It's a new day. It's a little bright. The whole Xinfeng County is already a busy scene. It's hot everywhere

At this time, the ranks of soldiers took to the streets, in Xinfeng County everywhere, there are posted a piece of paper.

People watched curiously, and the paper was covered with letters.

At the top, there are three big characters.

Three Character Classic!

"In order to carry out the literacy campaign in Xinfeng County and improve the cultural quality of the urban people, Master Kang specially compiled the enlightenment textbook, Three Character Classic..."

After the posting, the taxi driver in charge yelled to the onlookers: "everyone is required to know the full text, recite the full text silently and deeply understand it!"

This remark immediately aroused a lot of discussion.

"What does that mean? Are there any special requirements? "

"I don't understand. Master Kang wants us to read!"

"I see. A few days ago, Master Kang went to the street to ask if there is a school here."

"It's time to be literate. Xinfeng County is very famous now. Even people from the prefecture have come here. If we can't read, we can't say it."

"Xiao Li, aren't you literate? What's that for me?"

There is no need to study in the city at all. There is a special person coming here. He is a young scholar.

"Hello, fellow villagers. My name is Liu Tongbao. I come from Yangzhou Academy. Now I'll teach you to recite the Three Character Classic and explain it."

The young scholar introduced himself freely.

"Yangzhou academy?"

Some people understand, immediately surprised: "this is the best Academy in Yangzhou, I heard that people studying there, the most can also test a scholar."

"Yes, such a person to teach us?"

"Be quiet. Master Kang has invited someone to teach us. We have to study hard."

At this time, Liu Tongbao reached out and motioned, and all the onlookers were quiet.

Pointing to the notice posted, he said: "this one is called the Three Character Classic. His creator is Master Kang!"

"This three character classic covers reading, writing and reasoning. I hope you will not let Master Kang down, study it carefully with me and listen to my explanation."

Liu Baotong said, and a person nearby handed him a teaching stick. He pointed to the words on the paper with the stick and said, "at the beginning of human life, human nature is good, similar in nature, and different in habits."

"this means that human nature is very similar when they are just born, but with the different influence of their living environment, everyone's habits will change."

"among them, the most important thing is to learn What's important is a good word.... "

Liu Baotong read and explained word by word, but outside, the onlookers were listening carefully, and gradually entered a state

This explanation lasted for an hour, and the Three Character Classic was only five or six sentences.

At the end of the day, Liu Baotong said, "that's all for today's explanation. Tomorrow at the same time, I will be here to explain to you. Now you can be busy."

"However, these three character scriptures will always be pasted here. In your spare time, you can study them and discuss with each other..."

After that, everyone dispersed, returned to the construction site and went on working.

But people are still saying that at the beginning of human life, human nature is good, human nature is similar, and human habits are different

It's hard to forget to understand its meaning and recognize its words.

The same scene took place in the busy streets of Xinfeng County, where there were many people.

A special lecture started this morning.

These are all arranged by Wang Kang. The Three Character Classic is the best enlightenment textbook.

It covers understanding, daily life, seeing and hearing It's the most basic thing.

But the popularization of education is not just a matter of saying, and it is impossible for him to gather all the people in the city together and teach them collectively.

It's also unrealistic,

so he came up with this method, taking some time every day to let people take to the streets and explain to the people.

Let them be able to read and understand in their daily life, and gradually improve.

Liu Baotong, for example, had written to Cai Shi before and recruited him from Yangzhou Academy.

The literacy campaign has been vigorously carried out.

When people are working, they often say

In the county government, Wang Kang and his cousin have discussed running a school!

This is Wang Kang's idea, and it is urgent.

The construction of Xinfeng County is in full swing. With the opening of fame and the construction of roads, more and more people come from outside

The development has achieved initial results.

But there is a real problem in front of us, government affairs, management

Wang Kang first came to Xinfeng County with a group of students recommended by Cai Shi.

This group of people is not many, just barely build a shelf.

However, the management of a city is not so simple. It requires many people. Moreover, Wang Kang's arrangement is different.Education, medical treatment, urban construction

Now, however, it is a bit chaotic and unsystematic. If we want to expand and form a team, we need to Talent!

Therefore, on the one hand, running a school is to let children have education and develop education; on the other hand, it is also to cultivate talents!

If he wants to run a school, he will naturally have to be different. What he wants to teach is not only what he knows, but also what he knows

Such a person, for him, does not have the slightest significance.

What he wants to cultivate is people who are able to understand and use flexibly, and can be beneficial to the development of Xinfeng County

County government, in Wang Kang's study.

Su Zhe is taking a piece of paper and looking at it carefully. What is written on this paper is the Three Character Classic.

He watched it slowly and seriously.

After a long time, he put it down and asked, "is this three character classic written by my cousin?"

"Yes, it is not," Wang Kang's reply was equivocal.

The Three Character Classic is not his original work, but a classic of his previous life. However, it is the first time that it appears in this era, so he has this answer.

"These three character classics, the first of enlightenment education, are of great significance." Su Zhe said in a deep voice.

Wang kangxiao looks at Su Zhe. He knows that with his cousin's talent, he will be able to understand it.

"My cousin said before that he wanted to run a school in Xinfeng County? I don't know what to think? "

"Yes, that's what I called you for," Wang Kang said with a smile. "I want to develop education in Xinfeng County. I also want to give you the burden."

"But I'm afraid I can't do it well."

Su Zhe slightly hesitated: "and my cousin, it seems not too happy, ordinary learning."

"You can rest assured about this," Wang Kang said with a smile, "I have made arrangements for the general direction. From today on, there will be people on the street giving special lectures on the three character classics."

"this is basic education, and running a school is a targeted professor."

after a pause, he said, "according to my imagination, in this new school, the main teacher will not be four books and five classics, Poetry, literature and meaning.... "

After hearing this, Su Zhe asked suspiciously, "isn't the master like this? What do you teach? "

He knows that Wang Kang will break the rules, but it's too bad. It's like starting a new business

With a smile, Wang Kang said in a deep voice, "this new school will teach you arithmetic, nature, politics and management..."

"What I want is a person who can be practical, not a scholar who is full of classics but useless..."