Wang Kang's voice is low and his words are full of pearls. It's shocking!

"Yes, every word is right!"

"Although I don't know many words, I feel that what he said should be right!"

"He's reciting without writing. That's the best thing!"

"And you don't see that? These rare words are not written at will, but in order and rhyme

People around Wang Kang's manuscripts are talking quietly while staring at each other

As for the four of Yu Hong, their faces were already like earth. They looked at each other and didn't know what to say?

Looking at Wang Kang reading in the courtyard, Yu Hong's eyes are full of panic.

From the beginning to the end, he was playing the role of a pig and eating a tiger. It was not the other people's way, but his own way.

But how could this be possible? Yu Hong felt a sense of desolation until now.

When will this black sheep have such ability? It's incredible!

People around him obviously have the same idea!

The results showed that the larvae of the two species were as follows: viper (L é I), viper (Hu ī), salted viper (Z ā) and larva (Ju é)

Wang Kang finally recited the last word, the whole courtyard was silent, people were still immersed in shock!


At this time, Cai he stroked his beard and opened his mouth with a smile. Even he was shocked by the scene. Some of the rare words written by Wang Kang were unknown to him.

What's more, he also found the most important point: those rare words are not written carelessly, but have a specific order and rhyme

This shows that Wang Kang is quite familiar with these words and has mastered them to a very deep level.

At his age, it's rare!

He used this way of mutual examination to test the literacy level of students and the storage of rare words of postgraduates. It is obvious that Wang Kang did both perfectly!

There is no one in the Academy who can control it!

"I think the result of this test is very obvious, and there is no need to compare the rest. The winner is Wang Kang of Earl's mansion!"

Cai he said in a deep voice: "that is to say, only he can enter our school. Other students, please come back!"

After hearing this, people's eyes subconsciously looked at Yu Hong four people!

Before, Yu Hong publicized his gambling agreement with Wang Kang to attract people's attention!

Only by waiting for him to win a big victory can Wang Kang lose face even more

Now it seems that this kind of behavior is extremely ridiculous.

According to the bet, the loser should stick a note on the back that I'm a dog and go around Yangzhou city. The bet is not heavy!

Even ordinary people are extremely shameful, let alone Yu Hong. He is the son of other drivers. What he loses is not only his own face!

And his father!

I'm a dog. It's not only an insult on one side, but also that they gathered around the assassin, listened to him and suppressed the Earl's house!

At that time, the whole Assassin's department will have no face!

Yu Hong obviously understood this truth. At the moment, his face was pale and his eyes were dazed. He wanted to cheat, but he had already signed a gambling agreement and pressed his fingerprints in black and white!

How can this be done?

"Young Master Yu!" At this time, Wang Kang cast his eyes on Yu Hong.

"I'll be waiting for you in the street after sunrise tomorrow! If you are willing to gamble, you will admit defeat! "

After listening to Wang Kang's words, Yu Hong almost didn't stand still. It's over! This is really over!

After tomorrow, he will be the laughing stock of the whole city, and his father doesn't know how to deal with him.

The other three were also earth colored, no longer swaggering.

"A lot of times, you have to pay for what you do," Wang Kang said faintly as he walked by Yu Hong's side, "don't provoke me, you can't provoke me!"


Yu Hong clenched his fist and his face turned red. This is the biggest insult to him!

But Wang Kang didn't look at him any more. He walked to Cai he and said politely, "students have seen Cai Shi!"

Cai he is the teacher of the Academy, and Wang Kang is the student of the Academy. This is also a proper name!

"Well," Cai he nodded with satisfaction.

"Hand over Wang Kang's handwritten works to the lecturers of the Academy for study, which will be a compulsory course for college students in the future..." Cai he phene said.

But this language is to make the people here again in an uproar, Academy must learn! It means that after that, all the students who come to the academy have to learn these rare words!

But these are written by Wang Kang. This honor is really too great. At least no student has reached this level.

"Mr. Cai's words are too heavy. They are just crude works. How can they be elegant?" Wang Kang was also surprised, then shook his head.

"It's not serious at all," Cai he said, and then said, "come in with me."Wang Kang followed him and followed Cai he into the house with many envious eyes.

Inside the house, the furnishings are simple, and the desk and chair are also common. Only one thing is that there is a large wooden bookshelf on the east wall of the house. The bookshelf is full of books with rich ink fragrance!

All of a sudden, Wang Kang's eyes coagulated. He saw that there were three Fuyang tabloids on the case. He also looked at the folds of the paper. Obviously, he had read it many times

As if to know Wang Kang's surprise, Cai he said with a smile: "the Fuyang tabloid you made is very good. I will buy it every issue."

"After each new issue, I'll send it to you." Wang Kang also said with a smile.

"So I'm not respectful." Cai he did not refuse, motioned Wang Kang to sit down.

"It's not surprising that my condition here is so poor that it's far worse than your Earl's house."

In private, Cai he doesn't have the dignity of being outside. Instead, he looks like an ordinary old man.

"The mountain is not high, the immortal is famous, the water is not deep, and the dragon is the soul. This is a humble house, but my Dexin," Wang Kang said with a smile.

After listening to this sentence, Cai he was slightly surprised and said, "good words and sentences, but I can't afford to be one."

"Mr. Cai didn't want to get involved in the court court battle. He was willing to give up his phase and devoted himself to his studies. I don't know how much better he was than those who fished for fame."

Wang Kang said in a deep voice: "naturally, you deserve this sentence!"

Hearing this, Cai he gave Wang Kang a deep look as if he wanted to get to know him again

After a while, he said with a smile: "your father said that you are naughty and don't know literature. He asked me to teach you tactics. Now it seems that you have cheated everyone!"

"It's your specialty to discuss strategies and write articles. Wang Kang also came here to ask for advice. This matter is very important to our Earl's residence," Wang Kang said with a salute. "I hope that Mr. Cai will not hesitate to give me advice!"

That's what Wang Kang does. Even though he is familiar with game theory, it's not an era after all. Naturally, he has to be open-minded to ask for advice.

"I will teach you when you come into our door," Cai he said in a deep voice, "but I have another question Even if we chat, of course you can choose not to answer. "

"Why did master Cai ask?" Wang Kang asked.

"What do you think of the fact that the emperor of Zhao cut off his vassal and cut off his nobles?"