"Marshal Is there something wrong with this

After listening to what Chen Tang said, Dong Xian, a senior general of the Vietnamese army, said, "we don't have many cavalry. Besides, 5000 cavalry troops need a lot of food and grass. You know how hard our army is now. The soldiers only have one meal a day, or they are half full."

"Yes, it's not too close to Huaiyin from here. There's no food and grass for Shen Yuanchong."

"Besides, what can we do for him? Wouldn't it be better for them to bite the dog? Then Shen Yuanchong doesn't have a good heart! "

"Short sighted, can't you look far away?"

Chen Tang said coldly, "let me stress again that we are united in dealing with Wang Kang. This son must be eliminated as soon as possible, or it will be our enemy!"

"Besides, I'm worried about a problem!"

"What's the problem?"

Chen Tang stood up and made a March: "the northwest of Huaiyin is Lingling County of Yue."

"Are you afraid that Wang Kang will invade Lingling county?"

"That's right!"

"That's impossible, isn't he so brave?"

"But Lingling county also has a large army

"This son's thought is free and can't be decided by ordinary people."

Chen Tang said in a deep voice, "so it must be solved as soon as possible."

He didn't say anything. If it wasn't for the lack of food and grass and the constraints of various conditions, he really wanted to lead his own troops to pursue and exterminate.

The more contact, the more fear of Wang Kang, if he really went to attack Huaiyin, it is really too terrible.

Because what he did was different from common sense.

"That's settled!"

Chen Tang finally said, "he ordered Zhang Fengnian to lead 5000 cavalry troops to follow Shen Yuanchong, and then gathered food and grass for them."

"We can almost get to Xialuo city tomorrow. It's a small city. It's easy to capture and get some supplies."

Seeing that Chen Tang has decided, other people have to prepare.

When Shen Yuanchong returned to the barracks, he did not dare to delay any more and set out directly overnight.

He can't sit. He can't really sit.

It's Huaiyin. It's his fiefdom. It's his foundation. It's only after years of construction and operation that it has such a scale.

It's his independent kingdom.

Nothing is more important than that.

He has to go back.

Suddenly ordered to go back, Shen Yuanchong's team responded warmly.

Who doesn't want to go home?

The main reason is that there's nothing to do when I come out. I've been on my way since I came out. I've drawn my sword and I can't eat anything. I have to drink everything.

It's good to be able to go back.

But now they are about to reach Yanzhou City, far away from Huaiyin.

It will take eight or nine days to get on the road at full speed.

How to solve the food consumption of so many people on the road?

People can make do with it, so can horses.

Now it's late autumn. The plants are withered and yellow. What do you eat?

However, there is no horse grass at all.

Shen Yuanchong can't care about these problems. Now he just wants to go back

For the sake of this, we have to kill the horses.

In this way, under the curtain of night, on the night, the army set out.

Shen Yuanchong's 20000 troops and Zhang Fengnian's 5000 cavalry with the Yue army were formed. They were full of stars and moon

It's very inconvenient to drive at night because it's very cold and windy.

Everyone is not in a high mood.

Especially a group of youruogu's disciples, Hua Tianheng is more irritable.

He went down the mountain to find Wang Kang, and elder Lian Yan took over the task.

After inquiry, he finally determined that the relationship between Wang Kang and Zhang Xianxian was really unusual.

At that time, their two affairs were very popular, which was not a secret in the aristocratic circle.

This has strengthened Hua Tianheng's desire to kill Wang Kang. He thinks that as long as Wang Kang is disposed of, there will be no fetters for that slender piece

It's not easy for him to win after a long time?

And this is also a proof that Wang Kang can't be compared at all.

But after going down the mountain for so long, I didn't even see Wang Kang. I was on my way.

This time, although he didn't want to, he could only follow, because he could find Wang Kang.

In this way, they began the arduous journey

At the moment, Wang Kang is explaining the main points of guerrilla warfare to his generals.

He doesn't have the energy and time to direct every fight.

Therefore, he should cultivate as soon as possible, teach new war thinking, and be independent.

"The essence of guerrilla warfare is those 16 words, which you must have memorized. But there is one thing that you should understand and use flexibly."

"It's like the art of war recorded in the book of war is dead, but you can't talk about it on paper!"A group of generals surrounded Wang Kang. In the middle of him was a brazier.

It is also a newly built village with a relatively poor environment.

Wang Kang said: "just like this time, we attack Huaiyin, even if it is a kind of use, the enemy retreats and I advance..."

"What's next? Our enemies, even if Shen Yun didn't send someone to inform them, should have thought about it after such a long time. "

"What do you think the enemy will do next?"

Meng Qian said, "Shen Yuanchong will definitely come back."

"Yes, it's inevitable. Huaiyin is his fiefdom. He can't not come back."

Several generals followed Wang Kang's idea and began to go down.

Wang Kang said: "in fact, it's a kind of tactics to disturb the enemy. It's to toss them and let them follow my rhythm."

"Therefore, I set up the Bureau in Huaiyin, waiting for Shen Yuanchong to come in..."

Wang Kang used practical examples to explain them one by one. Several people listened to them with great interest and admiration.

This young city guard, in a serious fight, can often come up with miraculous effects and surprise. The key is that his thinking is quite flexible.

And this is what Wang Kang wants to teach them.

Use new thinking and new operational concepts.

It takes a lot of experience to arrange troops, which is not what he is good at.

That's his advantage

For several days, Wang Kang was doing such things, teaching and indoctrination.

During this period of time, Shen Yuanchong came back with his soldiers in the dust.

It was a difficult journey, and even killed a lot of horses as food.

And these are also known by Wang Kang in advance.

The network formed by the arrangement of multiple dark spots began to play a role.

Wang Kang was able to detect the enemy's movements ahead of time. He also knew that in addition to Shen Yuanchong's troops, there were 5000 Yue cavalry.

This is beyond his expectation.

Because he did not expect that Chen Tang would send troops to help Shen Yuanchong.

In this case, there will be some trouble.

Because there is a big gap between him and his troops, which will increase the uncertainty.

As a result, Wang Kang decided to fight first, at least to get rid of the 5000 cavalry of Yue

They march all the way in a hurry, people are tired, and this is also the best time