idea of fighting at all.

It's terrible!

It's terrible!

Wang Kang has become his nightmare. Before he recovers, it will always be like this!

"Order the whole army to move forward at full speed!"

Gong Xiu said busily: "Your Highness, the soldiers are very tired now. If they march in a hurry, I'm afraid there will be problems..."

"What do you say?"

"If Wang Kang wants to catch up, there must be a small number of people. We still have the possibility to resist."

"Resist? What's the defense against? "

Murong Zhao asked coldly, and immediately made Gong Xiu speechless.


What is the defense?

He knew exactly what was going on in the whole army. The defeated army was short of food and grass and had no morale

The combat effectiveness has fallen to the lowest point.

How to resist, how to fight

"Go to the herald."

Murong Zhao said in a low voice: "as long as you pass the stone pass, you should be safe. Can Wang Kang still chase us to Yan?"


The order is delivered. March quickly.

For Yan Bing, there seems to be no response, because they are numb.

That's what it's like.

Their whole state was similar to that of the Yue army led by Chen Tang. Of course, in order to quickly return to Yue, Chen Tang also ordered a long-term rapid march.

But there is still a gap.

Because at that time, Chen Tang's army was not a decadent army.

Now Yan army is like this, they are losers, losers

At the moment, there has been a riot in the rear of the Yan army brigade, which is under attack.

The people who attacked them were the people led by Wang Kang!

Leaving Shangshui county to lead the army, in fact, it didn't take long, and the speed was not slow, but it soon caught up with Yan army.

The snow was slippery and the march was difficult.

But it's not a problem for Wang Kang. The sled he built is completely suitable for this kind of environment. It's even faster than usual, and it doesn't put so much pressure on the horses.

This kind of car is also specially made. It is more suitable to call it sleigh chariot.

There is a rectangular carriage with windows on both sides, from which weapons can be extended or arrows can be shot to attack.

The large number of Yan army, the long spread of the team, this has become a live hand.

And Wang Kang's troops are pursuing from behind, or attacking from both sides.

"Shua! Shua! Shua

One by one, the arrows shot out, and a man fell down.

Of course, the Yan army will fight back, but even people can't touch it. Huang Ju's chariot has bright fur and special foot covers. In the snow, it's like walking on the ground.

The Pingxi army did not directly launch large-scale attacks, but mainly attacked and harassed.

But this made Yan Jun feel even worse. He had to fight and flee, leaving behind corpses

Of course, compared with the strength of the Yan army, this loss is not obvious and insignificant


Lin Zhen, who was looking at the rear, asked suspiciously, "the Yan army is in such a bad state. We can have a chance to launch a bigger attack and inflict heavy damage on the Yan army. There's no need to do that."

"The rabbit bites when it's urgent, not to mention people?"

Wang Kang said faintly: "Yan army is decadent, people are tired, but there are still a lot of troops. This time I want to change my strategy and consume them slowly."

"It's like herding sheep, not blindly rushing, but chasing after them, making them exhausted all the time, without the slightest resistance, while we are behind them, slowly nibbling away!"

"Let them be in fear all the time. It's a long way to go. It's interesting to play slowly..."

Listening to Wang Kang's faint words, Lin Zhen could not help praying for Yan Jun.

If anyone is against the general, there will be no good end

Yan Jun really didn't come to a good end. Under Wang Kang's tactics, they were like helpless lambs, hungry and cold in snowy days. In the end, they could only be eaten by hunters

Wang Kang, however, has not been in Yiyan county. As he said, it is still a long way to go.He has plenty of time to play slowly.

Fighting and fleeing, harassing from time to time, Yan Jun is like a frightened bird, fleeing in a hurry

There is no good way to change this situation.

From time to time, Yan Bing fell to the ground in the rear. In this snowy day, he was covered with snow and became a cold corpse

Numbness and fear swept the whole army, and the Yan army was on the verge of collapse.

Time comes to night.

The weather is even colder, in this bad environment, Yan army is still on the March, they are now eager to get rid of Wang Kang.

Eager to return to the state of Yan.

Murong Zhao has sent someone to send a message. As long as he passes Nanbin county and arrives at Shiwen pass, someone will take care of him and he will be safe

Yan army is suffering, but Wang Kang has already found the nearby city to rest.

In the southern counties of Xishan Province, he was able to get good treatment when he came back

A new day.

The snow finally stopped.

After a night on the road, Yan Jun also stopped to have a rest. He had to have a rest. He could not walk without a rest.

But the real hunger and cold.

Murong Zhao went out and looked at the soldiers. He didn't have any food, but he just added with a handful of snow

His heart is bleeding!

"Brothers, insist again, since I bring you out, I will certainly bring you back, fast, already fast!"

Murong Zhao yelled, but there was no response at all. Instead, he got numb faces

"Your Highness, the officers and soldiers are so hungry that they have to eat something to replenish their calories. Some of them have frostbite."

Then a general came to report.

Murong Zhao's face is ugly. He doesn't know what's going on, but he can't help it.

"Now there's only one way."


The general said in a deep voice: "kill the horse for hunger!"

Killing horses for hunger can only be done when there is no way.

"Wang Kang has many cavalry and good mobility. If we don't have horses..."

"We don't have fodder. Our horses are too thin to bear the burden. They have become a burden. Besides, people are still important."


Murong Zhao gritted his teeth and said, "kill the horse to fill the hunger!"


"By the way, Wang Kang didn't come after him."

"What I asked before has not come."


As soon as the general's voice fell, a rapid voice came.

"Enemy troops are found in the rear!"

Hearing this, Murong Zhao was shocked.
