Chapter 1431

The reporter is a ghost, "the young lady is the director of the Xianfang Association. Now that members of the association have such news, please respond."

Yi Xu then responded: "I read the news. Ms. Qi said at her birthday party that she likes young people I didn't expect to like so young! In fact, young master Kang is very good, that is, I don't know what Miss Qi Yuling will do in this way? "

The reporters made a sensation and asked, "is it true that my sister-in-law and I are fighting for a man, or the young master of Kang family?"

Yi Xu gently waved his hand and said with a smile: "I only know it by watching the news. I still have to ask the person concerned about the real situation, but it's a good thing to have good news. It's not easy for Ms. Qi to meet true love at her age. We are all looking forward to receiving the wedding invitation from the Qi family."

A bold reporter asked, "I don't know what Mr. Qi thinks?"

Yi Xu said innocently: "uncle? My uncle is sure to bless Ms. Qi, and he will be ready to give her a wedding present. "

Qin Yunjing said: "our Qin family will also send blessings. It's a good thing to meet true love at this age."

Yi Xu thought that her husband would not help. He would never say such nonsense. He didn't want to help now.

She laughed sweeter. She took Qin Yunjing's arm and said to the camera, "Ms. Qi, it's worth living when you meet true love. Age is really not a problem. Don't care about worldly eyes. Be brave to pursue your own happiness. Come on!"

This scene was played back and forth on Qi's TV, and old lady Qi smashed the TV.

"Son of a bitch, son of a bitch! Big sister and small sister wake up, bring them to see me

Qi Suwei and Qi Yuling are carried in by the servants. They have been struggling all night. Their souls have been out of their bodies for a long time, and they can't make any trouble.

Qi Suwei's eyes were swollen as walnuts when she cried. She climbed to her mother's side and said, "Mom, I really don't know what's going on. When we go there, someone will take us in and drink something. I don't know anything. What's said in the news is not true!"

Mrs. Qi took her last breath and said, "where's your brain growing? What kind of place did you go? How dare you drink the things there... "

After the accident last night, the Qi family sent someone to pick it up. They contacted the media all night to try to suppress the incident, but it didn't work. Now someone posted the video to the Internet!

Just half an hour, the major platforms crazy forwarding comments, not what they can suppress!

Qi Suwei and Qi Yuling are still in a daze when they are sent home. When they see a man, they rush up. Old lady Qi can't help slapping her twice, which is useless.

Qi Jianbo said: "I'm afraid that if I drink something, I'll send it to the hospital for blood test immediately! If I find evidence, I want this club to disappear in the imperial capital! "

The whole family rushed to the hospital, which was delayed for several hours. The blood test report showed no abnormality.

Qi old woman breathless, the doctor gave a needle to stabilize the heart rate, "evil ah, evil!"

They didn't stay in the hospital. It's a shame to take them home. Qi Suwei and Qi Yuling haven't returned to normal after sleeping in the middle of the night.

Qi asked: "Qiyan, what does PR say? Let the talking man and Kang Xueming All charges and frame up! "

Qi Qiyan was powerless. "This is a premeditation. As soon as the club happened last night, the media exposed it."