The retreat became more and more serious. It was precisely because of this retreat that Yan soldiers did not resist and suffered more casualties

There's a trade-off!

The defeat is obvious!

"The flag is down, the Chinese army is broken!"

"Don't push me, run, run!"

"Hold on to me, those who retreat will be killed



All kinds of voices are mixed and interweaved into a disordered song, which can also bring Yan army into the defeated area

On the contrary, the whole Pingxi army was still integrated. Cavalry, infantry and even the earliest fighting vehicles stopped. All the soldiers came out, formed a line and began to attack!

In the field comparison, the difference is clear!

Pingxi army is more brave in the war!

Cavalry form a line, wave after wave of charge!

Yan Bing's death and injury are beyond estimation!

It's a river of blood!

All kinds of screams rang out one after another!

I'm afraid! Fear of being killed!

The number of people around him is decreasing at a very fast speed. Yan Bing is afraid!

On the battlefield, once there is fear, it means complete failure!

"What should the general do? What should he do?"

"To inform the general, our officers and men have suffered heavy losses. All three routes have been broken, and chaos is hard to control..."

"General, as I say, withdraw!"

"Withdraw the general. If you don't, you'll be dead!"

All the generals come to ask for help!

Chezhou could not speak at all. His body was shaking and his head was buzzing!

How could that be!

He has 60000 troops!

It's nearly three times the strength of Wang Kang!

How could it be like this, how could it be killed like this!

Lose your armor!

Dead and wounded!

How many people are there in the whole battlefield now? It's a massive reduction. It's a rout!


He can't accept it at all!

"Come and kill me, kill Wang Kang!"

Che Zhou roared loudly. He, who was always calm, also lost his reason!

He looked into the distance!

Wang Kang didn't arrive before the war, he just watched in the rear

It seems leisurely.


"No! I haven't lost yet! I can't lose, either

Chezhou looks ferocious. It's not that he's not calm, it's that he can't be calm at all!

Because this battle is so important!

His royal highness originally wanted to transfer him to the front line, but because of Wang Kang's appearance, he had to stay here.

There are not enough troops in the front!

It's OK to kill Wang Kang!

If he fails, Yan Jun can't bear such a big loss!

More importantly, they failed!

Then you will lose two counties. Wang Kang can go straight to Qingzhou and join with Zhao Jun!

Maybe he doesn't have many troops, but the impact is huge

It is very likely that his defeat will determine the future direction of the whole Yan army!

The situation of winning all the way will change and become a turning point

"No! No way

The more I think about it, the more terrible I feel!

Che Zhou said in a loud voice: "come on, everyone follow me to attack!"

"General, withdraw!"

"If we keep the Castle Peak here, we are not afraid of no firewood. Our failure is obvious and irreparable. We are unable to return to the sky..."

The generals were in a hurry to persuade them.

"No, the enemy cavalry has rushed to our side!"

"They want to fight the generals!"

"Go away!"

"It's too late to withdraw again!"


At the moment, Yang Yuan, the cavalry commander of the Pingxi army, led his troops to kill the generals!

"The enemy is decadent and vulnerable. Follow me and catch the enemy general alive!"

"Capture the enemy general alive!"



The momentum soared to the sky, and Pingxi's Sergeant spirit reached the highest point, unstoppable!

Where we have passed, everyone in Yanbing is scared and everyone gives in!

So close to the generals!

"Go away!"

"General, get out of here!"

Looking at the rushing soldiers, all the soldiers of the state of Yan were in a panic!

Defeat like a mountain!

The real defeat is like a mountain!

"General, there is no result in the death battle. The crown prince is still fighting in front of him. We can't leave all the people here. Even if we take one out, we will take it!"

Hear this, car armour immediately a stagnate.

You can't stay here all the time. Even if you take one out, you'll take it!Yes!

If 60000 troops are destroyed here, then he is the real sin!

The defeat of the war.

Even if his royal highness wants to cut off his head, he also wants to take people out and keep the new force

Che Zhou thought, trying to calm himself down, looking at a chaotic battlefield, dead all the time!

His eyes suddenly turned red!

He was born in a famous family in the state of Yan. As a direct member of his royal highness, he is a representative of the military youth group in the state of Yan!

Now it's defeated. It's very miserable. Now that it's defeated, it can't be wrong again!

The situation is already irreversible!

What we should do now is

Che Zhou gritted his teeth and said, "withdraw! Withdraw! Retreat

He seemed to shout out with all his strength. After shouting out, all his strength faded away

This war will be the shame of his life!

Will also become the name of Wang Kang!

"Wang Kang! Wang Kang

Che Zhou's unwilling murmur

"General orders, retreat!"

"General orders, retreat!"


A voice of order to convey, Yan Jun such as amnesty, they have been waiting for this order, for a long time!

There are official orders.

All Yan's troops are even more powerful. They begin to withdraw backward!



See Yan soldiers began to retreat, Pingxi army is to chase!

The cavalry can escape, but the speed of the infantry is very slow. They are killed on this side!

Listen to the scream behind, Che Zhou naturally knows what's going on.

But he didn't dare look back.

Or not dare, but can't bear!

The sun is warm, but his body is cold

A long string of corpses were left until they were about to leave the Dongshe plain. The pursuit was stopped because Wang Kang's order arrived.

Don't chase the poor!

Wang Kang came to the battlefield with broken limbs and arms all over the place. His blood could not be removed and he was very choking

There are a lot of Yan soldiers in the field. They can't escape and stay.

Everyone looks frightened and looks around warily.

"Surrender, we surrender!"

One Yanbing took the lead in shouting, and the others seemed to have a sudden insight.

"We surrender!"

"We surrender!"

Lin Zhen came over and asked, "general, there are more than 1000 people in the army. They said they would surrender. What should we do?"

Wang Kang said coldly, "didn't I say that Yan army, don't surrender soldiers!"

"I see!"

Lin Zhen went back, waved, and soon screamed

So far, the whole war is the real end!

The final result was that the Yan army ran away in a rout. More than 50000 enemy troops were wiped out and less than 10000 escaped

Big win!

It's a big win!

A lot of people understand that if the general had not improved the chariots and built new chariots, it might not have been so smooth

"The general is mighty!"

"The Pingxi army is powerful!"

I don't know who was the first to shout, and then everyone was shouting, which shocked the whole Dongshe plain