These monks are really not good friends. If they don't agree with each other, they will fight

Li Qingman takes a few steps out of the room without any trace. The Dagger's eyes are gradually cold. Several dark guards who come with him also look around.

Zhou Qing was in front of Wang Kang,

it seemed that the battle would break out in an instant.

At this time, Wang Kang suddenly said, "what are you doing? Although the temple is small, it also has a Buddha. How can we use force in front of the Buddha? In fact, his original intention is to be afraid of fighting and destroying the tobacco?

It's hard to meet, but we can't let it go.

This sentence relaxed the tense atmosphere a lot. The bald monk looked at Wang Kang dumbly. This sentence was really in his heart.

He said with his hands: "listen to this, the little benefactor also understands. Now that he knows it, let's go back."

"you can go back, but the tobacco," Wang Kang said, "Oh, the bitter grass you call, I have to."

"Don't say much, benefactor. Please come back!"

The bald monk said directly.

"I think your temple is really dilapidated. Why don't I pay a sum of money to repair it?" Wang Kang is a Taoist again.


"How about some incense money?"


"Why don't I build a nunnery next to your temple? There's also a speaker... "

The bald monk said with a black face, "no!"

No, no,

this guy really doesn't get any oil and salt, and Wang Kang was a little annoyed. He said directly, "tell me, how can I give these bitter herbs to me?"

"This bitter grass is necessary for us to meditate every day, and it's also useful for elder martial brother abbot."

the bald monk said directly: "benefactor, don't be paranoid!"

Hearing this, Wang Kang said angrily, "as a monk, you need to refresh yourself with bitter herbs. What kind of meditation is this

He doesn't have to think about it. These monks use tobacco to refresh themselves on one hand, but the bigger reason may be addiction.

Maybe they unconsciously take off a piece of tobacco leaf and chew it in their mouth. Because of its strong stimulation, it just plays the role of restoring physical strength and refreshing.

So they often pick to chew, more times, it becomes a hobby.

Because tobacco has a certain degree of addiction, just like smoking.

In other words, these monks are probably old smokers.

Is this still meditation, self-cultivation?

Wang Kang thought and asked directly, "why do you sit in meditation?"

The monk was stunned, and then said, "to be aware, one must meditate."

After hearing this, Wang Kang shook his head disdainfully. Seeing this, the monk asked, "look at what the benefactor said to me, do you disdain me?"

"Yes Wang Kang admitted directly.

The monk's face was expressionless, but the other monks looked at Wang Kang with sullen faces.

"Does the benefactor know Zen?" Asked the monk.

"A little bit."

Hearing the words, even the monks' self-cultivation can't help laughing, and other monks present are even more disdainful of ridicule.

The monk shook his head and said, "look at how you dress. You are noble. You should be a rich family. What do you know about Zen?"

"I don't know much, but I know better than you do!" Wang Kang is very frank.

"Then I'll ask. What's the benefactor's opinion?"

He said so, but there was a mockery in his eyes.

"As you said just now, it is necessary to meditate when you are conscious?"

Wang Kang opened his mouth and said, "Tao comes from the heart. Is it sitting?"

"It's a rotten bone to be born with and die with. What is meritorious service?"

The monk was stunned!

Other monks, too, looked at Wang Kang in a daze.


Does he really know Zen?

Born to lie down or not to sit down or not to lie down or not to sit down or not to sit down or not to sit down or not to sit down or not to sit down or not to sit down or not to sit down or not to sit down or not to sit down or not to sit down or not to sit down or not to sit down?

It's hard for outsiders to understand it. They can't understand it, but those who really understand it can understand it. This is a wonderful Zen saying

Many eminent monks are hard to say.

The meaning of this Zen saying can be explained as: a rotten bone is a perishable external appearance. If the Dharma appearance who adheres to meditation does not understand Zen, it means that he was born not to sit down and died not to sit down.

in this case, on the other hand, if you think about it in this way, which of the four six Chinese and foreign false combinations is building merit? What's the right way?

If you sit in meditation, you can't sit out. If you sit in Buddhism, the Buddha has no appearance and no fixed manner, how can you sit out?

Do you sit in meditation or Buddhism?

It is impossible to achieve Buddhahood through Zen.

The monk murmured and immediately understood the meaning. He looked at Wang Kang in horror.

"Do you really know Zen?"

Wang Kang light way: "I already said, I don't quite understand, but understand more than you!"This Zen saying comes from master Huineng, the sixth patriarch. It's not a small idea to deal with you?

I didn't want to hit you in the face, but you gave me a chance!

Seeing this scene, not only the monks, but also Zhou Qing, dagger Fu and others were foolish. They looked at Wang Kang with adoration.

They don't understand what they are talking about, but they don't feel sharp. Just look at the monk's expression.

Li Qingman, on the other hand, laughs. She knows that Wang Kang can bring shock to others.

"What? Are you speechless? " Looking at the startled monk, Wang Kang said with a smile.

The monk's face was suddenly ugly. He made up his mind and retorted: "I don't agree with the benefactor's words, and I never thought about meditating on Buddhism..."

Sitting is just a means, a way... "

"Well said,"

"talking about Zen with martial uncle shanneng, isn't it out of your capacity?"

"Let's see how this sub interface works!"

Before Wang Kang spoke, several monks around said.

This is a temple. They are people who practice meditation. They are good at it in their own place. If they are won by others, they are good at it.

That's a real slap.

Even a monk can't escape these.

But Wang Kang looked at the monk and shook his head: "you are wrong again!"

"I was wrong again?"

The monk was dull and then asked angrily, "what's wrong?"

"As you said before, sitting is only a means and a way, which is wrong in itself!"

Wang Kang said directly: "sitting is only for Zen. Sitting is an opportunity, not an end, not a way. Zen is an end, Zen is a pure mind, it is to break the mind."

"Sitting is the opportunity, Zen is the purpose..."

The monk murmured again, and the look in his eyes became more and more complicated and unbelievable.

he never thought that he had been practicing Zen for many years, but he had been told that he was not confident

Other monks, at the moment, are completely speechless.

But Wang Kang didn't pay attention to it. He stepped forward and looked at the monk closely. He said frankly, "only when you can realize your true nature can you enter the realm of Zen."

"you should understand that grinding bricks can't become a mirror, and sitting down can't become a Buddha!"

These words made the monk suddenly in a trance and retreat again and again!

"If you grind bricks, you will not become a mirror. If you sit down, you will not become a Buddha." Well, little benefactor, you were modest before. You don't know much about it, but you know it very well! "

Just then, a room opposite the gate of the temple opened, and a voice came out