Chapter 1728

Mrs. Cen didn't care about anything. She left the hotel and rushed to the hospital. On the road, she kept urging the driver, "Why are you so slow, waiting for the red light! Hurry up

Mrs. Chang asked her to calm down. "Madam, why don't we call the young master and ask about him! What Miss Wei said is not necessarily true. "

"It must not be true," said Mrs. Cen. "How could something happen to my husband?"

She said she didn't believe it, or she dialed Cen's number, but she didn't get through a few calls. The car finally got through when it was almost at the hospital.

As soon as Mrs. Cen heard her son's voice, she cried, "Qian, Ya Ya said you were hurt, very serious Wuwu, what's the matter? Tell mom the truth

CEN Qian voice is full of decadent coolness, "Mom, I'm sorry."

CEN madam brain buzz of a voice, "what meaning, why sorry?"

CEN said: "I'm already a waste, mom, I'm sorry for your upbringing, I'm sorry for the cen family."

CEN's wife fainted in the car, and Chang's sister-in-law pressed her desperately, "madam, madam! You can't fall down. The young master has children, and you have grandchildren! "

Mrs. Cen struggled back from the weightlessness of falling. "Yes, yes, we can't let Miao Zi apricot tire. Why is the car so slow? Hurry up!"

CEN Qian's voice came out from the phone, "sister Chang, do you think Miao Zi Xing is pregnant?"

Sister Chang picked up her mobile phone and said, "young master, you heard me right. Miss Miao is pregnant and wants to be an abortion We will certainly stop it. Don't worry, we will stop it! "

Mrs. Cen cried out: "what did I do wrong? Why did God do this to our Cen family?"

In the hotel, cen Zhipan didn't quarrel with his daughter-in-law. She asked Wei Diya: "where did you hear the news, what was attacked, and how about Yunjing?"

Yi Xu said, "speak quickly!"

Weidiya covered her ears. "Don't yell at me. I'm tired of not getting married."

Yi Xu pressed her on the chair, "make it clear to me!"

CEN Xinlin to check the international news, face worse and worse, "the attack is true, but temporarily did not publish the list of victims, it is estimated that there will be news at noon."

Mrs. song can't stay any longer. It's too frightening. It's better to leave early!

When Yi Xu went to see the news, she just brushed two pages and announced the death list.

No Yun Jing, no Cen Qian, no Jian family.

She comforted herself and said, "Yunjing will be fine. He called me last night. I'm sure it will be fine!"

CEN asked Wei Diya, "where did you hear that Jane's uncle was injured?"

Wei Diya was forced to have no way, said: "I know from Xing Ji, OK! I didn't tell anyone. Uncle Jane's injury will not be announced. You know it yourself. I'll go. "

Yi Xu held her: "what else did Xing Ji say? How about Yun Jing?"

CEN Xinlin said: "I just called Yunjing and didn't answer."

Yi Xu is flustered. Wei Diya has already left. She and her mother-in-law are anxious and restless. The second aunt calls Xing Ji again, but she still doesn't answer.

CEN Xinlin said: "we have no other way. Yixu, you and I will ask my uncle's secretary. There will always be someone who knows the inside information."

Yi Xu didn't want to talk to her mother-in-law any more. She said, "Mom, you should discuss with your aunt about the foundation. Since you have such a big opinion, I just asked."