Chapter 1980

What does he think she is and sell it for money?

I don't want to see you

Jian Shulei looked at the time. It was early in the morning. He was going to have a court session at dawn, and he had to prepare materials.

Now I'll go back to the lawyer's office and take a nap. I'll get up and get ready. I can still make it.

Today's lawsuit is very important. He can't afford to lose.

Jane went to the bathroom to take a bath, put on her clothes and came out. She said, "we'll talk about it at home tonight."

Peihan's breathing is stagnant, so this man wants to go?

She was right. Jianshulei really left like this. It was very smart. It seemed that she had just finished a deal and left without any psychological burden.

As soon as the door closed, Peihan threw out his pillow. "Kill a thousand knife bastard!"

However, no one responded to her, only the empty room.

Peihan did not continue to cry, in fact, she should see clearly, men are like this, Qi Qiyan is like this, Jian Shulei is like this.

She wanted to take a bath, but she couldn't get up. She scolded the beast in jianshulei and almost killed her.

This is the consequence of long-term single men, too terrible!

Pei Han was staring out of the window for a long time before he realized that Jian Shulei's mood now should be quite complicated.

Not to mention Jian Shulei, she thought that Peihan's body was incomplete.

Who knew it would be the first time? She didn't know that!

Pei Han wiped his eyes. Forget it. It's a Cheap Book base.

She prayed in her heart that the real Peihan would be reincarnated as soon as possible and become a rich family with thousands of favours in the afterlife.

Pei Han wakes up. At ten o'clock in the morning, when his drinking is over, his brain gradually wakes up and reacts to what happened last night!

She thumped her head. Jian Shulei must have collapsed. She went on a blind date. As a result, the devil sent the two of them

She didn't dare to think that Jian Shulei was a wolf when she looked at Yi Jieshu!

Peihan takes a cool breath to take a bath. After a long time, he cleans up and goes out. Wearing a hat and sunglasses, he goes back to Jane's house, afraid of being photographed by the omniscient paparazzi.

When she just got back to Jane's home, the company suddenly called, and the agent crackled and said, "can you take care of yourself, how do you want to go home and toss again? Do you have to go to the hotel? It's like cheating! You couple are too exciting, and isn't Jane bookbase gay? How can I be with you So what? "

Peihan is at a loss. When she goes to watch the entertainment news, she is a fool.

She has been very careful, how can she still be photographed by paparazzi!!!

Peihan doesn't care to explain to her agent. She wants to ask what happened to Jian Shulei. It must be because he was careless when he went out that he was watched by paparazzi.

Who knows, Jane first hit her and asked coldly, "what do you want? It's really cruel to take the initiative to give the paparazzi information. "

Pei Han is too eloquent to say, "what can I tell paparazzi? Do you think I'm stupid? "

Jane said, "stay at home and wait for me."

Peihan just doesn't want to wait for him. Why should he listen to him?

She drove to Qin's house to meet wei ni. At the intersection, she saw two cars parked on the side of the road. She slammed on the brakes, turned and drove back.

Too terrible, the reporter squatted here, if she went to pick up wei ni, that is implicating wei ni!

Peihan parked her car in front of Jane's house. If it wasn't for the private places near Jane's house, she would be surrounded now!