Chapter 1620

Xue Zhibing touches the door frame. She knows that this is the prop warehouse. She remembers that there is a light beside the door.

But the light is broken, how to press it doesn't work.

There seems to be something wrong with the drainage of the roof. Water has been pouring into the house. Occasionally, lightning lights up. Xue Zhibing sees the water pouring in through the pipe.

It didn't take long for the rain to overflow her ankles. If it goes on like this, she will soon be drowned here.

Xue Zhibing shivers all over with cold. She gropes for something to pry open the window. She doesn't know what's crawling over her instep. It's wet and sticky. She screams and steps on the chair.

Lightning across, Xue Zhibing saw the water on the ground swimming more than a dozen mice, she collapsed and cried, "Qin Yuanyang, help me!"

When the name blurts out, she thinks that Qin Yuanyang and Ruolan are warm in the guest room

How can he come to save her? Maybe he won't know until she dies.

Xue Zhibing shakes and holds the stick in his hand. The mice in the water are also looking for a place to settle down. They climb up the chair one by one.

Xue Zhibing screamed and jumped down. She stepped on the box at random. The box tilted back and she fell heavily into the water.

The wet mouse crawls over her. Xue Zhibing's cry of panic and despair is mixed with the sound of rain. He doesn't hear anything outside.

Qin Yuanyang walked on the dock in the rain. His eyes searched on the shore and the sea. The rain flowed through his cold facial features. His deep eyes were more sharp in the rain, urgent and worried.

Nearby are the crew, everyone with a flashlight called Xue Zhibing's name, are no response.

There were several life buoys floating on the sea, but there was nothing different. Qin Yuanyang didn't dare to be careless and jumped down to look at the rocks.

Xing Ji said, "second young master, danger!"

Qin Yuanyang didn't listen. He looked at the nearby area in the waves, stretched his nerve and never let go of any doubts. Fortunately, he didn't find any sign of her.

"Xue Zhibing!"

He called her name in the rain, and no one responded except the sound of the rain and the shouts of the people around him.

When Qin Yuanyang returned to the dock, someone ran over and said, "president, we found a flashlight in the gap between the stones in the fork road!"

Without hesitation, Qin Yuanyang rushed back immediately. He went to the fork in the road and his eyes fell on the props warehouse.

The warehouse is crumbling under the heavy rain and seems to collapse at any time.

Qin Yuanyang felt uneasy. He strode to the door. His sensitive hearing recognized the fragile crying in the noisy rain.

"Xue Zhibing!" cried Qin Yuanyang

He kicked on the door, but the door didn't open. He stepped back and quickly kicked it heavily. "Clang" made a sound, and the door lock fell to the ground.

Qin Yuanyang went in and stepped over the high threshold. The water in it reached his legs.

Xue Zhibing didn't know whether it was him or not. She shrank on the box, covered her ears and didn't dare to listen to the mouse's cry, "Wuwu..."

The familiar voice fell in his ears. Qin Yuanyang's tense heart finally relaxed a little. He searched the warehouse and soon saw her.

The thin little woman was so cold that her face turned white and her eyes were full of fear.

Xue Zhibing looks at the source of the light beam and the figure. She knows who it is as soon as she sees it.

Her tears fell down and she cried in a hoarse voice: "Qin Yuanyang."

Qin Yuanyang was severely cut by something in his heart. He went to pick her up and said, "it's OK. I'm here."