Yuanlu County, county city!

As the capital of the county, it is the largest city in the former deer county.

However, it is far away from Pengcheng on the border. This is to prevent the invasion of war, but now there is a big disturbance.

The news has come that Zhao has captured Pengcheng when he invades Vietnam!

How many people, panic!

Pengcheng is not only the border city of Yue, but also the gateway of Yuanlu county!

From here you can go straight to Yue!

The coming of the war made everyone unexpected, and even a lot of people didn't believe it.

How is that possible?

There are frequent wars between Yue and Zhao, but in recent years, Yue has always taken the absolute advantage. Three years ago, Zhao was forced to sign the reparations treaty.

People in China are happy!

But now the state of Zhao has attacked.

It is said that Wang Kang, the Pingxi General of the state of Zhao, led the army.

Who is the Pingxi general?

Who is Wang Kang?

I haven't heard of it at all!

But this name is known, because he is the first general of the state of Zhao to invade the territory of Yue in recent years!

And also captured the gateway Pengcheng!

Compared with this, they were even more afraid that marshal Chen Tang had led 200000 troops to attack Zhao.

Why, under such circumstances, can the state of Zhao counterattack?

Does this mean that marshal Chen Tang's 200000 troops have been destroyed?

And was it attacked by the state of Zhao?

If so, it would be terrible!

It is because of this that people panic spread!

Since Zhao Guoguo has such strength, now he has captured Pengcheng, the next step is to enter Yuanlu County!

The key problem is that there is no garrison in the former deer county.

If you attack by force, you can go straight into the hinterland of Yue!

Under this situation, the people of Yue are very scared

Zheng Jiping, the former prefect of Lu County, issued an emergency order to declare a state of war. During this period, all the cities under his jurisdiction were closed and not allowed to go out!

At the same time, an urgent letter was sent to the capital to inform Yue Jun!

The enemy's attack is not a trivial matter.

But that's all he can do.

Yuanlu County, county yamen!

The officials were in a hurry and extremely busy. Wang Kang's capture of Pengcheng disrupted all the rhythm. They never thought that the war would come so suddenly

Sheriff Zheng Jiping was a middle-aged man in his forties. He was thin and had a dignified face.

It's not just him.

This is true of all the officials in this chamber.

Zheng Jiping asked an official, "Li Lei, do you know how many troops there are in Yuanlu county?"

"There are not many troops in all areas under our jurisdiction, except for the government officials who maintain public order. I'm afraid they are not enough to support our counter attack against Pengcheng!"

"When Marshal Chen Tang set out, he dispatched troops and emptied one of the border garrisons to form a 200000 strong army. How can there be any troops now?"

"Do you think Marshal Chen Tang's 200000 troops have been completely wiped out by the state of Zhao?"

"To put it in a bad way, it is very likely that this is the case. If not, how can the enemies of the state of Zhao counterattack?"

All of you are military and political officials of the former Lujun county. We are here to discuss the plan.


Zheng Jiping said, "Marshal Chen Tang is a famous marshal of the Yue kingdom. He has made outstanding achievements in the war. How can he lose?"

"Even so, it is impossible for the whole army to be annihilated. Don't say that again."

"Wu Changshi, you should pay more attention to public opinion, and do not cause widespread panic!"


"But sheriff, what should we do now? If the enemy attacks, we really can't do anything about it! "

"The most urgent task is to get information. Marshal Chen Tang has been away for such a long time, and there is no news coming. We must find out the situation!"

"There is also the urgent need to send the news of Zhao's attack back to Kyoto, waiting for your majesty to send troops to rescue."

"The sheriff did it the first time."

Listening to the comments of the officials below, Zheng Jiping, the sheriff, sighed.

He has already sent 500 Li to the frontier, but he is not optimistic.

As a sheriff, he knew some strategic decisions of the central government.

Today, Yue Jun's focus is nomadic in the north. A large number of people and horses are hoarding in the north and stepping up training. When spring comes, they will use their troops!

But at the moment, Zhao's invasion will disrupt the situation, and the imperial court will be unprepared.

Even if we send troops, it will take a lot of time.

After a flash of thought, Zheng Jiping said, "first, to pacify the people, not to cause riots; second, to order all the cities under its jurisdiction, to close up public security; third, to send people to Pengcheng to inquire about the enemy's intelligence; fourth...""Urgent report! Urgent report

Zheng Jiping's words were not finished, and there was a big drink outside.

"The front-line urgent report, block is dead!"

All the people stood up in astonishment, the front line urgent report!

Is this the news from Marshal Chen Tang?

Zheng Jiping busy command way: "quick, quick to bring people in!"

After a while, a man came in. He was disheveled, disheveled and panting!

Come here, kneel down directly, take out a letter from the bosom, hold up.

"Marshal Chen Tang is in a hurry to report. I'm going to send the sheriff to help you!"

Zheng Jiping personally took the letter and said to the scouts, "hard work."

"Come on, get ready to eat and take him down to rest."

Then he opened the letter and couldn't wait to stop and read it.

Other officials also gathered around.

"What does the letter say, my lord?"

"Is Marshal Chen Tang all right?"

"Ha ha, Pengcheng is saved, Pengcheng is saved!"

After reading it, Zheng Jiping was surprised and said, "the letter says that there are only more than 10000 Zhao soldiers who captured Pengcheng. They plan to bypass Marshal Chen Tang and raid Pengcheng!"

"But the commander-in-chief has taken 100000 troops back to defense. According to the calculation, he has passed through Huaiyin and is about to reach Hulao pass!"

"So it's just a false alarm?"

"It turned out to be a lonely army. Isn't that a death wish?"

"Ha ha, the commander-in-chief led 100000 troops back to defense. Is this Zhao army doomed to die?"

Everyone was relieved.

Zheng Jiping is the same, but he still has a doubt in his heart. Chen Tang sent 200000 troops at that time?

Why only half?

Should be divided into two ways, one to continue to attack Zhao, one back to defense!

Zheng Jiping didn't think about it any more and said in a deep voice, "let's make this news public right now. People are in a panic these days. Calm down quickly!"

"In addition, send someone to send news to the court, so that the court will not be shaken. Marshal Chen and Tang will come back to defend. If the Zhao army is trapped in Pengcheng, it must be a situation of fighting and dying."

Chen Tang's letter finally arrived. At this moment, the army led by him rushed all the way. After such a long time, he finally returned to YueDi and reached hulaoguan!

It's just that Chen Tang is not happy. On the contrary, he has a heavy heart