Zhang Liang has gone, but he is not. As the branch president of Jinyu chamber of Commerce in Zhao state, his position is extraordinary.

now that he is so ridiculed, how can he have the face to stay!

Even if he got the money, his ultimate goal was not achieved.

Li Ping also left, trembling when he left, because he always felt that Wang Kang was not good at looking at him.

Think about it, he was just a small deacon of Jinyu chamber of Commerce in Yangzhou city. He also had vision and saw Wang Kang's potential ahead of time.

It was he who put in the first page advertisement of Fuyang tabloid, and cooperation has been launched since then.

Because Wang Kang gradually rose to be the director of Yangzhou,

but now he has done this kind of thing. Originally, he didn't regret it. He didn't do business, but now he regrets it

Xue Yufeng also left. He took Xue's family and left in a hurry. He was in a hurry to go back. Originally, Wang Kang resolved the matter.

He knew that Wang Kang's words were not a joke.

he had to figure out how to deal with them, otherwise the mirror family would be in danger

After the incident, people still didn't respond to it.

because the turning point was too fast, it was like a farce, but we could still hear something from it.

two months ago, when the imperial edict of emperor Zhao was issued!

Wang Kang had already started the layout. At that time, the banditry in Xinfeng County was still serious, and it had not been completely mastered!

what glass mirrors and fragrances are not yet available, but they already have plans!

Step by step, step by step,

it's just so shocking. I'm scared to think about it!

The father and son are really great. Now it seems that the rise of the count house of Fuyang has become a foregone conclusion!


All the people present had this idea. For a moment, the atmosphere was warm again, and all the words turned around!

"Ha ha, it seems that the Jinyu chamber of Commerce has gained a false reputation and is short sighted."

"Yes, it's the right way to cooperate with Master Kang."

"others don't care. Our Yongzhou chamber of Commerce will follow Master Kang's lead!"

Some people expressed their heartfelt feelings on the spot, which made people's eyes strange. But here is Yongding Bo Han Yu, do you ignore him?

Han Yuan is looking at it angrily, but Han Yu seems to have no reaction, his face is like a spring breeze,

his fingertips are on the armrest, knocking.

The plan must be carried out, or there is no other way!

Ordinary tactics are no longer useful. It's useless for the Minister of rites to make trouble in person. He can only go to extremes.

When he came here, he had seen it with his own eyes. Xinfeng County is so novel and prosperous that it will become the foundation of the rise of count Fuyang's residence in the future

If you don't press at this time, it's hard to have another chance!

His fingertips beat out a disordered rhythm, showing his inner restlessness.

Friends come, good wine, enemies come, shotguns!

He can be sure that Wang Kang said this to him, but what is the shotgun

In his heart, he always felt a layer of haze

Just at this moment, Han Yuanxi shows a meaningful smile to won Yi.

When won Eaton was in a state of awe, he knew that it was time to start

He had just passed on the news through a maid. He knew beforehand that there were a lot of people in the underground network

Although it's very important, looking at Wang Kang who talks and laughs, he has great confidence

Wang Kang, it's the first time he's seen him, but he's already seen his ability. He's repeatedly making trouble, calmly dealing with it, calculating step by step, with extraordinary bearing.

maybe he can really support himself Support to control!

The only way is to be able to resist this time. Then the Yongding Earl's house will be greatly damaged. This is my chance!

"Let's go, Yuanyi. Let's have a toast to Wang Kang. I'm afraid there won't be such a chance in the future." Han Yuanxi's voice interrupted his thoughts.


They picked up their glasses and came to Wang Kang.

"Brother Kang, I'm Han Yuanxi This is the first time that we have really met. "

" although we haven't met, we are old friends. " Wang Kang said with a smile, just like an old friend.

Han Yuanxi was slightly stunned and said with a smile, "you are right. It's really an old acquaintance. Brother Kang once gave me a gift, but I still remember it!"

Wang Kang knows what he's talking about. Last time Han Yuanxi personally presided over the attack, he chopped off his head and sent it to Yongding Earl's house.

When Han Yuanxi thought of this, he raised his glass and said with a smile, "I will give brother Kang a bigger gift for this big wedding!"

"Ha ha, I'll wait and see!"

Wang Kang came close to him with a smile and said in a low voice, "don't steal chicken, you can't eat rice!""Brother Kang, just wait..."

There is a knife in the smile.

At this time, the jubilant Xinfeng County, on the southern Yuntai Mountain, appeared a large number of people!

A large number of people, black pressure into a piece, murderous!

They didn't cover it up, because they couldn't cover it up at all!

And they are all people of Yongding Earl's house, not only family private soldiers, but also entangled with other surrounding mountain bandits, a total of 5000!

This is the order of that adult, and it is also the order to burn the boat!

When there is no way to suppress, then take the most primitive way!

On this important day, enter Xinfeng, burn, kill and rob!

Don't you want to change the county into a city? It will be completely destroyed!

The day of marriage, the day of disaster!

The total strength of Xinfeng County is no more than 2000 people. Even if the weapons are excellent, the number is enough!

So, it's a winning game!

Black and mighty

Mount Yuntai, nameless temple.

Yinyue monk spits out a puff of smoke and looks down with his eyes slightly narrowed.

Next to him, shanneng leaned up and sniffed the smoke, trying to stop talking.

"Well, there are so many people here, shall we use..." Shanneng asked.

"No, it doesn't threaten him yet."

"today is Wang Kang's wedding. Didn't he invite you?"

"Yes, I don't want to go," Yinyue said, "but he has already brought me cigarettes and wine. This guy is very smart."

"Smoke?" Hearing this, shanneng said, "abbot, the cigarette Wang Kang sent me also has mine. Can you..."

"Here," monk Yinyue suddenly took two puffs of the cigarette in his mouth, leaving only one cigarette end and giving it to shanneng.

Shanneng, however, is like a treasure. He draws

And at the moment, below, the two sides have been confrontation.

However, the gap between the number of people is quite large!

Five thousand on one side, five hundred on the other!

There are 500 people on Wang Kang's side. They are not only small in number, but even have no weapons in their hands.

The only special thing is that at the waist, there is a wallet with an iron tube in it.

Seeing this, Yan Wu, the leader of the 5000 soldiers in Yongding Earl's house, was also confused.

He stepped forward and asked in a loud voice, "why do you want to stop us with such people? Is Wang Kang crazy?"

"These people are enough!"

Wang Chen raised his step and said in a cold voice: "because we are, Fuyang army, Shenji camp..."