"Crazy talk!"

When Wang Kang's voice fell, shanneng suddenly became angry, because he thought that Wang Kang's words were not about Zen, but insults.

What is it that the abbot said that he was wrong?

Wang Kang, who was not very fond of him, was very angry. Shanneng looked at Wang Kang coldly. He had a very human momentum and suddenly sent out.

It made Wang Kang quite uneasy, like being targeted by something.

This guy is definitely a master. Although Wang Kang doesn't know martial arts, he also knows it.

He once met Li jiajiaozi and Li Yuyao. It seems that he felt the same way when he was in action

And the monks around them, the long stick in their hands is also pointing directly at Wang Kang.

At this time, Li Qingman suddenly took a step and stood beside Wang Kang. His beautiful eyes passed around, and the voice of coldness spread.

"There are only a few people in the small mountain temple. They are all second rate masters, and one is first-rate."

her beautiful eyes stare at shanneng coldly, obviously referring to him.

Then she stepped lightly, and suddenly an invisible momentum arose, which broke off the Qi that locked him in Wang Kang, and then went straight away

Shanneng suddenly turned pale. His hands were clasped to block it, but he still stepped back a few steps. With each step, a deep seal appeared on the ground.

He looked at Li Qingman in horror and realized that this graceful and beautiful woman was the best among the experts.

Seeing this, Wang Kang couldn't help but look at the great monk. Shanneng is first-class. What is this slovenly Abbot?

Is he a master of martial arts?

The great monk is always insipid. He is not shocked by Li Qingman. He seems to have known her martial arts level for a long time.

He waved his hand and said, "it's normal to say that there are differences between Zen and Taoism. The more the Taoism is debated, the more clear it is. How can we seek Buddhism?"

"In the evening, everyone transcribes scriptures ten times!"

"Yes, abbot!"

Although they were unwilling, they still relaxed, but the anger in their eyes did not dissipate

The great monk looked at Wang Kang again, "I don't know, little benefactor, what's your opinion?"

Wang Kang is very indifferent, so does not care, the previous scene.

He asked: "people think that a food is delicious. In fact, smell accounts for a larger proportion than taste. Therefore, animals with a keen sense of smell like dogs are far happier than us in diet."

"is this idea right, and if it's wrong, what's wrong?"

What Wang Kang asked seems to have enlightened the abbot monk.

And Wang Kang then said, "the body is a bodhi tree, and the heart is like a mirror platform. Brush it frequently, so as not to cause dust? Now, I'll send you a few words too! "

Wang Kang looked at the monk and said, "Bodhi is not a tree, and the mirror is not a stage."

Hearing this, he was a plain monk, and his face was shocked.

That originally sullen good energy, such as the top, stay on the spot!

The other monks, who seem to have a clear understanding and are not sure, put down their long sticks and scratch their ears!

But Wang Kang then said: "originally, there was nothing. Where could it cause dust?"

There are no trees in Bodhi, and the bright mirror is not a platform.

It's nothingness. What dust will there be?

it's totally opposite to what the great monk said before, but the artistic conception is many times higher!

The heart is dust-free, dust is the heart. If you don't care, you will die


the great monk put his hands together, and then he suddenly pointed out. With his pointing, the stone tablet in front of the house quietly broke


Seeing this, shanneng monk suddenly opened his mouth.

"After studying Buddhism for several years, it's not as good as the little benefactor's clear phrase."

the great monk sighed with a low voice: "the dust is inside, the heart is outside, often peel it, no dust, no heart..."

"In that case, I'm really wrong!"

"Zen should be won by the little benefactor. This piece of bitter grass should belong to him."

"Thank you, master."

Wang Kang said with a smile, "I know that master is happy with it. What's the meaning of just chewing? When I make it, I'll send it to master and guarantee it's beautiful!"

"Don't you know how to use the bitter grass?" The great monk understood what Wang Kang said.

"That's nature," Wang said with a smile.

It must be different to make tobacco from tobacco.

"Then I'll look forward to it." The great monk said with a smile, and then he said, "in fact, I have a relationship with the little benefactor."

Hearing this, Wang Kang was puzzled. He had heard it once before. He thought it was polite, but now the monk said it again. It seemed that he didn't mean anything.

He asked suspiciously, "I don't know what the master said?"

The great monk said with a smile: "a few months ago, I went down the mountain to Yangzhou city. I met a son and gave him a life This son is quite entangled with the little benefactor. He is strong and weak, and he is strong and weak... ""Now I see the little benefactor's great fortune is on the rise. That son must be the west mountain of rimu now..."

"Are you the master of criticizing Dong Qian?"

Hearing this, Wang Kang suddenly surprised.

From the beginning of following Dong Qian, Wang Kang had already noticed that Dong Qian had been targeting him.

This kind of targeting is unreasonable.

Later, I learned that Dong Qian believed in these theories. Liu Shan's last letter once said that Dong Qian would not have targeted him.

Because at that time, Wang Kang was just a notorious black sheep, while Dong Qian, as the son of the censor, was well-known and well-known.

How to look at it, Wang Kang and it is not a progression, he is absolutely impossible, deliberately targeted.

However, according to Liu Shan's letter, Dong Qian recruited a master to criticize him. Since then, he has repeatedly dealt with Wang Kang.

I want to die again.

After listening to what the great monk said, he immediately responded.

He looked at it in a daze. So, the great monk was the one who made him cross?

Because of his criticism, Dong Qian, aiming at Wang Kang, instigates Liu Cheng to pull the unfortunate man to put a paper kite in a thunderstorm, until the unfortunate man is killed by lightning.

From this his soul came

The theory of fate is really magical and ethereal.

Wang Kang can't help sighing

"The little benefactor is really smart..." The great monk said with a smile, which shows that he has admitted.

This guy is definitely an expert. Wang Kang has no doubt about that.

There are less than ten people in the small temple. They are all martial arts masters, and the good one is still first-class.

What is the abbot?

Thinking of this, Wang Kang wanted to win over. If the great monk is really a master of martial arts?

With such a person, you can top a thousand soldiers!

Wang Kang said with a smile, "do you like chicken?"

"Ah?" The great monk hesitated slightly, and then said, "a little happy, a little happy,"

"but I will do something to ensure that the master has never eaten. I don't know if the master is interested?"

Smelling speech, the big monk looked at Wang Kang with a smile, "my mouth is very selective."

"Ha ha!"

"I can make you find no fault when you are picky."

Wang Kang said with a smile: "master Guan is not rigidly attached to the secular rites. Isn't it boring to be in Gushan Temple? Why don't you go to Xinfeng County for a few days?"