"Everyone listens to the order and lights the torch."

Qi Dong shouts the order, but there is no light in the night battle, which has a great influence.

Even the fire in the camp can't completely see the situation on the slope. Now there are huge stones falling down. What about the heavy cavalry?

Damn it!

At this moment, the whole half slope was in a mess. The first heavy cavalry fell down, and it was difficult to stand up.

Later, even if they were not affected by the slippage, they ran into it directly.

Then the Qingqi, who was closely behind, ran into the front again.

That's how a vicious chain collision happens.

All this is in Wang Kang's desire, that is, chaos!

If such a scheme is implemented in the daytime, the effect will be greatly reduced, but it's late at night

The sight is obstructed, this kind of chaos is deepened!

With a scream, many soldiers fell off the horse and were trampled to death. Not only people were frightened, but horses were frightened!

A slope has become an insurmountable natural danger.

At this time, a huge stone rolled down from the top, and how many people were crushed to death.

The first group of heavy cavalry had been basically reimbursed, and the following light cavalry were injured one after another

Seeing a huge stone rolling down, a cavalry clapped his horse in a hurry, ready to flee.

But then the horse stopped.

Head down, licking the beans rolling down the slope

In the end, even people and horses were rolled down by huge stones!

There was a volley of arrows in the sky.

There are rocks on the ground.

It's hard to know how many people are injured or killed in a short time!

Qi Dong's eyes are red, he never thought it would be this situation!

"From the side, from the side

A commander with Baiqi was rushing to the waist, but he saw burning logs rolling down

Seeing this scene, I had to turn the horse's head quickly, but in this confusion, even a knight with excellent equestrian skills can't do it perfectly

Screams, horses.

One after another.

"Stop, stop!"

Qi Dong yells, if we don't stop it, we don't know how many people will be here.

"Count the number of battalions and reorganize the team!"

Qi Dong tries to calm down. He can't fight like this any more

Xia Yanchun has been silly for a long time. How did a good situation come to be like this?

His eyes suddenly turned red. Wang Kang must be Wang Kang!

Only he can have so many intrigues!

And at this moment, the boulders and fire trees on the hillside have stopped.

Including archers..

These things are not endless

Qi Dong, of course, understands this. Their means have been exhausted.

Now is the time to fight back.

We can't let them escape easily, if they escape back to Fengan city.

Then there's nothing he can do.

How can I swallow this breath?

Fight back, we have to fight back!

Kill them all!

"General, our heavy cavalry..."

At this time, a person came to report.

Qi Dong asked, "what happened to the heavy cavalry?"

"All the heavy cavalry lost..."


Qi Dong almost fell down. His heart was bleeding. It was a heavy cavalry. It was made with a lot of money.

There are not many in the whole Yue army.

Only 3000 people have been brought to the battlefield to kill the enemy!

That's all the damage!

Even he can't bear the responsibility!

Qi Dong gritted his teeth and asked, "what about the others?"

"It has not yet been completely counted out. The death is not big, but many people are injured and lose their fighting power."


Qi Dong let out a roar: "chase, the whole army chase!"

The man comforted him and said, "my Lord, under the night, our sight is blocked. It's very bad for us. In my opinion, the whole army should take a long-term view."

"Their means have been exhausted, this is the best time to fight back."

Qi Dong said coldly: "if they escape back to Fengan City, there will be no way. All the food and grass will be lost, all the heavy cavalry will be destroyed, and the losses will be heavy. What will I do when Chen Shuai leads the army to come?"


"Chase me!"

Soon regroup, all the wounded soldiers and horses are left in the rescue camp, and the rest gather to pursue!

When the people and horses were reviving, the fire in the camp was put out. After all, it was close to the water source.

But just then.

The river, which used to depend on the camp, suddenly rises and rushes towards the low-lying campOf course, this is also Wang Kang's plan, starting with the water stored in the upstream dam.

The river is surging and pouring!

It turned out that the soldiers who were still carrying wooden barrels to fight the fire by the river were washed away by the river before they could react!

"Here comes the water!"

"Here comes the water!"

A quick shout.

I can't see clearly, but I can hear the sound of water rushing.

"After the fire, will it be flooded?"

Qi Dong was so angry that he couldn't speak. He had been fighting for many years. He had experienced this kind of thing for the first time. He was too weak, too weak!

"Here comes the water, let's run!"

The barracks that had been prepared were in turmoil again!

"Mount, Mount!"

"Run up the hill, chase me!"

Qi Dong issued orders in succession.

The camp is flooded. I can't help it. I have to run high

Needless to say, all the soldiers drove their horses up the slope. Of course, they were still very careful for fear that something big might fall from the top of the slope.

Anyone who can get on the horse can get on, but there are still others who can't catch up. They are directly submerged by the water. Although they can't drown people, they can still be trapped temporarily

Especially when the river is cold, people shiver!

The whole camp has become a mess!

Everyone rushed to the hillside like a bee pupa. In this hurry, there were some collisions, and many people were injured!

All of us hold our breath. Many injuries are caused by our own people.

After some twists and turns, finally rushed up the hillside!

Qi Dong is also among them. Next to him are Xia Yanchun and LAN Yulin.

These two people have different identities, but they can't be hurt

On the top, looking down the slope, not far from Fengan City, you can see that there are many torches swaying outside Fengan city.


That's the enemy!

Qi Dong's eyes were red. He pulled out the sword and yelled, "kill me!"

Needless to say, his soldiers could not help it.

It's also a slope.

It's just downhill.

Thousands of horses dive down, with a tremendous momentum!


Everyone is shouting!


All of a sudden, the painting style changed, and all of a sudden, the sound of shock rang out. The cavalry just rushed to the half slope. Suddenly, the ground here collapsed in a large area!

The bottom of this place has been hollowed out for a long time. As long as the gravity goes up, step on it directly!

There are also cones under it.

"Puff and sniff"

"puff and pee"

blood spatters, thousands of people and horses were injured in a short time!

"There's a trap, there's a trap!"

Before the sound came out, they were drowned and rushed down the slope. The speed was so fast that they couldn't stop. They were all smashed together again!

Qi Dong, who was about to rush down, suddenly burst into a cold sweat!

Another trap!

He's really about to collapse!

Is it over or not