Chapter 1178

Qin Qingshuang shed a day of tears, she is not a cruel person, can't let the children grow up with different eyes.

In the evening, she decided to go to the hospital for examination first. It's impossible to say that the pregnancy test bar sometimes makes mistakes, in case she is not pregnant.

Qin Qingshuang so planned, thought of may not be pregnant, the heart is another taste.

She didn't know why she was suffering so much. Long ago, she thought that if she had a baby, her marriage might improve.

I didn't expect the baby would come after the divorce.

A child born because of a mistake will be really happy when he comes to the world.

Qin Qingshuang stayed at home for two days, and her grandmother, who was doting on her great grandson, noticed that something was wrong with her. Her grandmother called her to her room and said, "public relations are involved. No one will mention your business again. You can go to work or go out for a walk."

Grandma is not particularly kind-hearted, in her eyes, four girls are not so good, she is still different to the children at home.

Xiao Yilin's favorite is aunt four. He said, "where does aunt want to play? I'll accompany you."

The little guy just wanted to go out to play, but said that he wanted to accompany his fourth aunt. Qin Qingshuang was amused by the handsome boy and said, "aunt won't go to play for the time being. She will take Yi with her another day."

Xiao Yilin said to her grandmother, "I like to play with aunt four best."

The old lady then said to Qin Qingshuang kindly, "if you don't have anything else to do, you should bring Yi at home."

"I will."

Xiao Yilin goes back to his room with his aunt. Xiao Zui keeps talking about school and says, "Dad won't go to the company tomorrow. We're going to make a snowman in the back mountain. Will aunt go?"

Qin Qingshuang said, "it's a little cold in the back mountain, so my aunt won't go."

Xiao Yilin said, "aunt five wants to go, but I won't let her go."

Qin Qingshuang said with a smile, "tomorrow I will go out to do something. If I come back early, I will go to Houshan to play with you."


Qin Qingshuang in the network to find the hospital, she is the time of the news, do not know where to check to hide.

She didn't plan to let her family know about that night. She sent it to her home. What would the elders think of her if the daughter taught by the Qin family ruined herself like this.

She has been enough to let the family worry, do not want to bring any negative impact to the family because of herself.

Qin Qingshuang saw it for a long time, and chose an ordinary private hospital in the neighboring city, not far from the imperial capital. She only checked and did not register. Be careful, she should not be found by others.

The next morning, she simply packed up and carefully took away the garbage in the room to ensure that the cleaning servant would not find anything before driving out.

She threw the garbage to the non recyclable disposal point on the side of the road, and then moved to the station.

She stopped her car, put on her coat, hat and mask, and mingled with the crowd at the station without attracting anyone's attention.

Qin Qingshuang bought a high-speed rail ticket and arrived in Beiling city in about an hour. She took a taxi to the hospital.

The location of the hospital is relatively biased, ice and snow, the north wind is colder than the imperial capital.

She got out of the car and walked in. It was only a few short steps. She walked heavily and seemed to have expended all her strength.

Qin Qingshuang found the charge office and paid for the gynecological clinic.

When the nurses and doctors saw that she had no special reaction, when she was an ordinary citizen, she numbly issued a small ticket and a number, saying, "go left ahead and wait for a call."