It's night, it's silence!

Only the voice of the rare brush reminds me of the gathering of figures from all over the country. The direction is the county government of Xinfeng County!

Today's Fuyang count house!

Black moon, high wind, killing night!

Shi Yong's eyes are cold and full of killing intention. It's him who leads the team tonight. Shi Jian is not in the future, but in his hometown.

There are nearly 100 mountain bandits, who are two-thirds of the people in qingyakou. He vowed to step down the count's residence and kill a bloody one.

Shi Yong didn't attack rashly. He didn't mean that Shi Feng was brave and resourceless, but he wanted to have all-round strategies.

Outside the Earl's residence, Shi Yong is waiting in a private house. This is a stronghold of qingyakou mountain bandits in Xinfeng County. It is usually used to connect with Xu Yun.

Not long ago, a man came in, dressed as ordinary people, belonging to the kind of people who are insignificant in the crowd.

"The second leader has made it clear that more than half of the soldiers Wang Kang brought are patrolling inside and outside the city, and the others don't know," the man reported, "so at the moment, there are only more than 100 people in the county government!"

"What's the situation in Yamen?" Shi Yong asked again.

"In the afternoon, he was cleaning up and taking over government affairs, but Wang Kang didn't show up."

"It's said that he brings dozens of people with him. I'm afraid he's happy in gentle country now. He's really a rich young master and a black sheep."

Shi Yong hummed coldly: "he wants to occupy Xinfeng County with only a few people. He really thinks too much!"

This is the practice of Xinfeng County. Before a new magistrate took office, he would be robbed by mountain bandits on the first night.

This is also the reason why several county magistrates can not be appointed.

Xinfeng County has always been in charge of bandits!

"Tell the brothers to get ready to fight!" Shi Yong gave an order and walked out of the room.

With his going out, the mountain bandits hiding around the corner all walked out. They were all carrying bright knives.

Shi Yong raised his head. The moon is in the middle of the sky, and it's almost midnight. It's time for people to relax. Of course, it's also a good time to kill people.

He waved to start.

All the bandits walked lightly. Although they were bandits, they were well-trained and didn't make a sound when they walked.

Outside the mansion, Shi Yong jumps up to the wall. At first sight, there are several soldiers standing in the courtyard. They are supposed to be inspectors, but they seem to be dozing.

Shi Feng disdains to smile. He is really an old soldier. He is so lax that Xu Yun is so nervous.

The first night is a good time to attack. I'm afraid Wang Kang didn't expect their revenge to come so fast.


Shi Yong gave an order and took the lead in jumping into the courtyard. As he jumped from all sides of the courtyard wall, the patrolling soldiers in the courtyard still didn't respond.

Several mountain bandits quietly felt behind them, took out daggers and thrust them directly into the soldiers' throats.

It's too easy. The mountain bandit shakes his head. Can these people kill all the three leaders?

Why? How come there's no blood?

The mountain bandit found something unusual and stabbed it with a dagger. The soldier didn't react at all, and he didn't even see blood.

The bandit kicked him, and the soldier flew straight up. Then he saw a few weeds falling out of it

Is it a dummy?

The bandit was surprised to see that there was a stake under the place where he kicked.

No, it's ambush!

The bandits suddenly rioted, and the same thing happened in several other places.

Shi Yong was suddenly surprised. No wonder he saw that the soldiers were shaking all the time. He turned out to be a grasshopper, but he was covered in armor.

Under the dark night, it was impossible to see clearly.

"Hiss! Hiss

At this time, a series of breaking the wind sounded, heard Shi Yong scalp numb, this is the sound of bow and arrow.

We're in ambush!


Soon someone was hit by an arrow and screamed, and the mountain bandits were in a mess. The night when the black wind was high and the night when people killed was the night when they were killed

Peripheral vision is not clear, the enemy is dark and I am clear.

"Protect the second master!" Someone yelled, and suddenly all the bandits gathered around Shi Yong.

"Whoosh! Whoosh

The arrows kept ringing, and all the bandits responded with knives, but the arrows were too dense, and some people were still shot to the ground.

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer people around him, Shi Yong's face became more and more ugly. It turned out that people had long thought that they would attack and had already made arrangements.

"Withdraw! Get out of here

Shi Yong shouts, if you don't withdraw, you can't do it, otherwise everyone will be here.

They fought and retreated. Fortunately, they were close to the courtyard wall, which made it easy for them to escape.

But wait outside, but directly silly!

Outside the county government, there was a bright scene. Torches were held high all around. You can see clearly that all soldiers were armed!In a dark circle, all the private soldiers brought by the Earl's house were there. In the middle of the circle stood a rich young master, surrounded by the gorgeous Li Qingman.

Shi Yong recognized it at a glance. This rich young master is Wang Kang!

"Kill me!"

Wang Kang light spit out a sentence, make the original quiet night suddenly more a kind of killing gas!


The private soldiers of the Earl's house yelled and rushed to kill the bandits.

"Killing one is enough, killing two makes one!"

Shi Yong yelled, he can only say so, because there is no other way out.

After more than 100 bandits were shot and killed in the county government, half of them were left.

Now in the face of more than a few times the count house private soldiers, simply can not resist!

Another one-sided massacre!

Wang Kang looked coldly without any fluctuation in his eyes. Nie Zhongxing, a native of Xinfeng County, didn't know the secret rules here.

On the first night when a new official takes office, he will be taken care of by bandits.

And he killed the third leader of qingyakou mountain bandits. Can they not retaliate?

This is obvious.

So he made preparations ahead of time and mobilized a large number of soldiers around the county to confuse the bandits Waiting for them to take the bait.

They came as he expected.

It's not that Wang Kang is clever, but that he understands the mountain bandit's mind, the three brothers of the stone family? Let's lose one of you today.

The battle lasted for a while and was over. Even Shi Yong could not resist so many soldiers.

His martial arts is not as good as Shi fenggao, because what he is good at is strategy

Wang Kang comes to Shi Yong's body. At the moment, his whole body is full of wounds, and his whole body is red with blood.

Wang Kang squatted down and whispered to him: "since I came to Xinfeng County, the sky here has changed. Your rules have become the past, and I will become the new rules!"

"Don't worry, before long, your elder brother Shi Jian will come to accompany you!"


For a moment, Shi Yong's eyes were wide open. He had already died. He couldn't close his eyes!


Wang Kang stood up and said in a cold voice, "cut off all the bandits' heads. I'm going to build a capital building temple."